



// 输入系统基类
class CInputInterface{public:    CInputInterface(){}virtual ~CInputInterface(){}

virtual bool Initialize() = 0;virtual bool UpdateDevices() = 0;

virtual int KeyUp(unsigned int key) = 0;virtual int KeyDown(unsigned int key) = 0;

virtual int MouseButtonUp(unsigned int button) = 0;virtual int MouseButtonDown(unsigned int button) = 0;virtual POINT GetMousePos() = 0;virtual long GetMouseWheelPos() = 0;

virtual int ControllerButtonUp(unsigned int button) = 0;virtual int ControllerButtonDown(unsigned int button) = 0;virtual POINT GetLeftStickPos() = 0;virtual POINT GetRightStickPos() = 0;

virtual void Shutdown() = 0;};

// 输入设备基类
class CDeviceInterface{public:    CDeviceInterface() {}virtual ~CDeviceInterface(){}

virtual bool UpdateDevice() = 0;

virtual int ButtonUp(unsigned int key) = 0;virtual int ButtonDown(unsigned int key) = 0;

virtual POINT GetPosition() = 0;virtual POINT GetZPosition() = 0;

virtual void Shutdown() = 0;};






class CKeyboard : public CDeviceInterface{public:    CKeyboard(LPDIRECTINPUT8 input, HWND hwnd);~CKeyboard() { Shutdown(); }

bool UpdateDevice();

int ButtonUp(unsigned int key);int ButtonDown(unsigned int key);

    POINT GetPosition();    POINT GetZPosition();

void Shutdown();

// Keyboard device.    LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 m_device;char m_keys[KEYS_SIZE];char m_oldKeys[KEYS_SIZE];};

class CMouse : public CDeviceInterface{public:    CMouse(LPDIRECTINPUT8 input, HWND hwnd, bool exclusive);~CMouse() { Shutdown(); }

bool UpdateDevice();

int ButtonUp(unsigned int key);int ButtonDown(unsigned int key);

    POINT GetPosition();    POINT GetZPosition();

void Shutdown();

// Mouse device.    LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 m_device;    DIMOUSESTATE m_mouseState;    DIMOUSESTATE m_oldMouseState;bool m_button[3];

// Mouse x, y, and wheel position.    long m_xMPos;long m_yMPos;long m_zMPos;

// Max x (width) and y (height)// Restrict means to cap at width/height.    bool m_restrict;int m_width;int m_height;};

class CGameController : public CDeviceInterface{public:    CGameController(LPDIRECTINPUT8 input, HWND hwnd);~CGameController() { Shutdown(); }

bool UpdateDevice();

// Used to create the game controllers.    BOOL EnumDeviceCallBack(const DIDEVICEINSTANCE *inst, void* pData);

int ButtonUp(unsigned int key);int ButtonDown(unsigned int key);

    POINT GetPosition();    POINT GetZPosition();

void Shutdown();

// Game controller device.    LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 m_device;    DIJOYSTATE2 m_gcState;    DIJOYSTATE2 m_oldGCState;char m_name[256];    unsigned long m_numButtons;

// Left and right stick x and y positions.    long m_xGCPos;long m_yGCPos;long m_xGCPos2;long m_yGCPos2;

// Window handled (needed for game controllers).    HWND m_hwnd;

// Copy of input system.    LPDIRECTINPUT8 m_inputSystem;};

class CDirectInputSystem : public CInputInterface{public:    CDirectInputSystem(HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hInst, bool exclusive);~CDirectInputSystem();

// Init devics, update devices states.    bool Initialize();bool UpdateDevices();

// Keyboard functions.    int KeyUp(unsigned int key);int KeyDown(unsigned int key);

// Mouse functions.    int MouseButtonUp(unsigned int button);int MouseButtonDown(unsigned int button);

// Get mouse position (x, y) and mouse wheel data (z).    POINT GetMousePos();long GetMouseWheelPos();

// Game controller functions.    int ControllerButtonUp(unsigned int button);int ControllerButtonDown(unsigned int button);

// Get controller main (left) and right stick position.    POINT GetLeftStickPos();    POINT GetRightStickPos();

void Shutdown();

protected:    LPDIRECTINPUT8 m_system;

