
Closeness, for example, indicates intimacy or threat to many speakers. But distance may show formality, or lack of interest.
Let me cite some brief examples.

You see, we use gesture to indicate a wide range of meanings.

Last week, one of Zimbabwe's leading banks, Kingdom Bank, said the country's inflation rate was now more than 20 million percent.

What Hall believes is that cultures can be classified by placing them on a continuum, ranging from what he called high-context to low-context.

That is, you go at a speed that you can handle, break your task into manageable parts, rather than try to deal with the whole task all at once.

They might touch more and if they're jostled in a crowd, they won't feel violated.

That the message, the event, the action has meaning in itself.

You see today we use the word "diversity" to refer to more visible ethnic differences — Asian American, African American and Latino, for instance.

Most people think, including me, it is difficult to learn another language.

The fire is particularly complex given the weather, the large quantity of fuel, the terrain and the proximity of residential areas.

Thank you very much for coming on our radio talk.

In February, the price of a loaf of bread in the country was less than 200,000 Zimbabwe dollars. On Monday, that same loaf of bread cost 1.6 trillion Zimbabwe dollars.

While firefighters focused on one corner of the building, the blaze burned heavier on the second corner, spreading to the second floor.

Official figures dated Monday show inflation has surged from the rate of 2.2 million percent recorded in May, despite the government's price controls.
We find that learners will experience difficulty when their mother tongue and the second language they are learning differ.

When two people are keen to agree with each other, they would likely, though unconsciously adopt the same posture, as if an imitation of each other.

Waving can mean welcome and farewell.

Zimbabwe's inflation rate has soared in the past three months and is now at 11.2 million percent, the highest in the world, according to the country's Central Statistical Office.

In our pay-as-you-go social security system, workers are taxed to pay the benefit of retirees.

Research has found that many errors by Czech speakers learning English were made on syntactic constructions in which the two languages do not differ.
If you get too close, if you don't knock on doors before entering, that's an invasion of privacy.

Pointing your finger at your nose means it's a secret.

Old children and adults often have less time and motivation to learn a second language.

Evacuated employees said authorities told them they had ruled out terrorism, and that an electrical short-circuit had likely sparked the fire.

States with the most racially diverse populations stand in stark contrast to those with the least racially diverse populations.

We all know smiling is an almost universal signal of pleasure or welcome. But there are other facial expressions that may not be so common.

Once again, I'd like to say, proximity is also both a matter of personal style, and is often culture bound.

Posture means the way in which someone holds his or her body, especially the back, shoulders and head, when standing, walking or sitting.

Facial expression is a powerful conveyer of meaning.

Forest and bush fires are common during Greece's hot, dry summers.

You see, in the last ten years, things have barely changed in that town.

A large fire erupted Tuesday in Egypt's parliament, and five people were hospitalized for smoke inhalation, officials said.

Could you elaborate on that?

The United States has released for the first time the names and nationalities of hundreds of prisoners it's holding at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.

Because your neighbors really kind of make your home, so it is important to at least establish a good, cordial or at least polite relationship with your neighbors.

Neighbors can be really helpful but, of course they can also be annoying.

Don't just call the police. That's what a lot of people do.

And this is where the greatest advantage of E-education lies. It offers mass education and education for lifetime.

As we all know, good health is a major source for social, economic and personal development and an important dimension of quality of life.

He said the world had not yet woken up to the crisis that is facing Kenya and the whole of Africa.

It must include addressing such issues as poverty, pollution, urbanization, natural resource depletion, social alienation and poor working conditions.

There are 350,000 billion particles in this tube. So nano technology is the science of the very small.

Earlier the Kenyan government confirmed that it had ordered police to carry out an overnight armed raid on the offices of a leading newspaper and its sister television station.

Actually, the Internet technology can bridge the gap between the poor and the rich.

The concept of health has been changing all the time. And different people and groups hold different opinions towards it.

Her mother feared those symptoms would affect not only her schoolwork, but her ability to function in the real world as well.

First, with access to the Internet, students can overcome barriers of space and time.
Political, economic, social, cultural, environmental, behavioral and biological factors can all favor health or be harmful to it.

The management of a country's water sector is likely to reflect the overall state of its administration.

The new concept of health you have told us today is very useful to our understanding of health.

In this sense, health has been defined as the absence of disease or illness and is seen in medical terms.

But it is important to note that the crash was not due to any hostile action or enemy fire.

Initially, they thought it might be possible to have a quick return of cash after the investment for one or two years.

It says attendance set a record with more than nineteen thousand people from sixty-two countries.

A broad socio-ecological view of health suggests that the promotion of health must include a strong social, economic and environmental focus.

It's thought that about 500 people are still detained at Guantanamo. Washington has classified them as enemy combatants.

Today he will talk with us about the change of people's understanding of health.

The United Nations food agency has warned that millions of Kenyans and Somalis are at grave risk of starvation if aid does not reach the region soon.

We can tape the lectures given by very prominent professors and broadcast them live in China and even in the entire world through the Internet.

A broad socio-ecological view of health suggests that the promotion of health must include a strong social, economic and environmental focus.

The value of a stock option rises or falls with the price of a company stock.

Supporters of the bill say it's intended as a direct assault on the US Supreme Court's landmark ruling of 1973 which guarantees American abortion rights.

Officials say the helicopter went down in a residential area today, and the bodies of the four crew members were found in the wreckage.

Scientists have warned that Africa could be faced with 25 per cent less water by the end of the century because of global warming.


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