
  • 氨基酸的中英文名称及其词源


后缀-ine在化学学科中用于 “forming names of alkaloids, halogens, amines, amino acids, and other substances.”


这个视频有每种氨基酸的发音与结构:Memorize The 20 Amino Acids - The Easy Way!

英文 发音 3-letter缩写 1-letter缩写 中文 词源
alanine /ˈaləˌnēn/ ala A 丙氨酸 mid 19th century: coined in German as Alanin, from aldehyde + -an (for ease of pronunciation) + -ine
arginine /ˈärjəˌnēn,-ˌnīn/ arg R 精氨酸 late 19th century: from German Arginin, perhaps from Greek arginoeis ‘bright-shining, white’.
Literally meaning: “pertaining to silver”
asparagine /əˈsperəjēn,əˈsperəjən/ asn N 天冬酰胺 early 19th century: from asparagus (which contains it) + -ine
aspartic acid /əˌspärtik ˈasid/ asp D 天冬氨酸 mid 19th century: aspartic from French aspartique, formed arbitrarily from Latin asparagus (see asparagus).
cysteine /ˈsistəˌēn,ˈsisˌtēn/ cys C 半胱氨酸 late 19th century: from cystine1 + -eine (variant of -ine)
glutamine /ˈɡlo͞odəˌmēn/ gln G 谷氨酰胺 late 19th century: blend of glutamic acid and amine.
glutamic acid /ɡlo͞oˌtamik ˈasəd/ glu E 谷氨酸 late 19th century: from gluten2 + amine + -ic.
glycine /ˈɡlīsēn/ gly G 甘氨酸 mid 19th century: from Greek glukus ‘sweet’ + -ine
histidine /ˈhistəˌdēn/ his H 组氨酸 late 19th century: from Greek histos ‘web, tissue’ + -ide3 + -ine
isoleucine /ˌaɪ.səˈluː.siːn/ ile I 异亮氨酸 iso- +‎ leucine(见下条)
leucine /ˈlo͞osən,ˈlo͞oˌsēn/ leu L 亮氨酸 early 19th century: coined in French from Greek leukos ‘white’ + -ine
lysine /ˈlīsēn/ lys K 赖氨酸 late 19th century: from German Lysin, based on lysis
methionine /məˈTHīəˌnēn/ met M 蛋氨酸 (甲硫氨酸) 1920s: from methyl + Greek theion ‘sulfur’
phenylalanine / ˌfe-nᵊl-ˈa-lə-ˌnēn/ phe F 苯丙氨酸 phenyl +‎ alanine
proline /ˈprōˌlēn/ pro P 脯氨酸 early 20th century: contraction of the chemical name p(yr)rol(id)ine4 -2-carboxylic acid.
serine /ˈserēn,ˈsi(ə)r-,-in/ ser S 丝氨酸 late 19th century: from Latin sericum ‘silk’ + -ine
threonine /ˈTHrēəˌnēn,-nin/ thr T 苏氨酸 1930s: from threose (the name of a tetrose5 sugar) + -ine
tryptophan /ˈtriptəˌfan/ trp W 色氨酸 late 19th century: from tryptic ‘relating to trypsin6’ + Greek phainein ‘appear’.
tyrosine /ˈtīrəˌsēn/ tyr Y 酪氨酸 mid 19th century: formed irregularly from Greek turos ‘cheese’ + -ine
valine /ˈvaˌlēn,ˈvāˌlēn/ val V 缬(xié)氨酸 early 20th century: from valeriana7 + -ine

  1. cystine /ˈsistēn/: n. 胱氨酸,词源:mid 19th century: from Greek kustis ‘bladder’ (because it was first isolated from urinary calculi) + -ine. ↩︎

  2. gluten /ˈɡlo͞otn/: n. 麸质,词源:late 16th century (originally denoting protein from animal tissue): via French from Latin, literally ‘glue’. ↩︎

  3. -ide: [chemistry] forming nouns denoting binary compounds of a nonmetallic or more electronegative element or group. originally used in oxide. ↩︎

  4. pyrrolidine: 吡咯啶,又称四氢吡咯,是五元含氮的饱和杂环化合物。蛋白质中的脯氨酸就是四氢吡咯的2-取代物。 ↩︎

  5. tetrose: 丁糖,四糖,词源:tetra- (“four”) +‎ -ose (“sugar”) ↩︎

  6. trypsin: 胰蛋白酶,词源:late 19th century: from Greek tripsis ‘friction’, from tribein ‘to rub’ (because it was first obtained by rubbing down the pancreas with glycerine(甘油)), + -in. ↩︎

  7. valerian /vəˈlirēən: . 缬草,词源:late Middle English: from Old French valeriane, from medieval Latin valeriana (herba ), apparently the feminine of Valerianus ‘of Valerius’ (a personal name). ↩︎


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