
PowerShell本身具有一个简单但是很实用的命令 ConvertTo-Htm,可以把整个对象转换成HTML格式。事实上,作为基本的功能他已经可以实现一些漂亮的界面了。但是还是太基础了,不能满足大多数用户的需要。




Function Set-CellColor
{   <#.SYNOPSISFunction that allows you toset individual cell colors in an HTML table.DESCRIPTIONTo be used inconjunctionwith ConvertTo-HTML this simple function allows youto set particular colors forcells in an HTML table.  You provide thecriteriathe script uses to make thedetermination if a cell should be a particularcolor (property -gt 5,property -like "*Apple*", etc).You can add the function toyour scripts, dot source it to load into your currentPowerShell session or add itto your $Profile so it is always available.To dot source:.".\Set-CellColor.ps1".PARAMETER PropertyProperty, or column that youwill be keying on. .PARAMETER ColorName or 6-digit hex value ofthe color you want the cell to be.PARAMETER InputObjectHTML you want the script toprocess.  This can be entered directlyinto theparameter or piped to thefunction..PARAMETER FilterSpecifies a query todetermine if a cell should have its color changed.  $trueresults will make the colorchange while $false result will return nothing.Syntax<Property Name><Operator> <Value><Property Name>::= thesame as $Property.  This must matchexactly<Operator>::="-eq" | "-le" | "-ge" | "-ne" |"-lt" | "-gt"| "-approx" | "-like" |"-notlike"<JoinOperator> ::="-and" | "-or"<NotOperator> ::="-not"The script first attempts to convert thecell to a number, and if it fails it willcast it as a string.  So 40 will be a number and you can use -lt,-gt, etc.  But 40%would be cast as a string soyou could only use -eq, -ne, -like, etc. .PARAMETER RowInstructs the script tochange the entire row to the specified color instead of the individual cell..INPUTSHTML with table.OUTPUTSHTML.EXAMPLEget-process | convertto-html| set-cellcolor -Propety cpu -Color red -Filter "cpu -gt 1000" |out-file c:\test\get-process.htmlAssuming Set-CellColor hasbeen dot sourced, run Get-Process and convert to HTML. Then change the CPU cell tored only if the CPU field is greater than 1000..EXAMPLEget-process | convertto-html| set-cellcolor cpu red -filter "cpu -gt 1000 -and cpu -lt 2000" |out-file c:\test\get-process.htmlSame as Example 1, but nowwe will only turn a cell red if CPU is greater than 100but less than 2000..EXAMPLE$HTML = $Data | sort server| ConvertTo-html -head $header | Set-CellColor cookedvalue red -Filter"cookedvalue -gt 1"PS C:\> $HTML = $HTML |Set-CellColor Server green -Filter "server -eq 'dc2'"PS C:\> $HTML |Set-CellColor Path Yellow -Filter "Path -like""*memory*""" | Out-File c:\Test\colortest.htmlTakes a collection ofobjects in $Data, sorts on the property Server and converts to HTML.  From therewe set the"CookedValue" property to red if it's greater then 1.  We then send the HTML through Set-CellColoragain, this time setting theServer cell to green if it's "dc2". One more time through Set-CellColorturns the Path cell toYellow if it contains the word "memory" in it..EXAMPLE$HTML = $Data | sort server| ConvertTo-html -head $header | Set-CellColor cookedvalue red -Filter"cookedvalue -gt 1" -RowNow, if the cookedvalueproperty is greater than 1 the function will highlight the entire row red..NOTESAuthor:             Martin PughTwitter:            @thesurlyadm1nSpiceworks:         Martin9700Blog:               www.thesurlyadmin.comChangelog:1.5             Added ability to set row colorwith -Row switch instead of the individual cell1.03            Added error message in case the$Property field cannot be found in the table header1.02            Added some additional text tohelp.  