
class Foo(object):def __init__(self, x, y=0):self.x = xself.y = y


f = Foo(1, y=2)


__init__并没有返回一个对象,但是调用Foo(1, y=2)确实返回了一个对象。而且,__init__预期一个self参数,但是当我们调用Foo(1, y=2)时这里并没有这个参数。这里会有更复杂的工作。在这篇文章中,让我们探究下在Python中实例化一个类时到底发生了什么。


在Python中实例化一个对象包含了几个阶段,但它的妙处在于它们自身是Pythonic(python之禅)的——理解这些步骤使得我们对Python整体有多一点的了解。Foo是一个类,但是Python中的类也是对象!类、函数、方法以及实例都是对象,并且无论何时你将一对括号放在它们的名字后面时,就会调用它们的__call__方法。所以Foo(1, y=2)是等价于Foo.__call__(1, y=2)的。__call__方法是定义在Foo的类中的。Foo的类是什么呢?

>>> Foo.__class__
<class 'type'>

所以Foo是类型type的一个对象并且调用__call__返回一个Foo类的对象。让我们看下type中的__call__方法是什么样的。这个方法相当的复杂,但是我们尝试尽量简化它。在下面我粘贴了CPython CPyPy Python的实现。我发想从源码中寻找答案是很有趣的,但是你也可以直接看下面的简化版:


static PyObject *
type_call(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
{PyObject *obj;if (type->tp_new == NULL) {PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError,"cannot create '%.100s' instances",type->tp_name);return NULL;}obj = type->tp_new(type, args, kwds);obj = _Py_CheckFunctionResult((PyObject*)type, obj, NULL);if (obj == NULL)return NULL;/* Ugly exception: when the call was type(something),don't call tp_init on the result. */if (type == &PyType_Type &&PyTuple_Check(args) && PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args) == 1 &&(kwds == NULL ||(PyDict_Check(kwds) && PyDict_Size(kwds) == 0)))return obj;/* If the returned object is not an instance of type,it won't be initialized. */if (!PyType_IsSubtype(Py_TYPE(obj), type))return obj;type = Py_TYPE(obj);if (type->tp_init != NULL) {int res = type->tp_init(obj, args, kwds);if (res < 0) {assert(PyErr_Occurred());Py_DECREF(obj);obj = NULL;}else {assert(!PyErr_Occurred());}}return obj;


def descr_call(self, space, __args__):promote(self)# invoke the __new__ of the typeif not we_are_jitted():# note that the annotator will figure out that self.w_new_function# can only be None if the newshortcut config option is not setw_newfunc = self.w_new_functionelse:# for the JIT it is better to take the slow path because normal lookup# is nicely optimized, but the self.w_new_function attribute is not# known to the JITw_newfunc = Noneif w_newfunc is None:w_newtype, w_newdescr = self.lookup_where('__new__')if w_newdescr is None:    # see test_crash_mro_without_object_1raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError, "cannot create '%N' instances",self)w_newfunc = space.get(w_newdescr, self)if (space.config.objspace.std.newshortcut andnot we_are_jitted() andisinstance(w_newtype, W_TypeObject)):self.w_new_function = w_newfuncw_newobject = space.call_obj_args(w_newfunc, self, __args__)call_init = space.isinstance_w(w_newobject, self)# maybe invoke the __init__ of the typeif (call_init and not (space.is_w(self, space.w_type) andnot __args__.keywords and len(__args__.arguments_w) == 1)):w_descr = space.lookup(w_newobject, '__init__')if w_descr is not None:    # see test_crash_mro_without_object_2w_result = space.get_and_call_args(w_descr, w_newobject,__args__)if not space.is_w(w_result, space.w_None):raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,"__init__() should return None")return w_newobject


def __call__(obj_type, *args, **kwargs):obj = obj_type.__new__(*args, **kwargs)if obj is not None and issubclass(obj, obj_type):obj.__init__(*args, **kwargs)return obj


  1. Foo(*args, **kwargs)等价于Foo.__call__(*args, **kwargs)
  2. 既然Foo是一个type的实例,Foo.__call__(*args, **kwargs)实际调用的是type.__call__(Foo, *args, **kwargs)
  3. type.__call__(Foo, *args, **kwargs)调用type.__new__(Foo, *args, **kwargs),然后返回一个对象。
  4. obj随后通过调用obj.__init__(*args, **kwargs)被初始化。
  5. obj被返回。




class Singleton(object):_instance = Nonedef __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):if cls._instance is None:cls._instance = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)return cls._instance


>>> s1 = Singleton()
... s2 = Singleton()
... s1 is s2

另外一个相似的例子是实现Borg design pattern:

class Borg(object):_dict = Nonedef __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):obj = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)if cls._dict is None:cls._dict = obj.__dict__else:obj.__dict__ = cls._dictreturn obj


>>> b1 = Borg()
... b2 = Borg()
... b1 is b2
>>> b1.x = 8
... b2.x


—— Arion Sprague, Python’s Hidden New

在python中,一个问题的最佳解决方案是用__new__的情况是罕见的。麻烦的是如果你手里有把锤子,任何问题看起来都会像是钉子了 —— 那么你可能会突然遇到很多__new__能解决的问题。但是我们应该更倾向于更好的设计而不是使用一个全新的工具。__new__并不总是更好的。


  • The Python Language Reference / Data Model
  • Eli Bendersky / Python Object Creation Sequence


如果 Foo 定义了一个 __call__方法,Foo(*args, **kwargs) 并不等于Foo.__call__(*args, **kwargs):

>>> class Foo:
...   def __call__(self):
...     print('running __call__')
>>> Foo()
<__main__.Foo object at 0x000000000227ABE0>
>>> Foo.__call__()
Traceback (most recent call last):File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: __call__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'
In this case, __call__ is used to call instances of the class :>>> Foo()()
running __call__

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