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BBC 6 Minute English - Media Blackout (附中文)

//z 2013-10-10 16:52:36 IS2120@BG57IV3 T1438113773.K.F1732406685[T5,L65,R2,V23]
BBC廣播公司的「6 Minute English」節目每週五更新一次。這是個非常適合英語學習者練習「聽力」的一個教學節目。
//z 2013-10-10 16:52:36 IS2120@BG57IV3 T1438113773.K.F1732406685[T5,L65,R2,V23]
BBC Learning English
6 Minute English
Media Blackout (媒體管制)
NB [註]: This is not a word for word transcript [錄音稿跟實際錄音會有點差異]
文章內容來自BBC英國廣播公司 6 Minute English ©bbclearningenglish.com 2010 
Dan:This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I'm Dan Walker Smith and today I'm joined by Alice[今天和我一同主持的是Alice]. Hello Alice!
Alice:Hi Dan.
Dan:Alice, you've got some news about amedia blackout in an English town, right?[你帶來一則有關一個英國城鎮有媒體管制的新聞,是嗎? ] 
Alice:That's right;a media blackout; that's a ban on all media[禁止所有的媒體的使用]. It's happening at Bournemouth Universityon the south coast of England[伯恩矛斯大學,在英國南岸].
Dan:OK, so there's no media anywhere in Bournemouth?[在伯恩矛斯這裏任何地方都不能有媒體的使用?] 
Alice:Well it's not a complete media blackout[並不是整個禁媒體]; the ban is just affecting hundreds of university students[這項禁令只有影響到數百個大學生], as part of an experiment to see how they react without media[這是一項實驗的一部份,要看他們對於不能使用媒體的反應如何].
Dan:Aha! OK, well before you go on[在你繼續講下去之前], I've got a media question for you[我有一個有關媒體的問題要問你]: according to the latest Facebook figures[根據最新的臉書資料], how many active Facebook users are there in the world[世界上有多少活躍的臉書使用者]? Is it: 
a) 300 million[三億]
b) 500 million[五億]
c) 800 million[八億]
Alice:Oh I've just recently seen that film about Facebook[我才剛看過那部有關臉書的電影], so I'm going to guess 800 million [我要猜八億人].
Dan:OK top number there[最高的數字]. Well we'll see if you're right later on in the programme[節目後面我們再看看你有沒有答對]. Now Alice, tell us a bit more about this experiment.[告訴我們多一點關於這項實驗的事]
Alice:Absolutely[沒問題]. Well the experiment's calledUnplugged[這個實驗叫做「不插電」], because the people who've volunteered have been asked to unplug their media devices[因為自願參加的人們被要求拔掉所有的媒體裝置], such as laptops, phones andTVs, for 24 hours[譬如筆電、電話跟電視24小時]. And they're not allowed to listen to the radio or read news papers either[而且,他們也不准聽收音機或讀報紙].
Dan:OK, so no access to any media[不能接觸任何媒體]. But 24 hours doesn't seem like a very long time[但24小時似乎沒有很長啊].
Alice:No it doesn't[對啊,不長], but some of the volunteers havefound it really difficult[但有些自願者覺得非常困難], as you can hear from one of theguinea pigs in the experiment[你可以聽到一隻實驗白老鼠的心聲].
By the way[對了], aguinea pighere is a strange term for describing someone who takes part in a new experiment or test[白老鼠用來形容一個參與一項新實驗或新試驗的人是不太常見]. They're usually little furry animals[他們通常是有毛的小動物], a bit like short-eared rabbits[有點像短耳兔], andmake very nice pets[他們是非常可愛的寵物]. But in this case it means someone who takes part in an experiment[但在這裏指的是參與一個實驗的人]. This is one of the guinea pigs, Charlotte Gay[Charlotte是其中一隻白老鼠]:
Extract 1: Charlotte Gay
It’s been a real struggle to behonest[說實話,這真的有點痛苦], even here in thestudent union here[即便是在學會這裏], you have to literally shut downand try and avoid all contacts with media[你真的要完全關掉,並且試著避免跟媒體有任何接觸]; it's really difficult.
Dan:So our guinea pig Charlotte there said it was a real struggle to avoid all contact with the media[所以我們的白老鼠Charlotte說真的很痛苦,要避免跟媒體的接觸]. She said she had to shut down; basically just stop doing anything.[她說她必須關掉,停止做所有的事]
*literally在英國是強調用字,通常只能被翻成「整個」,不太能夠翻成中文。譬如說,I literally cleaned every corner of the house.我真的「整個」把家裏的每個角落都打掃一遍。在美式英文裏,這個字則是指「逐字翻譯」或是「照字面上來說」。
Alice:Yeah, the media's everywhere, sonot surprisingly Charlotte said it was really difficult[對啊,媒體無所不在,也難怪Charlotte說很痛苦] .
