
第13章 计算机专业英语

[例13-1](2006年5月上午试题68) are those programs that help find the information you are trying to the WWW.

A.WindowsB.Search EnginesC.Web SitesD.Web Pages

[例13-2] The is a collection of computers connected together by phone lines that allows for the global sharing of information.


[例13-3] means“Any HTML document on an HTTP Server”.

A.Web ServerB.Web pageC.Web BrowserD.Web site

[例13-4](2005年11月上午试题72)E-Mail is a fast, cheap and convenient way to messages locally and internationally.

A.give and get B.put and get

C.send and receive D.get in and get out

[例13-5] is a clickable string or graphic that points to another Web page or document.


[例13-6] One solution to major security problems is ,which are frequently installed to fix known security holes.


[例13-7] A firewall is a(1)system designed to(2)an organization’s network against threats.



[例13-8] Which one of these statements about connecting to the Internet is true A.The Internet can only be used to link computers with same operating system.

B.The Internet can be used to connect computers with different ISP.

C.You must have a modem to connect to the Internet

D.You must have a telephone line to connect to the Internet

[例13-9](2005年11月上午试题71)The Web Browser is a simple program that enables a computer to and view pages on the Web.


[例13-10](2006年5月上午试题71)Computer systems consist of two very different types of elements: Hardware, which includes all the physical things that can be touched and ,which tells the hardware how to do.

A.operating system B.I/O devices

C.courseware D.software

[例13-11] A computer is a personal computer whose hardware is capable of using any or all of the following media in a program: audio, tex


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