
Social networks are always trying to get you to “engage” more with their service and recently, Twitter has introduced a new trick: Highlights notifications.


Highlights are, in theory, content Twitter thinks you’ll want to see because of some secret algorithm. If a few people you follow all share the same link or have a conversation, you might get a notification, like the one below, telling you about it—even if you had no interaction with the tweet yourself.

从理论上讲,重点是Twitter认为由于某种秘密算法而您希望看到的内容。 如果您关注的几个人都共享相同的链接或进行了对话,则可能会收到一条通知,如下图所示,它会告诉您有关该消息的信息,即使您自己没有与该推文进行交互。

For the time being, Highlights are only available in the official iOS and Android mobile apps, but they may make their way to the other platforms soon.


Unfortunately, there’s not a lot you can do about Highlights. You can’t turn them off completely. The best you can do is ask Twitter to show them less often and turn off the push notifications. Here’s how to do both.

不幸的是,关于精彩集锦您无能为力。 您无法完全关闭它们。 最好的办法是让Twitter减少显示频率,并关闭推送通知。 这是两者的方法。

Go to Twitter’s Notifications pane and find a Highlights notification. If you haven’t had any yet, lucky you!

转到Twitter的“通知”窗格,然后找到“重点提示”通知。 如果您还没有的话,那么幸运!

Tap the arrow to the right of it and then tap See Less Often.


We can’t guarantee how effective this will be, but at leas it lets Twitter know you aren’t a fan of the feature.


Next, head to Android’s settings. It’s in the left menu on Android and the top right on iOS.

接下来,转到Android的设置。 它在Android的左侧菜单中,在iOS的右上方。

Select Push Notifications and then turn Highlights off.


Now, at least you won’t get nagged when Twitter sends you a Highlight notification; you’ll only see it in your Notifications feed.

现在,至少当Twitter向您发送Highlight通知时,您不会陷入困境。 您只会在“通知” Feed中看到它。




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