


19.9 积分

计算机英语The Operating SystemLesson One Summary of operating system An operating system serves as an interface, bridging the gap between hardware and application software. Thus, as we move from hardware to software, it’s appropriate that we consider the operating system first. serve 服务,供应interface 界面bridge n.桥;vt.架桥gap n.缺口,缝隙thus adv.因而,从而,如此appropriate adj.适当的consider vt.考虑,照顾,认为What exactly dose an operating system do? Basically, it performs a number of support functions. exactly basically supportadv.正确地 严密地adv.基本上 主要地v.支持,维持n.支持,支持者If the application program is to be loaded, there must be a program in memory to control the loading process. That program is the operating system.Typically, the operating system is stored on disk. This objective is achieved by a special program called a boot. adv.代表性地n.目标,目的adj.客观的v.完成,到达Generally, the boot is stored on the first sector (or two) of a disk. Hardware is designed to read this sector automatically whenever the power is turned on. The boot consists of only a few instructions, but they are sufficient to read the rest of the operating system into memory; note how it is seemingly “pulled in by its own bootstraps”. Now, a user can type the commands to load and execute an application program.generallysector designed automatically consists of instructionssufficient rest note seeminglyowntype load executeLoading programs is only one of the operating system’s many support functions. Basically, it is a collection of software modules that insulate the user from the hardware, thus making the system easier to use. Let’s investigate the primary functions of a typical operating system. collection n.收藏,搜集品module n.模块 insulate vt.使绝缘,隔离investigate v.调查,研究primary adj.第一位的,主要的The operating system is a collection of programs designed to manage the system’s resources, namely, memory, processors, devices, and information (program and data).n.资源,财力,办法,智谋Memory Management FunctionsKeep track of the memory. What parts are in use and by whom? What parts are free? If multiprogramming, decide which process gets memory, when it gets it and how much. Allocate the memory, and reclaim the memory when the process no longer needs it or has been terminated. keep track of 明了free adj.自由的,免费的,空闲的 multiprogramming 多道程序allocate vt.分派,分配reclaim vt.要求归还,收回no longer 不再terminate v.停止,结束,终止Processor Management Function Keep track of the processors and the status of processes. Decide who will have a chance to use the processor. If multiprogramming, decide which process gets the processor, when and how much. Allocate the processor to process by setting up necessary hardware registers, this is often called the dispatcher. Reclaim the processor when process terminates, or exceeds allowed amount of usage.status n.身份,地位。省略部分。ts: one is filename, and another is file content. FilenameThis name has two parts: a main filename and an extension. DirectoryDrive NameA complete drive name consists of a drive letter and a colon. To tell DOS to do something, you type a command at the DOS prompt. DIR C:\>DIR/P C:\>DIR MYBRAIN.TXTCOPY C:\>COPY FILE.TXT A: C:\>COPY FILE.TXT NEWFILEDEL C:\>DEL ELVISn.&vt.提示Screen Information on DOSC:\>Copy completeC:\>Copy another diskette(Y/N)?C:\>Insufficient disk spaceC:\>Invalid filename or file not foundC:\>Disk full or write protectedC:\>Disk maybe damaged or not reliableC:\>Disk full write not completedC:\>File already exists. Overwrite?C:\>Bad Command or File nameC:\>An internal failure has occurredC:\>Formatting while copyingC:\>File is infected with virus XXXOn a trainA Russian, a Cuban, an American businessman and an American lawyer were on a train traveling across Europe. The Russian took out a large bottle of vodka(伏特加酒),poured each of his companions a drink and then threw the semi full (半满的) bottle out of the window.“Why did you do that?” asked the American businessman.“Vodka is plentiful in my country,” said the Russian, “in fact, we have more than we will ever use.”英语幽默笑话A little later, the Cuban passed around fine Havana cigars. He took a couple of puffs of his(抽了两口) and he tossed(扔) it out of the window.“I thought the Cuban economy was suffering,” the businessman said, “yet you threw that perfectly good cigar away.”“cigars,” the Cuban replied, “are a dozen a dime(多的不稀罕) in Cuba. We have more of them than we know what to do with.”The American businessman sat silence for a moment. Then he got up, grabbing(抓取) the lawyer and threw him out of the window.Lesson Three Windows Windows provides a graphical user interface and standard methods for switching among applications, file and program management, windowing, icons, pull-down menus, scroll-bars and dialog boxes (temporary windows). switch icon temporary n.开关Vt.转换n.图标肖像adj.暂时的 临时的These dialog boxes contain choices when the program needs additional information from the user. It is a multitasking operating system and has several advantages over MS-DOS. choice additional multitask advantage n.选择adj.竞选的 可选的 爱惜的adj.另外的 附加的 额外的多重任务处理n.优势有利条件利益Clipboard dynamic data exchange (DDE) Windows initialization files contain information that defines your Windows environment. There are two standard Windows initialization files:n.设定初值,初始化WIN.INI, which primarily contains settings that Windows maintains to customize your Windows environment according to your preferences.SYSTEM.INI, which primarily contains settings that customize Windows to meet your system’s hardware needs. settings customize preference meet n.设置v.定制,用户化n.偏爱,优先选择n.设置My name is…Not bad.I like…Long time no see.I care about you a great deal.Keep in touch.I have to get going.I love you.英语日常用语 关 键 词: 专业英语 计算机



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