
If you’re looking for a free but powerful solution to automate your Windows wallpaper switching, read on as we show you how to pull fresh wallpaper from your computer, wallpaper web sites, RSS feeds, and custom image searches.

如果您正在寻找一种免费但功能强大的解决方案来自动化Windows墙纸切换,请继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何从计算机,墙纸网站,RSS feed和自定义图像搜索中提取新鲜墙纸。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

While the wallpaper features in Windows have steadily improved over the years, nothing compares to a solid wallpaper app. Today we’re exploring the benefits of John’s Background Switcher (JBS). For this tutorial you’ll only need the following tools:

尽管多年来Windows中的墙纸功能一直在稳步改进,但没有什么比坚固的墙纸应用程序更适合了。 今天,我们正在探索John的背景切换器(JBS)的好处。 对于本教程,您只需要以下工具:

  • A Windows PC.Windows PC。
  • A free copy of John’s Background Switcher.


If you already have a folder of wallpaper images, that’s great. If not, don’t worry! You’ll find JBS will pull wallpaper from so many sources you’ll be flush with new and interesting images.

如果您已经有墙纸图像的文件夹,那就太好了。 如果没有,不用担心! 您会发现JBS将从众多来源中提取墙纸,您将获得新的有趣图像。

安装和配置应用程序 (Installing and Configuring the Application)

First, run the installer. Once installed, launch the application. You’ll be greeted with the screen see in the screenshot above.

首先,运行安装程序。 安装后,启动应用程序。 屏幕上方的屏幕将为您打招呼。

If you’re not interested in customization or where specifically your images come from, configuring JBS is a one-click affair. If you press the Create some default sets button, JBS will automatically generate a list of local and remote sources like so:

如果您对自定义不感兴趣或您的图像特别来自何处,那么配置JBS是一键式的事情。 如果按创建一些默认集按钮,JBS将自动生成本地和远程源的列表,如下所示:

While you can hardly go wrong with great image sources like the top 250 images on Flickr or the new content from the highly regarded Vladstudio, it’s a bit cookie cutter for our taste. The whole point of this tutorial, after all, is to enjoy wallpaper customized and tailored to your tastes.

尽管您可以使用Flickr上的前250张图像或备受赞誉的Vladstudio的新内容来拍摄出色的图像资源,但您几乎不会出错,但对于我们的品味来说,这确实有点曲奇。 毕竟,本教程的重点是享受根据您的喜好定制和定制的墙纸。

To that end, let’s skip the default sets and start adding our own. JBS supports a wide variety of sources. Click the Add button to see them:

为此,让我们跳过默认设置,开始添加自己的设置。 JBS支持多种来源。 单击添加按钮以查看它们:

Let’s start off by adding in a Google Image search as a supply source. Click on Add and select Google image search. You’ll be presented with a dialog box like so:

让我们从添加Google Image搜索作为供应源开始。 点击添加,然后选择Google图片搜索。 您将看到一个对话框,如下所示:

When you’re setting up image search strings, be they for Google, Bing, or Yahoo!, we’d suggest hitting up the actual search engine to see if the terms you’re using yield the results you want. In our case, searching for large images of microchips yielded a lot of bland diagrams and generic digital photos, tacking on “wallpaper” greatly enhanced the results.

当您设置图像搜索字符串时,无论是针对Google,Bing还是Yahoo!的字符串,我们建议您使用实际的搜索引擎,以查看您使用的字词是否产生所需的结果。 在我们的案例中,搜索大芯片的图像会产生很多平淡的图表和通用的数字照片,加上“墙纸”可以大大提高结果。

If you want to more tightly moderated content—using Google Images is great for volume and variety, but not so great when it comes to the kind of focus you can find from other sources—pulling images from Flickr groups and people can be quite useful. Even if you don’t have a specific Flickr group in mind, just pulling from the top photos that share a simple tag or two can yield interesting results:

如果您想对内容进行更严格的审核(使用Google图片既可以提高数量和种类,又不能满足于其他来源的关注重点),那么从Flickr小组和人们那里拉取图片可能会非常有用。 即使您没有特定的Flickr群组,仅从共享一个或两个简单标签的顶部照片中拉出,也会产生有趣的结果:

One of the greatest, and potentially most under used features in JBS, however, is the ability to pull images from RSS feeds. This opens up a whole world of content that isn’t normally accessible to a wallpaper application. Let’s say, for example, you like a particular artist  or category on the web site DeviantArt. You can easily turn their galleries into an RSS feed to fuel your wallpaper addiction. Let’s do that now to demonstrate how easily it can be done.

但是,JBS中最大的(也是潜在使用最多的)功能之一是能够从RSS提要中提取图像。 这将打开墙纸应用程序通常无法访问的内容的整个世界。 例如,假设您喜欢网站DeviantArt上的特定艺术家或类别。 您可以轻松地将他们的画廊转变为RSS提要,以助您沉迷墙纸。 现在,让我们演示如何轻松地完成它。

First, visit DeviantArt and hit up the wallpaper section—technically you could use the RSS feed for any content on DeviantArt, but the wallpaper section already houses tens of thousands of images that are in monitor-friendly sizes. You’ll notice at the bottom of the first gallery page, a small RSS icon like so:

首先,访问DeviantArt并打开墙纸部分-从技术上讲,您可以将RSS feed用于DeviantArt上的任何内容,但是墙纸部分已经可以容纳成千上万个尺寸适合监控的图像。 您会在第一个图库页面的底部注意到一个小的RSS图标,如下所示:

You’ll see that logo all throughout DeviantArt, clicking on it gives you an RSS link that, normally, you’d plug into an RSS reader. In our case the RSS reader is JBS, which will in turn pull images from DeviantArt. Since having all the wallpaper on DeviantArt would be a bit overwhelming, we’re going to drill down to Abstract category and snag the RSS link from there. Simply right-click on the RSS icon and copy the address then head over to JBS. Click on Add then RSS photo feed. Paste the URL into the slot and click Test. JBS will check the RSS feed and report back on whether or not the feed was valid and, if so, how many images are in it.