Added some error trapping around$Filtercreation.1.01            Added verbose output1.0             Initial Release.LINKhttp://community.spiceworks.com/scripts/show/2450-change-cell-color-in-html-table-with-powershell-set-cellcolor#>[CmdletBinding()]Param ([Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)][string]$Property,[Parameter(Mandatory,Position=1)][string]$Color,[Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipeline)][Object[]]$InputObject,[Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$Filter,[switch]$Row)Begin {Write-Verbose"$(Get-Date): Function Set-CellColor begins"If ($Filter){   If($Filter.ToUpper().IndexOf($Property.ToUpper()) -ge 0){   $Filter =$Filter.ToUpper().Replace($Property.ToUpper(),"`$Value")Try {[scriptblock]$Filter = [scriptblock]::Create($Filter)}Catch {Write-Warning"$(Get-Date): ""$Filter"" caused an error, stoppingscript!"Write-Warning$Error[0]Exit}}Else{   Write-Warning "Could not locate$Property in the Filter, which is required. Filter: $Filter"Exit}}}Process {ForEach ($Line in$InputObject){   If($Line.IndexOf("<tr><th") -ge 0){   Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Processingheaders..."$Search = $Line |Select-String -Pattern '<th ?[a-z\-:;"=]*>(.*?)<\/th>'-AllMatches$Index = 0ForEach ($Match in$Search.Matches){   If ($Match.Groups[1].Value -eq $Property){   Break}$Index ++}If ($Index -eq$Search.Matches.Count){   Write-Warning "$(Get-Date): Unable tolocate property: $Property in table header"Exit}Write-Verbose"$(Get-Date): $Property column found at index: $Index"}If ($Line -match"<tr(style=""background-color:.+?"")?><td"){   $Search = $Line | Select-String -Pattern'<td ?[a-z\-:;"=]*>(.*?)<\/td>' -AllMatches$Value =$Search.Matches[$Index].Groups[1].Value -as [double]If (-not $Value){   $Value =$Search.Matches[$Index].Groups[1].Value}If (Invoke-Command$Filter){   If ($Row){   Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Criteriamet!  Changing row to $Color..."If ($Line-match "<trstyle=""background-color:(.+?)"">"){   $Line = $Line -replace "<trstyle=""background-color:$($Matches[1])","<trstyle=""background-color:$Color"}Else{   $Line =$Line.Replace("<tr>","<tr style=""background-color:$Color"">")}}Else{   Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Criteriamet!  Changing cell to $Color..."$Line =$Line.Replace($Search.Matches[$Index].Value,"<tdstyle=""background-color:$Color"">$Value</td>")}}}Write-Output $Line}}End {Write-Verbose"$(Get-Date): Function Set-CellColor completed"}
}function filestring-search($inputFile,$matchstring,$matchcount){$tmpcontent = Get-Content$inputFilefor($i=0;$i -le$tmpcontent.length;i++){if($tmpcontent[$i] -like'*Err*'){$matchcount++wite-host matchcount:$matchcount  -background red}}return
}Function ConvertTo-AdvHTML
{   <#.SYNOPSISAdvanced replacement ofConvertTo-HTML cmdlet.DESCRIPTIONThis function allows forvastly greater control over cells and rowsin a HTML table.  It takes ConvertTo-HTML to a whole newlevel!  Youcan now specify what color acell or row is (either dirctly or throughthe use of CSS).  You can add links, pictures and pictures ASlinks.You can also specify a cellto be a bar graph where you control thecolors of the graph and textthat can be included in the graph.All color functions arethrough the use of imbedded text tags inside theproperties of the object youpass to this function.  