// Devices.    CKeyboard *m_keyboard;    CMouse *m_mouse;    CGameController *m_gameController;};

bool CreateDIInput(CInputInterface **pObj, HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hInst, bool exclusive);




#pragma comment(lib, "dinput8.lib")#pragma comment(lib, "dxguid.lib")

#define MOUSE_BUFF_SIZE 16

CGameController *gThis = NULL;

bool CreateDIInput(CInputInterface **pObj, HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hInst, bool exclusive){if(!*pObj) *pObj = new CDirectInputSystem(hwnd, hInst, exclusive);else return false;

return true;}

BOOL gJSEnumDeviceCallBack(const DIDEVICEINSTANCE *inst, void* pData){return gThis->EnumDeviceCallBack(inst, pData);}

CKeyboard::CKeyboard(LPDIRECTINPUT8 input, HWND hwnd){// Initialize the keyboard.    if(input->CreateDevice(GUID_SysKeyboard, &m_device, NULL) == DI_OK)    {if(m_device->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIKeyboard) == DI_OK)        {if(m_device->SetCooperativeLevel(hwnd,                DISCL_FOREGROUND |DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE) == DI_OK)            {                m_device->Acquire();            }        }    }

// Clear keys will clear out the array of keys we have.    memset(m_keys, 0, sizeof(m_keys));}

int CKeyboard::ButtonUp(unsigned int key){// If the key in the variable is not pressed then return false.    return (!(m_keys[key] & 0x80) && m_keys[key] != m_oldKeys[key]);}

int CKeyboard::ButtonDown(unsigned int key){// If the key in the variable is not pressed then return false.    return m_keys[key] & 0x80;}

POINT CKeyboard::GetPosition(){// Doesn't have position.    POINT p = { 0, 0 };return p;}

POINT CKeyboard::GetZPosition(){// Doesn't have position.    POINT p = { 0, 0 };return p;}

bool CKeyboard::UpdateDevice(){if(m_device)    {// Save old state for input comparing.        memcpy(m_oldKeys, m_keys, sizeof(m_keys));

// If error getting device state, re-aquire.        if(FAILED(m_device->GetDeviceState(sizeof(m_keys), (LPVOID)m_keys)))        {if(FAILED(m_device->Acquire())) return false;if(FAILED(m_device->GetDeviceState(sizeof(m_keys), (LPVOID)m_keys)))return false;        }    }

return true;}

void CKeyboard::Shutdown(){if(m_device)    {        m_device->Unacquire();        m_device->Release();        m_device = NULL;    }}

CMouse::CMouse(LPDIRECTINPUT8 input, HWND hwnd, bool exclusive){// Initialize the Mouse.    DWORD flags;

if(input->CreateDevice(GUID_SysMouse, &m_device, NULL) == DI_OK)    {if(m_device->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIMouse) == DI_OK)        {if(exclusive) flags = DISCL_FOREGROUND | DISCL_EXCLUSIVE | DISCL_NOWINKEY;else flags = DISCL_FOREGROUND | DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE;

if(m_device->SetCooperativeLevel(hwnd, flags) == DI_OK)            {                m_device->Acquire();            }        }    }}

int CMouse::ButtonUp(unsigned int button){// If the button is not clicked we return false.    return (!(m_mouseState.rgbButtons[button] & 0x80) &&        m_mouseState.rgbButtons[button] != m_oldMouseState.rgbButtons[button]);}

int CMouse::ButtonDown(unsigned int button){// If the button is clicked we return true.    return m_mouseState.rgbButtons[button] & 0x80;}

bool CMouse::UpdateDevice(){// Get the device state.    if(m_device)    {// Save old state for input comparing.        memcpy(&m_oldMouseState, &m_mouseState, sizeof(m_mouseState));

// If error getting device state, re-aquire.        if(FAILED(m_device->GetDeviceState(sizeof(DIMOUSESTATE), &m_mouseState)))        {if(FAILED(m_device->Acquire())) return false;if(FAILED(m_device->GetDeviceState(sizeof(DIMOUSESTATE), &m_mouseState)))return false;        }

        m_xMPos += m_mouseState.lX;        m_yMPos += m_mouseState.lY;        m_zMPos = m_mouseState.lZ;    }

return true;}

POINT CMouse::GetPosition(){    POINT pos;

    pos.x = m_xMPos;    pos.y = m_yMPos;return pos;}

POINT CMouse::GetZPosition(){    POINT p = { m_zMPos, m_zMPos };return p;}

void CMouse::Shutdown(){if(m_device)    {        m_device->Unacquire();        m_device->Release();        m_device = NULL;    }}

