
重点 (Top highlight)

I’d like to first acknowledge the fact that I’m incredibly thankful to be working at a company that supports the enrichment of their team through external education. I recognize that not everyone has the exposure nor the privilege to participate in these conferences, and am very grateful I was able to be in such enlightening environments.

我首先要承认一个事实,我非常感谢能够在一家通过外部教育来支持其团队充实的公司工作。 我认识到,不是每个人都有参加这些会议的机会,也没有特权参加这些会议,并且我非常感谢我能够在这样的启发性环境中工作。

By sharing my takeaways, I hope I can give others the same inspiration and resources I’d received from my attendance of these events. Find my recap notes from some of the talks of each event below!

通过分享我的要点,我希望我能给其他人同样的启发和资源,这些都是我从参加这些活动中获得的。 在下面每个活动的谈话中找到我的回顾笔记!

Awwwards数字思想家会议 (Awwwards Digital Thinkers Conference)

January 23rd-24th, 2020 • Tokyo, Japan • Website

2020年1月23日至24日•日本东京• 网站

摘要 (Summary)

Awwwards Digital Thinkers Conference will forever hold the title as the first conference I’ve attended as a full-time designer; in retrospect, this was admittedly an amazing introductory experience. From the first time I landed on the website, I was already impressed by the high attention-to-detail the organizers put into this initiative. The talented speakers, diversity in talks, and the quality of presentations refocused the needle of my career map and elevated the bar for the quality of work I want to produce in future years. It was very inspiring to see stunning reels from the best agencies and freelancers in the industry.

Awwwards数字思想家会议 作为我作为专职设计师参加的第一次会议,它将永远拥有该头衔; 回想起来,这无疑是一次了不起的介绍性体验。 自从我第一次登陆该网站以来,组织者对该计划的高度关注就给我留下了深刻的印象。 才华横溢的演讲者,演讲的多样性以及演讲的质量使我的职业生涯重新聚焦,并提高了我未来几年要完成的工作质量的标准。 看到业内最好的代理商和自由职业者所制作的令人惊叹的卷轴,这非常令人鼓舞。

Another digital poster for the Awwwards Conference

Attending a conference abroad in Tokyo offered a unique experience hard to replicate elsewhere. The large majority of the audience and speakers were Japanese and being exposed to their culture and approach to design was incredibly inspiring. It reflected, to me, the fact that design is a universal field that surpasses language barriers. With translation tools, we were able to come together in learning from our multi-tongued array of speakers.

在东京参加国外的会议提供了独特的体验,很难在其他地方复制。 绝大多数的听众和演讲者都是日本人,他们的文化和设计方法令人鼓舞。 在我看来,这反映了一个事实,即设计是一个超越语言障碍的通用领域。 借助翻译工具,我们能够从多语种的扬声器中学习。

A small detail I also really enjoyed was the interesting way in which organizers generated conversation starters. On everyone’s attendee badges, there was a small miniature cartoon printed on the bottom right corner. Only one other attendee at the large conference had the same one; if we found “our match,” we were rewarded with prizes. This made it easy and fun for everyone to talk to those around us and form new connections.

我也非常喜欢的一个小细节是组织者生成对话启动器的有趣方式。 在每个与会者的徽章上,右下角印有一个小型微型卡通。 大型会议上只有其他一位与会者有同一位与会者。 如果找到“我们的比赛”,我们将获得奖励。 这使每个人都可以轻松有趣地与周围的人交谈并建立新的联系。

克劳迪奥·古列里 ( Claudio Guglieri) —巨大的橡木| 网站 (Claudio Guglieri— Huge Oak | Website)

“The First of Everything”


Charlie boldly stated that history has proven that the most creative time periods were ones when creatives were given an active forum to share ideas and work with one another. Thus, we’re living in an age now where being creative should be the easiest… right? A contrarian to this opinion, he explained how we are being bombarded with inspiration in today’s time and how it’s the #1 enemy of creativity. To him, creativity is a hack and we should not cling too deeply onto things we see in our circles, yet instead add our own flavors to our designs. Like sugar, a little bit of inspiration can give you a kick, but have too much and you’ll get sick and unmotivated.

