The first column The second clumn
object string type
typedef typedef type newname;
//use typedef to define a new type
typedef typedef int feet;
//use typedef to define a int type
enumeration enum color {red,green,blue} c; c = blue;
enumeration 列举
PCA principal component analysis
LDA Linear Discriminant Analysis
Discriminant 判别
enum color_set1 {RED,BLUE,WHITE,BLACK};
//use enumeration to define color_set1
enum fruit_set{apple,orange,banana=1 ,peach,grape}
//Enum constant apple = 0 ,orange = 1,banana = 1,peach = 2
enum week{Sun=7,Mon=1,Tue ,Wed ,Thu,Fri , Sat}
//The value of the enumeration constants Sun,Mon,Tue and so on are 7,1,2,3,4,5 and 6, respectively
iterable 迭代
enumeration variable
L = {'Google' , 'Runoob' , 'Taobao'} L[2]
['Taobao']#read the third element in the list
L = {'Google' , 'Runoob' , 'Taobao'} L[-2]
['Runoob']#read the penultimate element in the list
L = {'Google' , 'Runoob' , 'Taobao'} L[1:]
['Runoob','Taobao']#start the list from the second element
noob 菜鸟,由newbie衍生而来
penultimate 倒数第二个的
[:-1] Represents traversing from the first
element to the second to last element
[-5:] Interception from the fifth countdown
str[:-3] start left to third last (excluding third)
Interception 截取
counter 计数器
principal component analysis PCA 主成分分析
component 成分
ICP Iterative Closest Point (ICP) 迭代最近点算法 is an
slgorithm employed to minimize the difference between two clouds of points
Iterative 迭代
SVD singular value decomposition

Performance of SGD optimization methods on
loss surface

Performance of SGD optimization methods
at the saddle point of the loss surface

The first column The second clumn
object string type
typedef typedef type newname; //use typedef to define a new type
typedef typedef int feet; //use typedef to define a int type
enumeration enum color {red,green,blue} c; c = blue;
enumeration 列举
PCA principal component analysis
LDA Linear Discriminant Analysis
Discriminant 判别
enum color_set1 {RED,BLUE,WHITE,BLACK}; //use enumeration to
define color_set1
enum fruit_set{apple,orange,banana=1 ,peach,grape}
//Enum constant apple = 0 ,orange = 1,banana = 1,peach = 2
enum week{Sun=7,Mon=1,Tue ,Wed ,Thu,Fri , Sat}
//The value of the enumeration constants Sun,Mon,Tue and so on are 7,1,2,3,4,5 and 6, respectively
iterable 迭代
enumeration variable
L = {'Google' , 'Runoob' , 'Taobao'} L[2] ['Taobao']
#read the third element in the list
L = {'Google' , 'Runoob' , 'Taobao'} L[-2] ['Runoob']
#read the penultimate element in the list
L = {'Google' , 'Runoob' , 'Taobao'} L[1:] ['Runoob','Taobao']
#start the list from the second element
noob 菜鸟,由newbie衍生而来
penultimate 倒数第二个的
[:-1] Represents traversing from the first element
to the second to last element
[-5:] Interception from the fifth countdown
str[:-3] start left to third last (excluding third)
Interception 截取
counter 计数器
principal component analysis PCA 主成分分析
component 成分
ICP Iterative Closest Point (ICP)
迭代最近点算法 is an slgorithm employed to minimize the difference between two clouds of points
Iterative 迭代
SVD singular value decomposition
RBF Radial Basis Function
PCA Signal representation (principal component analysis)
LDA Supervised dimensionality reduction method
PCA PCA is unsupervised dimensionality reduction method
LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) classification
Rayleigh quotient 瑞丽商
genralized Rayleigh quotient 广义瑞丽商
Fisher 判别准则函数
laplace matrix
positive define matrix 就是一个椭球
Aaxil elligsoid :eigenvector
eigenvector 特征向量
det determinant 行列式
lower triangular 下三角矩阵
upper triangular 上三角矩阵
K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm KNN algorithm
KNN given a data set,For new input instances,Find the instances closest to the
instance in the traning data set(that is,the K neighbor mentioned above)
切比雪夫距离 \(D_Chebyshev(p,q):= max_i(||p_i - q_i||)\)
Hessian Matrix 海塞矩阵
Semi-positive definite matrix all eigenvalues are not less than zero
positive definite matrix all eigenvalues are greater than zero
s \(A = {a_{i,i}} \in C^{n \times n}\)
Fisher Discrimination criterion 费舍尔判别准则