CGameController::CGameController(LPDIRECTINPUT8 input, HWND hwnd){// Save copies.    gThis = this;    m_hwnd = hwnd;    m_inputSystem = input;

// Initialize the game controller.    DIPROPRANGE range;    DIDEVCAPS caps;


if(m_device)    {        range.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPRANGE);        range.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(DIPROPHEADER);        range.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYOFFSET;        range.lMin = -1000;        range.lMax = 1000;        range.diph.dwObj = DIJOFS_X;        m_device->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &range.diph);        range.diph.dwObj = DIJOFS_Y;        m_device->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &range.diph);

if(SUCCEEDED(m_device->GetCapabilities(&caps))) m_numButtons = caps.dwButtons;else m_numButtons = 4;    }}

BOOL CGameController::EnumDeviceCallBack(const DIDEVICEINSTANCE *inst, void* pData){// Set to the first device found.    if(SUCCEEDED(m_inputSystem->CreateDevice(inst->guidInstance, &m_device, NULL)))    {if(SUCCEEDED(m_device->SetDataFormat(&c_dfDIJoystick2)))if(SUCCEEDED(m_device->SetCooperativeLevel(m_hwnd, DISCL_FOREGROUND | DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE)))if(SUCCEEDED(m_device->Acquire()))                {                    strcpy(m_name, (char*)inst->tszProductName);return DIENUM_STOP;                }    }

// Return continue to try to init other connected devices.    return DIENUM_CONTINUE;}

int CGameController::ButtonUp(unsigned int button){if(button < 0 || button >= m_numButtons) return 0;return (!(m_gcState.rgbButtons[button] & 0x80) &&        m_gcState.rgbButtons[button] != m_oldGCState.rgbButtons[button]);}

int CGameController::ButtonDown(unsigned int button){if(button < 0 || button >= m_numButtons) return 0;return m_gcState.rgbButtons[button] & 0x80;}

bool CGameController::UpdateDevice(){if(m_device)    {        m_device->Poll();

// Save old state for input comparing.        memcpy(&m_oldGCState, &m_gcState, sizeof(m_gcState));

// If error getting device state, re-aquire.        if(FAILED(m_device->GetDeviceState(sizeof(DIJOYSTATE2), &m_gcState)))        {if(FAILED(m_device->Acquire())) return false;if(FAILED(m_device->GetDeviceState(sizeof(DIJOYSTATE2), &m_gcState)))return false;        }

        m_xGCPos = m_gcState.lX;        m_yGCPos = m_gcState.lY;

        m_xGCPos2 = m_gcState.lZ;        m_yGCPos2 = m_gcState.lRz;    }

return true;}

POINT CGameController::GetPosition(){    POINT pos;

    pos.x = m_xGCPos;    pos.y = m_yGCPos;return pos;}

POINT CGameController::GetZPosition(){    POINT pos;

    pos.x = m_xGCPos2;    pos.y = m_yGCPos2;return pos;}

void CGameController::Shutdown(){if(m_device)    {        m_device->Unacquire();        m_device->Release();        m_device = NULL;    }}

CDirectInputSystem::CDirectInputSystem(HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hInst, bool exclusive){// Initialize objects...    m_keyboard = NULL;    m_mouse = NULL;    m_gameController = NULL;

// Create input system.    if(DirectInput8Create(hInst, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION,        IID_IDirectInput8, (void **)&m_system, NULL) == DI_OK)    {        m_keyboard = new CKeyboard(m_system, hwnd);        m_mouse = new CMouse(m_system, hwnd, exclusive);        m_gameController = new CGameController(m_system, hwnd);    }}

CDirectInputSystem::~CDirectInputSystem(){// Shut everything down.    Shutdown();}

bool CDirectInputSystem::Initialize(){// Everything took place in the constructor.// Force keyboard and mouse before considering the// system initialized.    return (m_keyboard && m_mouse);}

bool CDirectInputSystem::UpdateDevices(){int hr;