您将在整个DeviantArt中看到该徽标,单击该徽标会给您一个RSS链接,通常您可以将其插入RSS阅读器。 在我们的例子中,RSS阅读器是JBS,它将依次从DeviantArt中提取图像。 由于在DeviantArt上放置所有墙纸会有些不知所措,因此我们将向下钻取到Abstract类别并从那里获取RSS链接。 只需右键单击RSS图标并复制地址,然后转到JBS。 单击添加,然后单击RSS照片提要。 将URL粘贴到插槽中,然后单击“测试” 。 JBS将检查RSS提要,并报告提要是否有效,如果有效,则报告其中有多少张图像。

Any site, be it a full-scale wallpaper archive or a simple Tumblr blog, that has an RSS feed can be turned into a source for wallpapers. Here are some sites with RSS support you might consider for addition to JBS:

任何具有RSS feed的站点,无论是完整的墙纸存档还是简单的Tumblr博客,都可以变成墙纸的来源。 以下是一些具有RSS支持的站点,您可能会考虑将其添加到JBS中:

  • DesktopNexus


  • InterfaceLIFT (RSS Feed)

    InterfaceLIFT ( RSS Feed )

  • SimpleDesktops (RSS Feed)

    SimpleDesktops ( RSS Feed )

  • The Paper Wall纸墙

Once you have some sources plugged in (be they folders on computer, RSS feeds, or otherwise), it’s time to tell JBS what you want it to do with them and how often:


At the bottom of the main interface you can select frequency, mode, and what to do with multiple monitors. You can swap images every with a frequency ranging from every 10 seconds to every 7 days. Picture mode supports the basics (like scaling and cropping) as well as more advanced layouts like montages and picture piles. Finally, you can specify if you want a unique wallpaper on each monitor, the same on all, or one picture to span the whole desktop.

在主界面的底部,您可以选择频率,模式以及如何使用多台显示器。 您可以每隔10秒到每隔7天的频率交换图像。 图片模式支持基本功能(例如缩放和裁剪)以及更高级的布局,例如蒙太奇和图片堆。 最后,您可以指定是否要在每台显示器上使用唯一的墙纸,全部使用相同的墙纸或一张图片来覆盖整个桌面。

配置John的背景切换器的高级功能 (Configuring the Advanced Features of John’s Background Switcher)

While an easy to use interface and ample support for a variety of sources may seem like the obvious reasons JBS is so popular, it’s in the advance configuration settings (accessible from the More button on the main interface) that you can really see why geeks love the application. There are dozens upon dozens of tweaks that let you completely customize your wallpaper experience. While we can’t cover every setting and tweak here, we’re going to highlight a few you may find useful.

尽管易于使用的界面和对各种来源的充分支持似乎是JBS如此受欢迎的明显原因,但它是通过高级配置设置(可从主界面上的“更多”按钮访问),您才能真正了解极客为什么会喜欢应用程序。 有数十种调整,可让您完全自定义壁纸体验。 尽管我们无法涵盖所有​​设置并在此处进行调整,但我们将重点介绍一些您可能会发现有用的信息。

Under the General tab you’ll find two useful settings. First, you can set JBS to put information about the picture in the upper right hand corner.

在“常规”选项卡下,您将找到两个有用的设置。 首先,您可以设置JBS将有关图片的信息放在右上角。

If you’re using one of the Google/Bing/Yahoo! image search tools, especially, it’s quite handy to see where the image is coming from (as you can then go investigate the site if you would like more).

如果您使用的是Google / Bing / Yahoo! 尤其是图片搜索工具,查看图片的来源非常方便(如果您愿意的话,可以随后去调查该网站)。

Also in the General tab, the keyboard shortcuts are worth noting for those times you want to change the background without mousing over to the system tray icon.


Under the Picture Sources tab, there’s a useful feature. By default, JBS doesn’t save the images it pulls from the various internet-based sources you’ve added to it. If you would like it to do so, it’s in this sub-menu you can toggle on picture saving and select a folder to dump them in.

图片来源选项卡下,有一个有用的功能。 默认情况下,JBS不会保存从您添加到它的各种基于Internet的来源中提取的图像。 如果您愿意,可以在此子菜单中打开图片保存并选择一个文件夹以将其转储到其中。

If you’re a stickler for clean and easy to read desktop icon text, you’ll love the No Draw Zones feature. It allows you to specify a space on the screen, such as a column on the left hand side of the screen, where no background will be rendered. This creates, in effect, a corral area for your icons which will always have a neutral background for good text contrast.

如果您热衷于清洁和易于阅读的桌面图标文字,则将喜欢“无绘制区域”功能。 它允许您在屏幕上指定一个空间,例如屏幕左侧的一列,其中不会渲染任何背景。 实际上,这将为您的图标创建一个围栏​​区域,该区域始终具有中性的背景,以实现良好的文本对比度。

Between the abundant and easily customized sources and the abundant and easily customized settings, John’s Background Switcher is one of the most versatile Windows wallpaper management applications around. Have a cleaver JBS-centric tip or just a great wallpaper source to share? Sound off in the comments and share the wealth with your fellow readers.

在丰富且易于定制的资源与丰富且易于定制的设置之间,John的背景切换器是周围功能最丰富的Windows墙纸管理应用程序之一。 有一个以砍刀JBS为中心的刀头,或者只是一个很棒的壁纸资源可以分享? 发表评论,与其他读者分享财富。




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