查理大胆地指出,历史证明,最具创造力的时间段是向创造者提供一个积极的论坛来共享思想并相互合作的时期。 因此,我们现在生活的时代应该是最容易具有创造力的…… 对吧 ? 与这种观点相反,他解释了当今时代我们是如何受到启发的,以及它是创造力的第一敌人。 对他来说,创造力是hack,我们不应该太固执己见,而应该在设计中添加自己的风格。 像糖一样,一点点灵感可以给您带来刺激,但是如果灵感太多,您就会生病并且失去动力。

“Creativity is not talent; it’s a process that’s can constantly be refined.”

“创造力不是人才; 这是一个可以不断完善的过程。”

Claudio presenting at Awwwards Tokyo

He continued this idea by explaining the “Rubber Band Effect of Inspiration” where your work is a build-up of what has already existed. The more you go back, the more you move forward in finding that lightbulb moment. To him, ideas are just new combinations, an amalgamation of old ideas. The ability to see these relationships increases your ability to create ideas as well as being in an environment where creativity can happen.

他通过解释“灵感的橡皮筋效应”延续了这一想法,其中您的工作是对已有知识的积累。 您回退的次数越多,发现灯泡瞬间的动作就越多。 对他来说,创意只是新的组合,是旧创意的结合。 看到这些关系的能力提高了您创造想法的能力,并且使您处于可能发生创造力的环境中。

Yeka Haski,艺术家和插画家| 网站 (Yeka Haski, Artist and Illustrator | Website)

“Character Design”


I was blown away by Yeka’s gallery of character illustrations and found the story she told of her recent struggle as a designer very relatable. When she first moved to Tokyo, she was captivated by the myriad of characters she saw plastered across the city. However, she slowly fell into a depressive episode since it felt as though all possible characters had already been created; it seemed there was no potential for her to make a breakthrough in this field. As designers, we can all relate to that anxiety of ideating a masterpiece when it seems as though our industry is already saturated with ideas already taken.

叶卡(Yeka)的人物插图画廊让我震惊,发现她讲述自己最近作为设计师的挣扎的故事非常贴切。 当她第一次搬到东京时,她被整个城市贴满的无数角色迷住了。 但是,她慢慢陷入了令人沮丧的情节,因为感觉好像已经创造了所有可能的角色。 她似乎没有潜力在这一领域取得突破。 作为设计师,当我们的行业似乎已经被已经接受的想法所浸透时,我们都可以想到构思杰作的焦虑。


What I found empowering was that Yeka was able to spin this situation and turn it into an opportunity for growth. She began to draw a single character each day and started an Instagram account to record all of her work. She’s been at it since April 2018 and now has an entire collection to show off. These vivid, funky characters opened doors to many new opportunities for her and reframed her thinking of the creative process.

我发现增强能力是,Yeka能够扭转这种局面并将其转化为增长的机会。 她开始每天画一个单一的角色,并开设了一个Instagram帐户来记录她的所有作品。 自2018年4月以来,她一直在这里工作,现在有一个完整的系列可以炫耀。 这些生动,时髦的角色为她打开了许多新机会的门,并重新塑造了她对创作过程的思考。

我真正喜欢的其他谈话: (Other talks I really enjoyed:)

  • “How to Show Useless Things on the Internet” by Marina Fujiwara

    通过“如何在互联网上显示无用的东西” 藤原码头

    Check out her


    YouTube Channel to see how she uses applies design in a comedic, light-hearted way with her robotic creations.

    YouTube频道 ,看看她如何运用喜剧,轻松的方式将应用设计应用于机器人创作。

  • “Crafting Collective Creativity in Tokyo” by Georgi Roberts & Asako Tomotani

    乔治·罗伯茨 ( Georgi Roberts)和浅谷朝子(Asako Tomotani)的 “在东京 打造 集体创造力”

    Listen to their


    talk where they share real life examples of building design-driven solutions across digital production, branding and video production.


设计很重要东京弹出窗口 (Design Matters Tokyo Pop-Up)

January 29th-30th, 2020 • Tokyo, Japan • Website

2020年1月29日至30日•日本东京• 网站

Design Matters Tokyo Pop-Up digital poster

摘要 (Summary)

My write-up will be based solely on the first half of Design Matters Tokyo as I was only able to attend Day 1. It, however, certainly did not stop me from meeting very cool designers from across the world during the coffee breaks (Portugal, Thailand, Denmark, and Japan to name a few).


What I liked most about this conference was that it integrated workshops into the schedule, making the day both engaging and interactive. As an attendee, I not only had insights thrown in my direction, but I was also able to apply techniques the speakers use in their daily processes in group activities. I also enjoyed the fact that most of these speakers were also from companies with in-house design teams, making their takeaways applicable and relatable to my day-to-day processes in my role.

