
1. 应用层实现交互的接口

// Application is an interface that enables any finite, deterministic state machine
// to be driven by a blockchain-based replication engine via the ABCI.
// All methods take a RequestXxx argument and return a ResponseXxx argument,
// except CheckTx/DeliverTx, which take `tx []byte`, and `Commit`, which takes nothing.
type Application interface {// Info/Query ConnectionInfo(RequestInfo) ResponseInfo    // Return application infoQuery(RequestQuery) ResponseQuery // Query for state// Mempool ConnectionCheckTx(RequestCheckTx) ResponseCheckTx // Validate a tx for the mempool// Consensus ConnectionInitChain(RequestInitChain) ResponseInitChain    // Initialize blockchain w validators/other info from TendermintCoreBeginBlock(RequestBeginBlock) ResponseBeginBlock // Signals the beginning of a blockDeliverTx(RequestDeliverTx) ResponseDeliverTx    // Deliver a tx for full processingEndBlock(RequestEndBlock) ResponseEndBlock       // Signals the end of a block, returns changes to the validator setCommit() ResponseCommit                          // Commit the state and return the application Merkle root hash// State Sync ConnectionListSnapshots(RequestListSnapshots) ResponseListSnapshots                // List available snapshotsOfferSnapshot(RequestOfferSnapshot) ResponseOfferSnapshot                // Offer a snapshot to the applicationLoadSnapshotChunk(RequestLoadSnapshotChunk) ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk    // Load a snapshot chunkApplySnapshotChunk(RequestApplySnapshotChunk) ResponseApplySnapshotChunk // Apply a shapshot chunk
  • Consensus Connection: InitChain, BeginBlock, DeliverTx, EndBlock,

  • CommitMempool Connection: CheckTxInfo

  • Connection: Info, SetOption, Query

proto定义位于 https://github.com/tendermint/abci/blob/master/types/types.proto

2. 一个应用程序可以有3个 ABCI 套接字连接


  • CheckTx消息
    在内存池中广播时验证交易,用于验证交易。Tendermint Core中的mempool通过此消息校验交易的合法性,通过之后才会将交易广播给其它节点。
  • DeliverTx消息
  • Commit消息

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