类均值向量 m_i= \frac{1}{N_i}
positive define matrix the transmission to the positive
typedef char line[81];char text[81];//typedef char line[81];line text,secondline;
typedef typedef char pstr;pstr str= 'abc';int mystrcmp(pstr,pstr)
diagonal 斜线,对角线
Laplacian matrix
unitary linear space 酉空间
stochastic 随机的
Adam [TensorFlow: learning_rate=0.001,beta1 = 0.9,beta2 = 0.999,epsilon=1e-8]
epsilon tf.keras.backend.epsilon
epsilon Returns the value of the fuzz factor used in numeric expressions
fuzz factor 模糊因子
32-bit compiler char:1 byte(8 bit) ; char*:4 bytes(
https Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
PCA PCA that is dimensionalisy reduction opration is to find a new coordinate system.
PCA Then subtract some of the dimensions to make the error small
postfix 后缀,reverse Polish notation
stack stack is list that restrict
top it is the bottom of the list
The first column The second clumn
:-: :-:
object string type
typedef typedef type newname; //use typedef to define a new type
typedef typedef int feet; //use typedef to define a int type
enumeration enum color {red,green,blue} c; c = blue;
enumeration 列举
PCA principal component analysis
LDA Linear Discriminant Analysis
Discriminant 判别
enum color_set1 {RED,BLUE,WHITE,BLACK}; //use enumeration to define color_set1
enum fruit_set{apple,orange,banana=1 ,peach,grape} //Enum constant apple = 0 ,orange = 1,banana = 1,peach = 2
enum week{Sun=7,Mon=1,Tue ,Wed ,Thu,Fri , Sat} //The value of the
enumeration constants Sun,Mon,Tue and so on are 7,1,2,3,4,5 and 6, respectively
iterable 迭代
enumeration variable
L = {'Google' , 'Runoob' , 'Taobao'} L[2] ['Taobao']
#read the third element in the list
L = {'Google' , 'Runoob' , 'Taobao'} L[-2] ['Runoob']
#read the penultimate element in the list
L = {'Google' , 'Runoob' , 'Taobao'} L[1:] ['Runoob','Taobao']
#start the list from the second element
noob 菜鸟,由newbie衍生而来
penultimate 倒数第二个的
[:-1] Represents traversing from the first element to the second to last element
[-5:] Interception from the fifth countdown
str[:-3] start left to third last (excluding third)
Interception 截取
counter 计数器
principal component analysis PCA 主成分分析
component 成分
ICP Iterative Closest Point (ICP) 迭代最近点算法 is an slgorithm employed to
minimize the difference between two clouds of points
Iterative 迭代
SVD singular value decomposition
RBF Radial Basis Function
PCA Signal representation (principal component analysis)
LDA Supervised dimensionality reduction method
PCA PCA is unsupervised dimensionality reduction method
LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) classification
Rayleigh quotient 瑞丽商
genralized Rayleigh quotient 广义瑞丽商
Fisher 判别准则函数
laplace matrix
positive define matrix 就是一个椭球
Aaxil elligsoid :eigenvector
eigenvector 特征向量
det determinant 行列式
lower triangular 下三角矩阵
upper triangular 上三角矩阵
K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm KNN algorithm
KNN given a data set,For new input instances,Find the instances closest to the
instance in the traning data set(that is,the K neighbor mentioned above)
切比雪夫距离 \(D_Chebyshev(p,q):= max_i(||p_i - q_i||)\)
Hessian Matrix 海塞矩阵
Semi-positive definite matrix all eigenvalues are not less than zero
positive definite matrix all eigenvalues are greater than zero
s \(A = {a_{i,i}} \in C^{n \times n}\)
Fisher Discrimination criterion 费舍尔判别准则
类均值向量 m_i= \frac{1}{N_i}
positive define matrix the transmission to the positive
typedef char line[81];char text[81];//typedef char line[81];line text,secondline;
typedef typedef char pstr;pstr str= 'abc';int mystrcmp(pstr,pstr)
diagonal 斜线,对角线
Laplacian matrix
unitary linear space 酉空间
stochastic 随机的
Adam [TensorFlow: learning_rate=0.001,beta1 = 0.9,
beta2 = 0.999,epsilon=1e-8]
epsilon tf.keras.backend.epsilon
epsilon Returns the value of the fuzz factor
used in numeric expressions
fuzz factor 模糊因子
32-bit compiler char:1 byte(8 bit) ; char*:4 bytes(
https Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
PCA PCA that is dimensionalisy reduction opration is to find a new coordinate system.
