
使用py2app打os 应用程序,测试模式程序运行无误,构建正式程序后运行出错:


$ cd /Users/Rachel1900/myproject/code/code_to_be_packed/pic2txt




ImportError: dlopen(/Users/Rachel1900/myproject/code/code_to_be_packed/pic2txt/dist/pic2txt_1.0.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.8/lib-dynload/PIL/_imaging.so, 2): Library not loaded: @loader_path/.dylibs/libxcb.1.1.0.dylibReferenced from: /Users/Rachel1900/myproject/code/code_to_be_packed/pic2txt/dist/pic2txt_1.0.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.8/lib-dynload/PIL/_imaging.soReason: image not found

dlopen():Library not loaded: @loader_path/.dylibs/libxcb.1.1.0.dylib 报错 Reason: image not found


Error: dlopen() Library not loaded Reason: image not found



Shared object location under OS X is sometimes tricky. When you directly call dlopen() you have the freedom of specifying an absolute path to the library, which works fine. However, if you load a library which in turn needs to load another (as appears to be your situation), you’ve lost control of specifying where the library lives with its direct path.




  • 使用 otool -L ~.so找到出问题的库的具体地址
  • 使用install_name_tool命令更改库的地址
$ install_name_tool -change <old_path> <new_path> filename


dlopen(/Users/ramesh/offline/build_icerec/lib/icecube/phys_services.so, 2): Library not loaded: /Users/ramesh/offline/build_icerec/lib/libphys-services.dylib
Referenced from:
Reason: image not found

原po出问题的库为 libphys-services.dylib

phys_services.so was statically linked against libphys-services.dylib.


install_name_tool -change /usr/lib/libphys-services.dylib @rpath/lib/libphys-services.dylib phys_services.so

old path: /usr/lib/libphys-services.dylib
new path :@rpath/lib/libphys-services.dylib phys_services.so.

使用install_name_tool -change oldpath newpath filename修改_imaging.so文件中的动态库调用路径

  • newpath:@executable_path/…/Frameworks
  • oldpath:@loader_path/.dylibs/libz.1.2.11.dylib(即报错详情)
install_name_tool -change @loader_path/.dylibs/libz.1.2.11.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libxcb.1.1.0.dylib /Users/Rachel1900/myproject/code/code_to_be_packed/pic2txt/dist/pic2txt_1.0.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.8/lib-dynload/PIL/_imaging.so



Shared object location under OS X is sometimes tricky. When you directly call dlopen() you have the freedom of specifying an absolute path to the library, which works fine. However, if you load a library which in turn needs to load another (as appears to be your situation), you’ve lost control of specifying where the library lives with its direct path.

There are environment variables that you could set before running your main program that tell the dynamic loader where to search for things. In general these are a bad idea (but you can read about them via the man dyld command on an OS X system).

When an OS X dynamic library is created, it’s given an install name; this name is embedded within the binary and can be viewed with the otool command. otool -L mach-o_binary will list the dynamic library references for the mach-o binary you provide the file name to; this can be a primary executable or a dylib, for example.

When a dynamic library is statically linked into another executable (either a primary executable or another dylib), the expected location of where that dylib being linked will be found is based on the location written into it (either at the time it was built, or changes that have been applied afterwards). In your case, it seems that phys_services.so was statically linked against libphys-services.dylib. So to start, run otool -L phys_services.so to find the exact expectation of where the dylib will be.
The install_name_tool command can be used to change the expected location of a library. It can be run against the dylib before it gets statically linked against (in which case you have nothing left to do), or it can be run against the executable that loads it in order to rewrite those expectations. The command pattern for this is install_name_tool -change <old_path> <new_path> So for example, if otool -L phys_services.so shows you /usr/lib/libphys-services.dylib and you want to move the expectation as you posed in your question, you would do that with install_name_tool -change /usr/lib/libphys-services.dylib @rpath/lib/libphys-services.dylib phys_services.so.
The dyld man page (man dyld) will tell you how @rpath is used, as well as other macros @loader_path and @executable_path.

OS X 下的共享对象位置有时比较棘手。当您直接调用 dlopen() 时,您可以自由地指定到库的绝对路径,该路径工作正常。但是,如果加载一个库,而该库又需要加载另一个库(这似乎是您的情况),则已失去指定库及其直接路径的住向控制权。
在运行主程序之前,可以设置一些环境变量,这些变量告诉动态加载器在搜索内容的地方。通常,这些都是一个坏主意(可以通过 OS X 系统上的 man dyld 命令阅读它们)。
当动态库静态链接到另一个可执行文件(主可执行文件或其他 dylib)时,将找到该 dylib 链接位置的预期位置,该位置将基于写入其中的位置(在生成时或之后应用的更改)。就你而言, phys_services. solibphys 服务. dylib 有静态联系。因此,首先,运行otool-L phys_services.所以找到对dylib将在哪里的确切期望。
install_name_tool命令可用于更改库的预期位置。它可以在 dylib 进行静态链接之前对 dylib 运行(在这种情况下,您没有什么可做的),也可以针对加载它以重写这些期望的可执行文件运行。此命令模式是install_name_tool - <old_path><new_path> 例如, 如果 otool - l phys_services.so 显示您 /usr/lib/libphys 服务.dylib,并且您想要移动您提出的问题时的期望,那么您将使用 install_name_tool - 更改 /usr/lib/libphys 服务.dylib @rpath/lib/libphys-services.dylib phys_services.so.

dyld man 页面 (man dyld) 将@rpath如何使用,以及其他宏@loader_path@executable_path。


dlopen: Library not loaded: @loader_path/.dylibs/libxcb.1.1.0.dylib

Linking to a dynamic library on a Mac with full path

What path does @loader_path resolve to?




One possibility is that the binary type of the dylib doesn’t match the binary type of your program and you can check that with the “file” command. file /path/to/dylib and file /path/to/program.
Other than that I don’t know what the cause could be on macOS (though if you happen to be on iOS, sandboxing could be a likely cause

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