
Look at figure 1. The railroad cars  in the "Input track" is not sorted. We need them in a sorted way  in "Output track" like cars in figure2.

There are three holding tracks we can use to rearranging roailroad cars. A picture is worth than a thousand words, so look at the gif picture below. You can see how the process acts.

So, how we use code to solve the problem? Here three holding tracks in the picture, so we can use three stacks to hold the number.

The Whole Code

即使青春是一枝娇艳的花,但我明白,一枝独放永远不是春天,春天该是万紫千红的世界。 即使青春是一株大地伟岸的树,但我明白,一株独秀永远不是挺拔,成行成排的林木,才是遮风挡沙的绿色长城。即使青春是一叶大海孤高的帆,但我明白,一叶孤帆很难远航,千帆竞发才是大海的壮观。
// RailRoad.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
//#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>using namespace std;template <class T>
void PrintfNum(T a[], const int & n);// move cars from holding track to output track
void OutPut(stack<int> t[],int n, int totalStack,int& min){//move car from holding trackfor(int x = 0;x < totalStack; ++x){if(!t[x].empty() && t[x].top() == min){cout << "Move car " << t[x].top() << " from holding track " << x << " to output" << endl;t[x].pop();++min;x = -1; // find next car from the first holding track 0}}
}// move cars from input track to holding track
bool Hold(stack<int> t[],int n , int totalStack){for(int i = 0;i < totalStack; ++i){if(t[i].empty() || (!t[i].empty() && t[i].top() > n)){cout << "holding track " << i << " hold car " << n  << endl;t[i].push(n);return true; // we already find a holding track, so break the loop. }}return false;
}int main(int argc, char* argv[])
{const int NUM = 9;const int STACKNUM = 3;stack<int> t[STACKNUM];int min = 1;int a[NUM] = {5,8,1,7,4,2,9,6,3};PrintfNum(a,NUM);for(int i = NUM - 1; i >= 0; --i){if(a[i] == min){// try to move cars from input track or holding trackcout << "Move car " << a[i] << " from input to output" << endl;++min;OutPut(t,a[i],STACKNUM,min);           }else{// move cars from input track to holding trackif(!Hold(t,a[i],STACKNUM)){cout << "Not enough holding track" << endl;break;}        }}return 0;
}template <class T>
void PrintfNum(T a[], const int & n){for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){cout << a[i] << ",";}cout << endl;

While three holding tracks are sufficient to rearrange the cars from the initial ordering of Figure 1, other initial arrangements may need more tracks. For example, the initial arrangement 1, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 requires 8 holding tracks.


文章结束给大家分享下程序员的一些笑话语录: 一程序员告老还乡,想安度晚年,于是决定在书法上有所造诣。省略数字……,准备好文房4宝,挥起毛笔在白纸上郑重的写下:Hello World


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