我最喜欢这次会议的地方是它将研讨会整合到日程安排中,使这一天既有趣又互动。 作为与会者,我不仅向自己的方向提出了见解,而且还能够运用演讲者在小组活动中日常工作中所使用的技术。 我也很享受这样一个事实,即这些演讲者中的大多数也来自拥有内部设计团队的公司,这使他们的外卖活动适用于我,并与我的日常工作相关。

Because the audience size was a good size, it was also comfortable to facilitate more intimate conversations with those around. At the end of the day, I was even able to meet Michael Christiansen, the organizer of the Design Matters conferences, and chat about our times in Tokyo.

由于受众群体规模适中,因此与周围的人进行更亲密的对话也很舒服。 最终,我什至可以见到了Design Matters会议的组织者Michael Christiansen,并聊了我们在东京的时光。

Figma产品副总裁Yuhki Yamashita (Yuhki Yamashita, VP of Product at Figma)

“Redesigning Design”


Yuhki’s talk centered on the main ways design has changed in today’s modern day. The first?

Yuhki的演讲集中在当今现代设计发生变化的主要方式上。 首先?

“Design was pixel-pushing; design is now problem solving.”

“设计是推像素的; 设计现在可以解决问题。”

He explained that design systems have shaped the speed and methodology in which we’re building designs — these well thought-out smaller pieces are legos of bigger, grander designs. Secondly, automation has made our process much easier. Take Mapsicle for example — creatives no longer have to find images of different locations, but can instead create and import them directly with a plugin. Lastly, he believed that open-source libraries are the reason why we’re able to build so quickly. With public design systems so readily available, we no longer have to start from scratch to craft more complex designs. Thus, because designers are no longer spending time pushing pixels, there’s more time to iterate faster on ideas, and, ultimately, for problem-solving.

他解释说,设计系统已经改变了我们构建设计的速度和方法论-这些经过深思熟虑的较小作品是大型,宏伟设计的乐高积木。 其次,自动化使我们的流程更加容易。 以Mapsicle为例-广告素材不再需要查找不同位置的图像,而是可以直接使用插件创建和导入它们。 最后,他认为开放源代码库是我们能够如此快速构建的原因。 有了如此容易获得的公共设计系统,我们不再需要从头开始制作更复杂的设计。 因此,由于设计人员不再花时间推动像素发展,因此有更多的时间更快地迭代想法,并最终迭代解决问题。

Comparison between former collaboration between designers, PMs, and engineers

Yuhki stresses the notion that designers are no longer the only ones working in the file. Designers, PMs, and engineers are also providing design critique and feedback, making the conversation a collaborative discussion in today’s world. This places the importance on tools that offer real-time multi-user functionalities such as Figma that shape the design process to be that much quicker and effective. Additionally, the ease that a platform offers to easily design together to achieve a solution is invaluable to the timeliness and quality of that final outcome.

Yuhki强调了这样一个概念,即设计师不再是文件中唯一的工作人员。 设计师,项目经理和工程师还提供设计评论和反馈,使对话成为当今世界的协作讨论。 该形状设计过程中更Swift,有效,提供实时的多用户功能这对工具的重要性,如FIGMA。 此外,平台提供的轻松轻松地共同设计以实现解决方案的便利性对于最终结果的及时性和质量而言非常宝贵。

我真正喜欢的工作坊: (Workshops I really enjoyed:)

  • “Writing for Humans” by Andrew Schmidt

    安德鲁·施密特 ( Andrew Schmidt)的 《为人类写作

    Learn more about the basics of UX writing in this


    helpful tutorial.

    有用的教程 。

  • “Empathy in Design” by Julie SøgaardLearn more about how others do laundry in this workshop.

    朱莉·索加德(JulieSøgaard)的 “设计中的Empathy” 在此研讨会上了解有关他人如何洗衣服的更多信息。

Figma配置 (Figma Config)

February 6th, 2020 • San Francisco, CA • Website

2020年2月6日•加利福尼亚州旧金山• 网站

Figma Config’s branding style
Figma Config的品牌风格

摘要 (Summary)

I was first heard about this event from a Slack message sent to me by a coworker. While my experience with Figma hadn’t been extensive, I applied to attend as I was keen on learning what the capabilities of the application were and how it could affect my day-to-day process at work. This one-day user conference not only opened my eyes to the power of this innovative platform, but also provoked striking discussions in my head as to how we should operate as designers in a future full of wicked problems. Special thanks to Figma for selecting me for a scholarship to attend; you can find a recording of the keynote talks here.

