今天在本地的gem list中发现了1个叫做rautomation的扩展,仔细一看原来这是个使用watir的语法进行windows程序测试的工具库,不敢独享,略志一二。


RAutomation is a small and easy to use library for helping out to automate windows and their controls for automated testing. RAutomation是个小巧易用的工具库,其主要用来进行windows窗体和控件的自动化测试工作。


  • Easy to use and user-friendly API (inspired by Watir http://www.watir.com) 易用的watir like API
  • Cross-platform compatibility 跨平台
  • Easy extensibility - with small scripting effort it's possible to add support for not yet supported platforms or technologies 易扩展


require "rautomation"# 通过匹配部分标题来获取窗口
window = RAutomation::Window.new(:title => /part of the title/i)
window.exists? # => true
window.title # => "blah blah part Of the title blah"
window.text # => "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ultricies..."# 控件操作
window.text_field(:class => "Edit", :index => 0).set "hello, world!"
button = window.button(:text => "&Save")
button.exists? # => true
button.click# 获取当前所有窗口的句柄
all_windows = RAutomation::Window.windows
all_windows.each {|window| puts window.hwnd}# 根据标题匹配所有窗口
window = RAutomation::Window.new(:title => /part of the title/i)
windows = window.windows
puts windows.size # => 2
windows.map {|window| window.title } # => ["part of the title 1", "part of the title 2"]
window.windows(:title => /part of other title/i) # => all windows with matching specified title# 遍历窗口上所有的button控件
window.buttons.each {|button| puts button.value}
window.buttons(:value => /some value/i).each {|button| puts button.value}# 使用autoit adapter来定位和操作窗口
# 注意:需要注册AutoitX的DLL
window2 = RAutomation::Window.new(:title => "Other Title", :adapter => :autoit) # use AutoIt adapter
# 使用autoit的原生方法来操作控件
# use adapter's (in this case AutoIt's) internal methods not part of the public API directly
window2.WinClose("[TITLE:Other Title]")


安装了watir 1.9后该扩展自动安装。另外也可以使用下面的命令进行安装

gem install rautomation


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