
最近在研究python调度框架APScheduler使用的路上,那么今天也算个学习笔记吧!# coding=utf-8


Demonstrates how to use the background scheduler to schedule a job that executes on 3 second



from datetime import datetime

import time

import os

from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler

def tick():

print('Tick! The time is: %s' % datetime.now())

if name == 'main':

scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()

scheduler.add_job(tick, 'interval', seconds=3)  #间隔3秒钟执行一次

scheduler.start() #这里的调度任务是独立的一个线程

print('Press Ctrl+{0} to exit'.format('Break' if os.name == 'nt' else 'C'))


# This is here to simulate application activity (which keeps the main thread alive).

while True:

time.sleep(2) #其他任务是独立的线程执行


except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

# Not strictly necessary if daemonic mode is enabled but should be done if possible


print('Exit The Job!')

非阻塞调度,在指定的时间执行一次# coding=utf-8


Demonstrates how to use the background scheduler to schedule a job that executes on 3 second



from datetime import datetime

import time

import os

from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler

def tick():

print('Tick! The time is: %s' % datetime.now())

if name == 'main':

scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()

#scheduler.add_job(tick, 'interval', seconds=3)

scheduler.add_job(tick, 'date', run_date='2016-02-14 15:01:05')  #在指定的时间,只执行一次

scheduler.start() #这里的调度任务是独立的一个线程

print('Press Ctrl+{0} to exit'.format('Break' if os.name == 'nt' else 'C'))


# This is here to simulate application activity (which keeps the main thread alive).

while True:

time.sleep(2) #其他任务是独立的线程执行


except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

# Not strictly necessary if daemonic mode is enabled but should be done if possible


print('Exit The Job!')

非阻塞的方式,采用cron的方式执行# coding=utf-8


Demonstrates how to use the background scheduler to schedule a job that executes on 3 second



from datetime import datetime

import time

import os

from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler

def tick():

print('Tick! The time is: %s' % datetime.now())

if name == 'main':

scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()

#scheduler.add_job(tick, 'interval', seconds=3)

#scheduler.add_job(tick, 'date', run_date='2016-02-14 15:01:05')

scheduler.add_job(tick, 'cron', day_of_week='6', second='*/5')


year (int|str) – 4-digit year

month (int|str) – month (1-12)

day (int|str) – day of the (1-31)

week (int|str) – ISO week (1-53)

day_of_week (int|str) – number or name of weekday (0-6 or mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun)

hour (int|str) – hour (0-23)

minute (int|str) – minute (0-59)

second (int|str) – second (0-59)

start_date (datetime|str) – earliest possible date/time to trigger on (inclusive)

end_date (datetime|str) – latest possible date/time to trigger on (inclusive)

timezone (datetime.tzinfo|str) – time zone to use for the date/time calculations (defaults to scheduler timezone)

* any Fire on every value

*/a any Fire every a values, starting from the minimum

a-b any Fire on any value within the a-b range (a must be smaller than b)

a-b/c any Fire every c values within the a-b range

xth y day Fire on the x -th occurrence of weekday y within the month

last x day Fire on the last occurrence of weekday x within the month

last day Fire on the last day within the month

x,y,z any Fire on any matching expression; can combine any number of any of the above expressions


scheduler.start() #这里的调度任务是独立的一个线程

print('Press Ctrl+{0} to exit'.format('Break' if os.name == 'nt' else 'C'))


# This is here to simulate application activity (which keeps the main thread alive).

while True:

time.sleep(2) #其他任务是独立的线程执行


except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

# Not strictly necessary if daemonic mode is enabled but should be done if possible


print('Exit The Job!')

阻塞的方式,间隔3秒执行一次# coding=utf-8


Demonstrates how to use the background scheduler to schedule a job that executes on 3 second



from datetime import datetime

import os

from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler

def tick():

print('Tick! The time is: %s' % datetime.now())

if name == 'main':

scheduler = BlockingScheduler()

scheduler.add_job(tick, 'interval', seconds=3)

print('Press Ctrl+{0} to exit'.format('Break' if os.name == 'nt' else 'C'))


scheduler.start() #采用的是阻塞的方式,只有一个线程专职做调度的任务

except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

# Not strictly necessary if daemonic mode is enabled but should be done if possible


print('Exit The Job!')

采用阻塞的方法,只执行一次# coding=utf-8


Demonstrates how to use the background scheduler to schedule a job that executes on 3 second



from datetime import datetime

import os

from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler

def tick():

print('Tick! The time is: %s' % datetime.now())

if name == 'main':

scheduler = BlockingScheduler()

scheduler.add_job(tick, 'date', run_date='2016-02-14 15:23:05')

print('Press Ctrl+{0} to exit'.format('Break' if os.name == 'nt' else 'C'))


scheduler.start() #采用的是阻塞的方式,只有一个线程专职做调度的任务

except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

# Not strictly necessary if daemonic mode is enabled but should be done if possible


print('Exit The Job!')

采用阻塞的方式,使用cron的调度方法# coding=utf-8


Demonstrates how to use the background scheduler to schedule a job that executes on 3 second



from datetime import datetime

import os

from apscheduler.schedulers.blocking import BlockingScheduler

def tick():

print('Tick! The time is: %s' % datetime.now())

if name == 'main':

scheduler = BlockingScheduler()

scheduler.add_job(tick, 'cron', day_of_week='6', second='*/5')


year (int|str) – 4-digit year

month (int|str) – month (1-12)

day (int|str) – day of the (1-31)

week (int|str) – ISO week (1-53)

day_of_week (int|str) – number or name of weekday (0-6 or mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat,sun)

hour (int|str) – hour (0-23)

minute (int|str) – minute (0-59)

second (int|str) – second (0-59)

start_date (datetime|str) – earliest possible date/time to trigger on (inclusive)

end_date (datetime|str) – latest possible date/time to trigger on (inclusive)

timezone (datetime.tzinfo|str) – time zone to use for the date/time calculations (defaults to scheduler timezone)

* any Fire on every value

*/a any Fire every a values, starting from the minimum

a-b any Fire on any value within the a-b range (a must be smaller than b)

a-b/c any Fire every c values within the a-b range

xth y day Fire on the x -th occurrence of weekday y within the month

last x day Fire on the last occurrence of weekday x within the month

last day Fire on the last day within the month

x,y,z any Fire on any matching expression; can combine any number of any of the above expressions


print('Press Ctrl+{0} to exit'.format('Break' if os.name == 'nt' else 'C'))


scheduler.start() #采用的是阻塞的方式,只有一个线程专职做调度的任务

except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

# Not strictly necessary if daemonic mode is enabled but should be done if possible


print('Exit The Job!')

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