Dan:OK, but how has this media banaffected the students'mental well-being, Alice? [但這個媒體禁令對於學生們的精神狀況影響如何呢?]
Alice:Well their mental well-being;you'd think 24 hours, how will they feel about themselves and their emotionalhealth[你可能會想,才24小時,他們會覺得怎麼樣]? Well, Doctor Roman Gerodimos,is a media lecturer at Bournemouth University[Gerodimos博士是普利矛斯大學的媒體講師]. He helped with the experiment and he here is describing some of the students’ symptoms[他忙幫做這個實驗。他描述一些學生的症狀]:
Extract 2: Roman Gerodimos
They are reporting withdrawal symptoms[他們產生戒斷症狀], overeating[大吃], feeling nervous[緊張], feeling isolated[感到孤立], disconnected[跟外界斷絕連絡], they don’t know what to do with themselves all the time[他們整個不知道該怎麼辦], just going round their room or their house in silence and they really hate that[在寂靜的房子裏走來走去,他們真的很恨這樣]!
 Dan:Wow, so it sounds like the media ban had a very negative effect on the students.[哇,聽起來這個媒體禁令對學生們產生非常負面的影響]
Alice:Yeah, Doctor Gerodimos said some students wereovereating[是的, Gerodimos博士說有些學生大吃]; they were eating too much food. And they were also feeling nervous and isolated. Isolated means lonely or detached from other people[isolated指的是孤獨或者跟其他人拆散了]. They also feltdisconnected, which is another word meaning detached or cut off[disconnected指的是detached,與人群切斷了].
Dan:Let's have another listen to the clip[我們再來聽一次錄音].
Extract 2: Roman Gerodimos
They are reporting withdrawal symptoms, overeating, feeling nervous, feeling isolated, disconnected, they don’t know what to do with themselves all the time, just going round their room or their house in silence and they really hate that!
Dan:So a lot of problems there injust 24 hours[所以短短24小時之內就有很多問題]. And have there been anylong-term effects [那長期下來有什麼影響嗎]?
Alice:Long-term effects – changes that last for a long time. Well, the experiment has only just finished[這個研究才剛結束], so we don’t know the full findings yet[所以我們還不知道完整的研究結果]. But let’s hear some thoughts from another student, Caroline Scott[但我們聽聽另一個學生Caroline的想法], and also afterwards the voice of BBC correspondent, Rory Cellan-Jones[之後則是BBC特派員的報導].
Extract 3: Caroline Scott andRory Cellan-Jones
Caroline: Yeah it is quite nice to be totally separated for about two hours I would say, maximum[是啊,若是差不多兩小時,完全隔離是還蠻好的,最多兩小時]. Other than that I would like to have my phone on me, or the internet, or something[不然的話,我會想要帶著我的手機或網路,或什麼的].
Rory: As a nation we now spend half our waking hours using the media in some form and these young people can’t imagine being permanently unplugged [我們英國人現在花一半我們醒著的時間在使用某種形式的媒體,這些年輕人無法想像永遠的「不插電」].
Dan:So Caroline said it's nice to be separated from the media for two hours maximum[所以Caroline說最多兩小時跟媒體隔離還蠻好的], but after that she wanted her phone or the internet.
Alice:Exactly, as Rory Cellan-Jones concluded  [就像Rory的結論], as we spend half ourwaking hours[醒著的時間]– that's half the time we're awake – using media, a lot of young people can’t imagine being ‘permanently unplugged’.
Dan:Well, there's just time for a reminder of some of the language we've come across today[剩下的時間剛好夠我們複習今天碰到的語言]. Alice, could you help us out with those please[請你幫我們練習那些單字]?
Alice:Of course; we had:
media blackout[____________]同學們可以考一下自己,還記得這些字的意思嗎?
guinea pig[____________]
mental well-being[____________]
long-term effects[____________]
waking hours[____________]
Dan:And our question of the week: Howmany active Facebook users are there in the world? Is it:
a) 300 million
b) 500 million
c) 800 million
Alice:Well I guessed 800 million.
Dan:Yeah, you're actually a bit too high with 800 million[八億有一點太多了]. 500 million users at the last count[最後一次統計是五億人], but that is rising by the day[但這個數字天天在增加], so it could be 800 very very soon[所以很快就要八億了].
Dan: It really is. But I'm afraid that's all we have time for in today's 6 Minute English [今天的6分鐘英文時間到囉]. So thanks so much for joining us, and goodbye[謝謝大家收聽,掰~].
//z 2013-10-10 16:52:36 IS2120@BG57IV3 T1438113773.K.F1732406685[T5,L65,R2,V23]


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