
Get ready for the summer by building your own road trip mapping app with this step-by-step guide!


  • What are we going to build?


  • What do we need before we get started?


  • Step 1: Cleaning up some unneeded code


  • Step 2: Create our road trip locations


  • Step 3: Prepare our app with some functions


  • Step 4: Building our trip path


  • Step 5: Styling our map components


  • Want to learn more about maps?


Author’s Note: Even though we’re going through some challenging times, we can still be optimistic that we’ll get through this together and be able to enjoy our summer. Stay safe and wash your hands. ❤️

作者的注释:即使我们正在经历一些艰难的时期,我们仍然很乐观,因为我们会一起度过难关并能够享受我们的夏天。 保持安全并洗手。 ❤️

我们要建造什么? (What are we going to build?)

We’ll be walking through building a new mapping app that shows a route representing the trip. Each location will have a little card where we can add a picture and some things we did.

我们将逐步构建一个新的地图应用程序,该应用程序显示代表行程的路线。 每个位置都会有一张小卡片,我们可以在其中添加图片和所做的一些事情。

To get started, we’re going to use this Leaflet Gatsby Starter I created to make the initial setup a little smoother. With our app bootstrapped, we’ll create our list of locations and use Leaflet’s API to draw our route on the map.

首先,我们将使用我创建的Leaflet Gatsby Starter来简化初始设置。 引导我们的应用程序后,我们将创建位置列表并使用Leaflet的API在地图上绘制路线。

哇,地图应用? (Woah, a mapping app?)

Yup. If you haven’t played with maps before, don’t be discouraged! It's not as bad as you probably think. If you’d rather start with mapping basics, you can read more about how mapping works first.

对。 如果您以前从未玩过地图,请不要气!! 它并不像您想象的那么糟糕。 如果您想开始使用映射基础知识,则可以阅读有关映射如何首先工作的更多信息 。

开始之前需要什么? (What do we need before we get started?)

If you followed along with my last tutorial for building a Santa Tracker, you can follow the same steps to get started. If not, we’ll want to make sure we have the following set up:

如果您遵循了我的上一本有关构建Santa Tracker的教程,则可以按照相同的步骤开始。 如果没有,我们将确保我们进行以下设置:

  • node or yarn - I'll be using yarn, but you can substitute with npm where appropriate

    节点或毛线 -我将使用毛线,但是您可以在适当的地方用npm代替

  • Gatsby’s CLI - yarn global add gatsby-cli

    盖茨比(Gatsby)的CLI - yarn global add gatsby-cli

If you’re not sure about one of the above items, you can try checking out the beginning of my previous tutorial.


We’ll also want to set up a foundation for our map. We can do this by utilizing the Leaflet Gatsby Starter I put together that provides us a basic setup with Leaflet and React Leaflet.

我们还想为我们的地图建立基础。 我们可以利用我组合在一起的Leaflet Gatsby Starter来做到这一点,它为我们提供了Leaflet和React Leaflet的基本设置。

gatsby new my-road-trip

After that’s finished running, you can navigate to the newly created project directory and start your local development server:


cd my-road-trip
yarn develop

If all goes as planned, your server should start and you should now be able to see your basic mapping app in your browser!


步骤1:清理一些不需要的代码 (Step 1: Cleaning up some unneeded code)

The Gatsby Starter we're using to spin up this app comes with some demo code that we don’t need here. We’ll want to make all of the changes below in the file src/pages/index.js, which is the homepage of our app.

我们用来启动该应用程序的Gatsby Starter附带了一些此处不需要的演示代码。 我们要在文件src/pages/index.js以下所有更改,这是我们应用程序的主页。

First, let’s remove everything from the mapEffect function. This function is used to run code that fires when the map renders.

首先,让我们从mapEffect函数中删除所有内容。 此函数用于运行在地图渲染时触发的代码。

// In src/pages/index.jsasync function mapEffect({ leafletElement } = {}) {// Get rid of everything in here

Next, we don’t want a marker this time, so let’s remove the <Marker component from our <Map component:


<Map {…mapSettings} />

Now that we have those pieces cleared out, we can remove all of the following imports and variables from the top of our file:


  • useRefuseRef
  • Marker记号笔
  • promiseToFlyTopromiseToFlyTo
  • getCurrentLocationgetCurrentLocation
  • gatsby_astronautgatsby_astronaut
  • timeToZoomtimeToZoom
  • timeToOpenPopupAfterZoomtimeToOpenPopupAfterZoom
  • timeToUpdatePopupAfterZoomtimeToUpdatePopupAfterZoom
  • ZOOM放大
  • popupContentHellopopupContentHello
  • popupContentGatsbypopupContentGatsby
  • markerRefmarkerRef

After, our map should still work, but not do anything.


Follow along with the commit


步骤2:建立公路旅行地点 (Step 2: Create our road trip locations)

This step will involve preparing our location data that will populate our road trip app. Our locations will include properties like a name, date, things we did, and a picture if we want.

此步骤将涉及准备将填充我们的公路旅行应用程序的位置数据。 我们的位置将包括属性,例如名称,日期,我们做的事情,以及如果需要的图片。

First, create a new file in the src/data directory called locations.js.  Inside of that file, we want to create and export a new array.

首先,在src/data目录中创建一个名为locations.js的新文件。 在该文件内部,我们要创建和导出一个新数组。

export const locations = [{placename: ‘Herndon, VA’,date: ‘August 1, 2015’,location: {lat: 38.958988,lng: -77.417320},todo: [‘Where we start! 												


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