
Hexadecimal numbers, often shortened to “hex numbers” or “hex”, are numbers represented in base 16 as opposed to base 10 that we use for everyday arithmetic and counting.


In practical terms, this means that each column of a number written in hexadecimal can represent up to 16 values.


Digits in hexadecimal use the standard symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 to represent the corresponding value, and use the first six letters of the alphabet to represent the values 10 through 15 (E.G: A, B, C, D, E, F).

十六进制数字使用标准符号0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8和9表示相应的值,并使用字母的前六个字母表示值10到15( EG:A,B,C,D,E,F)。

In programming, we prefix hexadecimal constants with 0x, with some exceptions.


实例与解释 (Examples and explanation)

0x1        ==        1
0xF        ==        15
0xFF       ==        255
0xFFF      ==        4095
0x1000     ==        4096

In the standard base 10 system, each column represents increasing powers of 10, while in base 16 each column represents increasing powers of 16.

在标准base 10系统中,每列代表幂的增加10,而在base 16中,每列代表幂的增加16。

As seen in the table example above, with one hex digit we can represent numbers up to and including 15. Add another column and we can represent numbers up to 255, 4095 with another column, and so on.


十六进制在底层编程中的使用 (Uses of Hexadecimal in Low Level Programming)

Hexadecimal first found its use in Computer Science as a convenience feature.


Data in our computers has a lowest common storage unit, the Byte. Each byte contains 8 bits, and is able to store a number between 0 and 255 inclusive.

我们计算机中的数据具有最低的公用存储单元Byte。 每个字节包含8位,并且能够存储0到255之间的数字。

Hexadecimal has the advantage of being terse and having well defined boundaries.


A single byte is always represented by two hexadecimal digits from 0x00 to 0xFF, the latter being the largest per-byte value of 255.


The terseness and byte-aligned nature of hexadecimal numbers make them a popular choice for software engineers working on low-level code-bases or embedded software.


JavaScript中十六进制数的使用 (Uses of Hexadecimal Numbers in JavaScript)

JavaScript supports the use of hexadecimal notation in place of any integer, but not decimals.


As an example, the number 2514 in hex is 0x9D2, but there is no language-supported way of representing 25.14 as a hex number.


Using hexadecimal in your code is a personal and stylistic choice, and has no effect on the underlying logic your code implements.


CSS中十六进制数的使用 (Uses of Hexadecimal Numbers in CSS)

CSS has for a long time used hexadecimal notation to represent color values. Consider the following selector:

CSS长期以来一直使用十六进制表示法来表示颜色值。 考虑以下选择器:

.my-container {background-color: #112233;color: #FFFFFF;

The background-color’s value is in fact three hex bytes.

实际上, background-color的值为三个十六进制字节。

The CSS processor treats these as three individual bytes, representing Red, Green, and Blue.


In our example, 11 corresponds to the Red color component, 22 corresponds to the Green color component, and 33 to the Blue color component.


There is currently no way as of CSS3 to define a color with an alpha component using hex. The proposed CSS4 Draft1 includes a proposal to allow for an extra byte to specify alpha values.

从CSS3开始,目前尚无使用十六进制的Alpha分量定义颜色的方法。 拟议CSS4草案1包含一项建议,允许增加一个字节来指定alpha值。

For now, use of the standard rgba() function is the recommended way to add an alpha value to your colors.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/hexadecimal-number-system/



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