// Get the device state.    if(m_mouse) hr = m_mouse->UpdateDevice();if(m_keyboard) hr = m_keyboard->UpdateDevice();if(m_gameController) hr = m_gameController->UpdateDevice();

return true;}

int CDirectInputSystem::KeyUp(unsigned int key){if(!m_keyboard) return 0;return m_keyboard->ButtonUp(key);}

int CDirectInputSystem::KeyDown(unsigned int key){if(!m_keyboard) return 0;return m_keyboard->ButtonDown(key);}

int CDirectInputSystem::MouseButtonUp(unsigned int button){if(!m_mouse) return 0;return m_mouse->ButtonUp(button);}

int CDirectInputSystem::MouseButtonDown(unsigned int button){if(!m_mouse) return 0;return m_mouse->ButtonDown(button);}

int CDirectInputSystem::ControllerButtonUp(unsigned int button){if(!m_gameController) return 0;return m_gameController->ButtonUp(button);}

int CDirectInputSystem::ControllerButtonDown(unsigned int button){if(!m_gameController) return 0;return m_gameController->ButtonDown(button);}

POINT CDirectInputSystem::GetMousePos(){    POINT null = {0, 0};if(!m_mouse) return null;

return m_mouse->GetPosition();}

long CDirectInputSystem::GetMouseWheelPos(){if(!m_mouse) return 0;

    POINT wheel =  m_mouse->GetZPosition();return wheel.y;}

POINT CDirectInputSystem::GetLeftStickPos(){    POINT null = {0, 0};if(!m_gameController) return null;

return m_gameController->GetPosition();}

POINT CDirectInputSystem::GetRightStickPos(){    POINT null = {0, 0};if(!m_gameController) return null;

return m_gameController->GetZPosition();}

void CDirectInputSystem::Shutdown(){// Delete each object...    if(m_keyboard)    {        m_keyboard->Shutdown();        delete m_keyboard;        m_keyboard = NULL;    }

if(m_mouse)    {        m_mouse->Shutdown();        delete m_mouse;        m_mouse = NULL;    }

if(m_gameController)    {        m_gameController->Shutdown();        delete m_gameController;        m_gameController = NULL;    }

if(m_system)    {        m_system->Release();        m_system = NULL;    }}



// 窗口句柄

HWND g_hwnd;

HINSTANCE g_hInstance;   // 程序的当前实例的句柄

CInputInterface *g_InputSystem = NULL;   // 输入系统的抽象基类

// 渲染基类的对象指针 g_Render

CRenderInterface* g_Render = NULL;

// GUI控件ID

int g_mainGui = -1;     // 主菜单界面

int g_startGui = -1;    // 开始菜单界面

int g_creditsGui = -1;  // 字幕菜单界面

int g_currentGUI = GUI_MAIN_SCREEN;   // 当前菜单界面

// 字体类型ID

int g_arialID = -1;

// 鼠标的状态信息

bool LMBDown = false;    // 光标左键是否按下

bool LMBUp = false;      // 鼠标左键是否弹起

int mouseX = 0, mouseY = 0;   // 鼠标指针位置(X和Y)

// 创建渲染系统对象,并初始化Direct3Dbool InitializeEngine(){// g_Render指向创建的渲染系统抽象基类对象    if (! CreateD3DRenderer(&g_Render) )    {return false;    }

// 渲染系统初始化Direct3D    if (! g_Render->Initialize(WIN_WIDTH, WIN_HEIGHT, g_hwnd, FULLSCREEN, UGP_MS_SAMPLES_4) )    {return false;    }

// 设置后台缓存的指定清除色    g_Render->SetClearCol(0, 0, 0);

// 为要显示的文本创建Arial字体    if (! g_Render->CreateText("Arial", 0, true, 18, g_arialID) )    {return false;    }

// 动态开辟输入系统CDirectInputSystem类对象    if (! CreateDIInput(&g_InputSystem, g_hwnd, g_hInstance, false) )    {return false;    }

// 输入系统初始化    if (! g_InputSystem->Initialize() )    {return false;    }

return true;}

// 引擎的相关内存的销毁工作void ShutdownEngine(){// 释放渲染系统    if (g_Render)    {        g_Render->Shutdown();        delete g_Render;        g_Render = NULL;    }

// 释放输入系统    if(g_InputSystem)    {        g_InputSystem->Shutdown();        delete g_InputSystem;        g_InputSystem = NULL;    }}


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