我是通过同事发送给我的Slack消息第一次听说此事件的。 虽然我对Figma的经验还不是很广泛,但是由于我渴望了解应用程序的功能以及它如何影响我的日常工作,所以我申请参加。 这场为期一天的用户会议不仅让我看到了这个创新平台的强大功能,而且还激起了关于如何在未来充满严重问题的情况下以设计师的身份开展工作的激烈讨论。 特别感谢Figma选择我参加奖学金; 您可以在此处找到主题演讲的录音。

Another graphic representing Figma’s branding

Craig Mod | 网站 (Craig Mod | Website)

“Two Books and a Long Walk”


Craig focuses his talk on impactful side projects he’s worked on the last couple years — the first being a book that he made while he was working at Flipboard documenting exhaustion of outputs: Github commits, mockups of screen designs, and the sorts. He revealed this artifact to his team after an important launch, stirring strong emotions in the room to the point where tears were shed. He continues to explain that, since then, the value of the book has only increased. This is due in part to the it’s impossible to go back in time — you can only change the latest version of the app today and, due to various constraints, can never really experience it the same way again as devices themselves are constantly changing.

克雷格(Craig)的演讲重点是他在过去几年中从事的富有影响力的副项目–第一本是他在Flipboard上工作时写的一本书,记录了输出的精疲力尽:Github提交,屏幕设计的模型和种类。 在一次重要的发射之后,他向团队展示了这件文物,在房间里激起了强烈的情绪,甚至流下了眼泪。 他继续解释说,从那时起,这本书的价值才增加了。 这部分是由于无法及时回溯–您只能今天更改该应用程序的最新版本,并且由于各种限制,由于设备本身不断变化,因此再也无法真正以相同的方式体验它。

Through this example, Craig highlighted the importance of self-reflection on the products we’re building and the increase of self-awareness. By converting digital productivity into a physical product, he was able to more accurately understand the impact him and his team really made in those early years at Flipboard. Since most of our outputs day-to-day live in a digital context, the value of building shape to your work and community is ever more important because “our minds will lie to us later” — a consequence of our short-term memory.

在这个例子中,克雷格(Craig)强调了对我们正在生产的产品进行自我反思的重要性以及提高自我意识的重要性。 通过将数字生产力转换为实际产品,他能够更准确地了解他和他的团队在Flipboard成立初期的真正影响。 由于我们日常的大多数输出​​都生活在数字环境中,因此为您的工作和社区构建形状的价值变得越来越重要,因为“我们的思想稍后会骗我们”是我们短期记忆的结果。

here at Craig’s blog位置在克雷格的博客

我真正喜欢的其他谈话: (Other talks I really enjoyed:)

  • “Creating Illustration Systems that Work for Everyone” by Bonnie Kate Wolf

    Bonnie Kate Wolf的 “创建适合所有人的插图系统”

    Check out her


    Figma file that contains slides from the talk she gave.


  • “Remote control: How NPR conducts usability testing” by Irene KimFind the slides from her talk here in this Figma file here.

    Irene Kim的 “远程控制:NPR如何进行可用性测试” 查找幻灯片从她在这FIGMA文件在这里谈谈这里 。

If you found this piece helpful, I’d definitely recommend attending some conferences this year and sharing takeaways of your own. Venture out, meet some cool people, and get inspired.

如果您觉得这篇文章对您有帮助,我绝对会建议您参加今年的一些会议,并分享您自己的收获。 冒险,结识一些很酷的人,并得到启发。

Thank you to Braden Thuraisingham and Nelle McDade for helping me revise early drafts of this piece. If you’d like to reach out, you can find me on my website or on Instagram. Follow my newsletter to keep up-to-date on my newest blog posts and links to provoking stories.

感谢Braden Thuraisingham和Nelle McDade帮助我修改了本文的早期草稿。 如果您想联系我们,可以在我的网站或Instagram上找到我。 关注我的时事通讯,以随时了解我最新的博客文章以及指向发人深省的故事的链接。

All opinions are my own, views are my own, opinions and any advice given here are my own and do not represent an official statement by my employer, etc.





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