PCA Then subtract some of the dimensions to make the error small
z+c 折叠
z+o 折叠
O(log_2(N^2)) 幂函数,以2为底,数据每次减少一半
Bayesian Decision Theory Quantifies the tradoffs between various classification
using sea bass - salmon classification
likelihood how frequently we will measure a pattern with feature value x given
that the pattern belongs to class \(w_j\)
类条件概率 \(P(x|W_j)\)
(post)后验概率 \(P(w_j|x)\)
guassian function p(x) = \(frac{1}{}\)
\quad 退一格
\qquad 退两格
Prior (UnconditionalOo Probability
Cavity P(Cavity) = 0.1 means that " in the absence of any
other information,
there is a 10% chance that the patient is having a cavity".
cavity 蛀牙
P(A B) = P(A,B)/P(B)
P(B) = \(\sum\limits_{j=1}^{n}P(B|A_j)P(A_j)\)
pdf probability density function
pmf probability mass function
df degree of freedom
类条件概率密度函数 P(X
conditional risk R =
product operator 乘积运算符
product operator \(\prod\)
integral operator 积分运算符
integral operator \(\int\)
EM algorithm Expectation Maximization 期望值最大
P(A B) =\(\frac{P(A,B)}{P(B)}\)
= $frac{P(B
Directed Acyclic Graph DAG 有向无环图,一个贝叶斯网络是一个有向无环图
acyclic 无环
举个栗子 P(Added vinegar
P(A B) = \(\frac{P(A,B)}P(B)}\)
P(AB)P(B) = P(B A)P(A)
P(A B)P(B) = P(B
P(AB) P(reason one leads to the result
P(reason one result) = $\frac P(reason one cause the result)}{P(result)}
平方根 \sqrt{x+y}
square root 平方根
Bayesian Decision Theory
P(A B) = \(\frac{P(A,B)}{P(B)}\)
P(B A)
Bayes Bayesian Notation
Decision Surface 决策面
Discriminant Function 判别方程
Quadratic Discriminant Analysis QDA
P(reason one result)
linked list
int size() const
int const size;
const int size;
int const size = 10;
#ifndef if not defined
#define x
int *const p;
//the meaning is that const point,
the value of p can not modify
P is a pointer,pointer p is const,
it's value can not modify,
but can modify the integral value to which the p point
const int p;
int const
//it's meaning is pointer pointed to const,
the const value of pointer can not modify.
If const is on the left side of * ,const is used to modify
the variable pointed to by the pointer,that is,
the pointer points to the bit constant;
NLP natural Language Processing
int *const p;//it's meaning is const pointer,
the value of p can not modify
If const is on the right side of *,
const is the decoration of the pointer itself,
and the pointer itself is a constant.
int b = 5;int c = 3;int const p = &b; p = 6; //it is right to modify the value pointer point to,
SVM Support Vector Machine
矩阵的值域 \(R(A) = L(\mathbf{a}_1,\cdots,\mathbf{a}_n = \lbrace A\mathbf{x} \ \|\ \mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^n \rbrace\)
\mathbb Blackboardbold 黑板粗体,表示向量或集合的符号
\mathbf 变为粗体




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