It is importantto notethat this function does notdo any processing for you, you must make sure allcontrol tags are alreadypresent in the object before passing it to thefunction.Here are the different tagsavailable:Syntax                          Comment===================================================================================[cell:<color>]<optional text>   Designate the color of the cell.  Must beat the beginning of the string.Example:[cell:red]System Down[row:<color>]                   Designate the color of therow.  This controlcan be anywhere, in any property of the object.Example:[row:orchid][cellclass:<class>]<optional text> Designate the color, and other properties, of thecell based on a class in your CSS. You musthave the class in your CSS (use the -CSS parameter).Must be at the beginning of the string.Example:[cellclass:highlight]10mb[rowclass:<class>]             Designate the color, and other properties, of therow based on a class in your CSS. You musthave the class in your CSS (use the -CSS parameter).This control can be anywhere, in any property of the object.Example:[rowclass:greyishbold][p_w_picpath:<height;width;url>]<alternate text>Include an p_w_picpath in your cell. Put size of picturein pixels and url seperated by semi-colons.  Formatmust beheight;width;url.  You can also includeothertext in the cell, but the [p_w_picpath] tag must be at theend of the tag (so the alternate text is last).Example:[p_w_picpath:100;200;http://www.sampleurl.com/samplep_w_picpath.jpg]Alt Text ForImage[link:<url>]<linktext>         Include a link in yourcell.  Other text is allowed inthe string, but the [link] tag must be at the end of thestring.Example:blah blah blah [link:www.thesurlyadmin.com]Cool PowerShell Link[linkpic:<height;width;url to pic>]<url for link>This tag uses a picture which you can click on and go to thespecified link.  You must specifythe size of the picture andurl where it is located, this information is seperated by semi-colons.  Other text is allowed inthe string, but the [link] tagmust be at the end of the string.Example:[linkpic:100;200;http://www.sampleurl.com/samplep_w_picpath.jpg]www.thesurlyadmin.com[bar:<percent;barcolor;remainder color>]<optional text>Bar graph makes a simple colored bar graph within the cell.  Thelength of the bar is controlled using <percent>.  You candesignate the color of the bar, and the color of the remaindersection.  Due to the mysteries ofHTML, you must designate awidth for the column with the [bar] tag using the HeadWidth parameter.So if you had a percentage of 95, say 95% used disk youwould want to highlight the remainder for your report:Example:[bar:95;darkgreen;red]5% freeWhat if you were at 30% of a sales goal with only 2 weeks left inthe quarter, you would want to highlight that you have a problem.Example:[bar:30;darkred;red]30% of goal.PARAMETER InputObjectThe object you wantconverted to an HTML table.PARAMETER HeadWidthYou can specify the width ofa cell.  Cell widths are in pixelsand are passed to theparameter in array format.  Each elementin the array corresponds tothe column in your table, any elementthat is set to 0 willdesignate the column with be dynamic.  