1. 所有合约的基类

#define CONTRACT class [[eosio::contract]] // 合约
#define ACTION [[eosio::action]] //动作
#define TABLE struct [[eosio::table]] //表

namespace eosio{/*** new contract should derive from this class, so it can make use of eosio_ABI macro.*/
class contract {public:/*** Construct a new contract given the contract name** @param self - The name of the account this contract is deployed on* @param first_receiver - The account the incoming action was first received at.* @param ds - The datastream used*/contract( name self, name first_receiver, datastream<const char*> ds ):_self(self),_first_receiver(first_receiver),_ds(ds) {}/***       * Get this contract name       ** @return name - The name of this contract*/inline name get_self()const { return _self; }/*** The first_receiver name of the action this contract is processing.** @return name - The first_receiver name of the action this contract is processing.*/[[deprecated]]inline name get_code()const { return _first_receiver; }/*** The account the incoming action was first received at.** @return name - The first_receiver name of the action this contract is processing.*/inline name get_first_receiver()const { return _first_receiver; }/*** Get the datastream for this contract** @return datastream<const char*> - The datastream for this contract*/inline datastream<const char*>& get_datastream() { return _ds; }/*** Get the datastream for this contract** @return datastream<const char*> - The datastream for this contract*/inline const datastream<const char*>& get_datastream()const { return _ds; }protected:/**       * The name of the account this contract is deployed on.       */name _self;//合约的名字,准确的说,是部署当前合约的账号/**       * The account the incoming action was first received at.       */name _first_receiver;//调用合约 动作的账号,一般是当前合约所在的账号/**       * The datastream for this contract       */datastream<const char*> _ds = datastream<const char*>(nullptr, 0);// 保存了那些使用 eosio::ignore 忽略的字段

EOS 智能合约源代码解读 (5)class contract相关推荐

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