
  • 一、配置自动打开浏览器
  • 二、自动模板



module.exports = {devServer: {open: true // 是否自动启动浏览器},lintOnSave: false,//禁止eslink



{// Place your snippets for vue-html here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and // description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the // same ids are connected.// Example:// "Print to console": {//    "prefix": "log",//  "body": [//       "console.log('$1');",//         "$2"//    ],//    "description": "Log output to console"// }"Print to v2": {"prefix": "vue2","body": ["<template>","  <div>\n","  </div>","</template>","<script>","export default {","  data() {","    return {\n","    }","  },","  mounted(){\n","  },","  computed:{\n","  },","  methods:{\n","  },","}","</script>","<style scoped>\n","</style>","$2"],"description": "Log output to console"},"Print to v3": {"prefix": "vue3","body": ["<template>","  <div></div>","</template>","<script>","export default {","  components: {\n","  },","  props: {\n","  },","  setup(props, context) {\n","  }","}","</script>","<style scoped>\n","</style>",],"description": "Log output to console"},"Print to setup": {"prefix": "setup","body": ["<template>","  <div></div>","</template>","<script setup>\n","</script>","<style scoped>\n","</style>",],"description": "Log output to console"}}



export default {components: {},props: {},setup(props, context) {}
<style scoped></style>

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