Ifyou hadfour elements in yourInputObject and wanted to make the 4th a fixedwidth--this is required forusing the [bar] tag--of 600 pixels:-HeadWidth 0,0,0,600.PARAMETER CSSDesignate custom CSS foryour HTML.PARAMETER TitleSpecifies a title for theHTML file, that is, the text that appears between the <TITLE> tags..PARAMETER PreContentSpecifies text to add beforethe opening <TABLE> tag. By default, there is no text in that position..PARAMETER PostContentSpecifies text to add afterthe closing </TABLE> tag. By default, there is no text in that position..PARAMETER BodySpecifies the text to addafter the opening <BODY> tag. By default, there is no text in thatposition..PARAMETER FragmentGenerates only an HTMLtable. The HTML, HEAD, TITLE, and BODY tags are omitted..INPUTSSystem.Management.Automation.PSObjectYou can pipe any .NET objectto ConvertTo-AdvHtml..OUTPUTSSystem.StringConvertTo-AdvHtml returnsseries of strings that comprise valid HTML..EXAMPLE$Data = @"
Server2,Hello2,[cell:green]Up,"[bar:65;DarkGreen;Green]65% Used"
server4,This is quite a cooltest,[cell:green]Up,"[p_w_picpath:150;650;http://pughspace.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/test-connection.png]TestImages"
server5,SurlyAdmin,[cell:red]Down,"[link:http://thesurlyadmin.com]TheSurly Admin"
"@$Data = $Data |ConvertFrom-Csv$HTML = $Data |ConvertTo-AdvHTML -HeadWidth 0,0,0,600 -PreContent"<p><h1>This might be the best reportEVER</h1></p><br>" -PostContent "<br>Done!$(Get-Date)" -Title "Cool Test!"This is some sample codewhere I try to put every possibile tag and use into a single setof data.  $Data is the PSObject 4 columns.  Default CSS is used, so the [cellclass:up]tagwill not work but I left itthere so you can see how to use it..NOTESAuthor:             Martin PughTwitter:            @thesurlyadm1nSpiceworks:         Martin9700Blog:               www.thesurlyadmin.comChangelog:1.0             Initial Release.LINKhttp://thesurlyadmin.com/convertto-advhtml-help/.LINKhttp://community.spiceworks.com/scripts/show/2448-create-advanced-html-tables-in-powershell-convertto-advhtml#>#requires -Version 2.0[CmdletBinding()]Param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)][Object[]]$InputObject,[string[]]$HeadWidth,[string]$CSS = @"
TABLE {border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color:black;border-collapse: collapse;}
TH {border-width: 1px;padding: 3px;border-style: solid;border-color:black;background-color: #6495ED;font-size:120%;}
TD {border-width: 1px;padding: 3px;border-style: solid;border-color:black;}
"@,[string]$Title,[string]$PreContent,[string]$PostContent,[string]$Body,[switch]$Fragment)Begin {If ($Title){  $CSS += "`n<title>$Title</title>`n"}$Params = @{Head = $CSS}If ($PreContent){  $Params.Add("PreContent",$PreContent)}If ($PostContent){  $Params.Add("PostContent",$PostContent)}If ($Body){   $Params.Add("Body",$Body)}If ($Fragment){   $Params.Add("Fragment",$true)}$Data = @()}Process {ForEach ($Line in $InputObject){   $Data += $Line}}End {$Html = $Data |ConvertTo-Html @Params |Set-CellColor item5 red -Filter "item5 -eq'ERR'"$NewHTML = @()ForEach ($Line in $Html){   If ($Line -like "*<th>*"){   If ($Headwidth){   $Index = 0$Reg = $Line |Select-String -AllMatches -Pattern "<th>(.*?)<\/th>"ForEach ($th in$Reg.Matches){   If ($Index -le ($HeadWidth.Count - 1)){   If ($HeadWidth[$Index] -and$HeadWidth[$Index] -gt 0){   $Line = $Line.Replace($th.Value,"<thstyle=""width:$($HeadWidth[$Index])px"">$($th.Groups[1])</th>")}}$Index ++}}}Do {Switch -regex($Line){   "<td>\[cell:(.*?)\].*?<\/td>"{   $Line =$Line.Replace("<td>[cell:$($Matches[1])]","<tdstyle=""background-color:$($Matches[1])"">")Break}"\[cellclass:(.*?)\]"{  $Line =$Line.Replace("<td>[cellclass:$($Matches[1])]","<tdclass=""$($Matches[1])"">")Break}"\[row:(.*?)\]"{   $Line =$Line.Replace("<tr>","<tr style=""background-color:$($Matches[1])"">")$Line =$Line.Replace("[row:$($Matches[1])]","")Break}"\[rowclass:(.