
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;

import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;

import java.io.*;

import java.util.*;

import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class GenPom {

private static final String outputPath = "F:\\path.txt";

private static final String mavenProPath = "F:\\maven_repo";

private static final String libPath = "D:\\product\\MvnTest\\src\\main\\resources\\lib";

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {




Map map = readLib();


List collect = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(outputPath))).lines().collect(Collectors.toList());

List paths = getGenPaths(map, collect);






* 获取需要生成的pom文件地址

* @param map

* @param collect

* @return


private static List getGenPaths(Map map, List collect){

List result = new ArrayList<>();


map.forEach((key, value) -> {


for (String path : collect) {

//匹配规则 因为有些lib存在parent所有此处用于忽略parent,并且查找当前map 坐标名

if (path.contains(key) && !path.contains("parent")) {


if (path.contains(value)) {


result.add(path.replace("jar", "pom"));






System.out.println("未匹配到:" + key + value);


return result;



* 生成坐标依赖,使用了Jsoup去分析pom文件

* @param paths

* @throws FileNotFoundException


private static void genDependency(List paths) throws FileNotFoundException {


for (String path : paths) {

File file = new File(path);

String content = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)).lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\r\n"));

Document parse = Jsoup.parse(content);

String data = (" \n" +

" " + parse.getElementsByTag("groupId").get(0).text() + "\n" +

" " + parse.getElementsByTag("artifactId").get(0).text() + "\n" +

" " + parse.getElementsByTag("version").get(0).text() + "\n" +

" ");





* 读取lib路劲 结果是 名,版本 如 spring-context-5.1.jar 结果为 spring-context=>5.1


private static Map readLib() throws IOException {

Map map = new HashMap<>();

File directory = new File(libPath);

if (!directory.isDirectory()) {

throw new RuntimeException("lib path must directory");


File[] files = directory.listFiles();

for (File file : files) {

int index = file.getName().lastIndexOf("-");

String artifactId = file.getName().substring(0, index);

String version = file.getName().substring(index);

map.put(artifactId, version);


return map;



* 读取本地maven坐标,将所有jar pom 文件地址写入到 outputPath 中 结果: f:/maven_repo/org/spring/context/5.1/org-spring-context-5.1.jar


* @throws IOException


private static void readMaven() throws IOException {

List read = read(new File(mavenProPath));

File file = new File(outputPath);

BufferedOutputStream outputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));

for (File x : read) {

String path = x.getPath().concat("\r\n");







* 递归读取所有文件


* @param file

* @return


private static List read(File file) {

List result = new ArrayList<>();

if (file.isDirectory()) {

File[] list = file.listFiles();

for (File s : list) {

List temp = read(s);

if (temp != null) {




return result;


return Collections.singletonList(file);



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