*?)\]"{   $Line =$Line.Replace("<tr>","<trclass=""$($Matches[1])"">")$Line =$Line.Replace("[rowclass:$($Matches[1])]","")Break}"<td>\[bar:(.*?)\](.*?)<\/td>"{   $Bar = $Matches[1].Split(";")$Width = 100- [int]$Bar[0]If (-not$Matches[2]){   $Text = "&nbsp;"}Else{   $Text = $Matches[2]}$Line =$Line.Replace($Matches[0],"<td><divstyle=""background-color:$($Bar[1]);float:left;width:$($Bar[0])%"">$Text</div><divstyle=""background-color:$($Bar[2]);float:left;width:$width%"">&nbsp;</div></td>")Break}"\[p_w_picpath:(.*?)\](.*?)<\/td>"{   $Image = $Matches[1].Split(";")$Line =$Line.Replace($Matches[0],"<imgsrc=""$($Image[2])""alt=""$($Matches[2])""height=""$($Image[0])""width=""$($Image[1])""></td>")}"\[link:(.*?)\](.*?)<\/td>"{   $Line =$Line.Replace($Matches[0],"<a href=""$($Matches[1])"">$($Matches[2])</a></td>")}"\[linkpic:(.*?)\](.*?)<\/td>"{   $Images = $Matches[1].Split(";")$Line =$Line.Replace($Matches[0],"<ahref=""$($Matches[2])""><imgsrc=""$($Image[2])""height=""$($Image[0])""width=""$($Image[1])""></a></td>")}Default{   Break}}} Until ($Line -notmatch"\[.*?\]")$NewHTML += $Line}Return $NewHTML}
}$today = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d"
$LogFilePath = "C:\DayCheck\ftpLog_$today.txt"$today = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d"
$TargetFileTxt= "C:\DayCheck\CheckResultALL.txt"
$TargetFileHtml= "C:\DayCheck\CheckResultALL.html"if( Test-Path $TargetFileTxt ){write-host  "$TargetFileTxt exist remove"remove-item$TargetFileTxt -Force
}else {write-host"create $TargetFileTxt "New-Item -Path$TargetFileTxt -Type file
}remove-item C:\DayCheck\ResultOut.txt -Force
remove-item C:\DayCheck\CheckResult* -ForceNew-Item -Path C:\DayCheck\*_result.txt  -Typefile
New-Item -Path C:\DayCheck\CheckResultSummaryALL.txt -Type file
New-Item -Path C:\DayCheck\ResultOut.txt  -Typefile
New-Item -Path C:\DayCheck\C:\DayCheck\CheckResultALL.txt  -Type file$UserName = "daycheck"
$Password = "daycheck""item1,item2,item3,item4,item5,item6"|  Out-File -Encoding utf8  C:\DayCheck\CheckResultSummaryALL.csvImport-Csv 'C:\DayCheck\MachineList.csv' |ForEach-Object{$OS = $_.OS$APP = $_.APP$IP = $_.IP$NAME = $_.NAME$RemoteFilename = "ftp://xx.xx.20.240/"+ $OS + "_"+ $NAME + "_all_"+ "20160722" +"07_" + "result.txt"$RemoteFilename     $filename = "C:\DayCheck\" + $OS +"_"+ $NAME + "_all_"+"20160722" + "07_"+ "result.txt"if ( Test-Path -Path $filename ) {write-host "search file $filenamebegining "$tmpcontent=Get-Content$filename | Where-Object { $_ -like '*Err*' }$matchcount=0foreach($element in$tmpcontent){$matchcount++#write-host"element $element "}write-host "search fileErr  : $matchcount " -background redif($matchcount -eq 1 ){"$APP,$NAME$IP,$OS,download,O K,$herffilename" | Out-File  -Encoding utf8  -Append C:\DayCheck\CheckResultSummaryALL.csv}else{"$APP,$NAME$IP,$OS,download,ERR,$herffilename" | Out-File  -Encoding utf8  -Append C:\DayCheck\CheckResultSummaryALL.csv}}     else{"$APP,$NAME($IP),$OS,N/A,N/A,N/A"  |  Out-File -Encoding utf8 -Append C:\DayCheck\CheckResultSummaryALL.csv}}C:\DayCheck\*_result.txt>>C:\DayCheck\CheckResultTotalALL.txtimport-csv C:\DayCheck\CheckResultSummaryALL.csv |  ConvertTo-AdvHTML -HeadWidth 0,0,0,0,0,0-PreContent "<p><h1>This might be the best reportEVER</h1></p><br>" -PostContent "<br>Done!$(Get-Date)" -Title "Cool Test!" | Set-Content  "C:\DayCheck\CheckResultSummaryALL.html"invoke-item C:\DayCheck\CheckResultSummaryALL.html



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