在上一篇BLOG中介绍了不要在pg_hba.conf中使用password认证方法, 除非你的客户端和数据库服务器之间的网络是绝对安全的.
MD5方法,认证过程 :

Encrypting Passwords Across A Network
The MD5 authentication method double-encrypts the password on the client before sending it to the server. It first MD5-encrypts it based on the user name, and then encrypts it based on a random salt sent by the server when the database connection was made. It is this double-encrypted value that is sent over the network to the server. Double-encryption not only prevents the password from being discovered, it also prevents another connection from using the same encrypted password to connect to the database server at a later time.

数据库服务器给客户端连接进程发送认证请求包 : 

/** Send an authentication request packet to the frontend.*/
static void
sendAuthRequest(Port *port, AuthRequest areq)
{StringInfoData buf;pq_beginmessage(&buf, 'R');pq_sendint(&buf, (int32) areq, sizeof(int32));/* Add the salt for encrypted passwords. */if (areq == AUTH_REQ_MD5)pq_sendbytes(&buf, port->md5Salt, 4);#if defined(ENABLE_GSS) || defined(ENABLE_SSPI)/** Add the authentication data for the next step of the GSSAPI or SSPI* negotiation.*/else if (areq == AUTH_REQ_GSS_CONT){if (port->gss->outbuf.length > 0){elog(DEBUG4, "sending GSS token of length %u",(unsigned int) port->gss->outbuf.length);pq_sendbytes(&buf, port->gss->outbuf.value, port->gss->outbuf.length);}}
#endifpq_endmessage(&buf);/** Flush message so client will see it, except for AUTH_REQ_OK, which need* not be sent until we are ready for queries.*/if (areq != AUTH_REQ_OK)pq_flush();

服务端接收到客户端发过来的经过salt和原密码md5合成后的md5, 校验是否正确.

 * crypt.c*        Look into the password file and check the encrypted password with*        the one passed in from the frontend.
md5_crypt_verify(const Port *port, const char *role, char *client_pass)
{int                     retval = STATUS_ERROR;char       *shadow_pass,*crypt_pwd;
... 略./** Compare with the encrypted or plain password depending on the* authentication method being used for this connection.*/switch (port->hba->auth_method){case uaMD5:crypt_pwd = palloc(MD5_PASSWD_LEN + 1);if (isMD5(shadow_pass)){/* stored password already encrypted, only do salt */if (!pg_md5_encrypt(shadow_pass + strlen("md5"),port->md5Salt,sizeof(port->md5Salt), crypt_pwd)){pfree(crypt_pwd);return STATUS_ERROR;}}else{/* stored password is plain, double-encrypt */char       *crypt_pwd2 = palloc(MD5_PASSWD_LEN + 1);if (!pg_md5_encrypt(shadow_pass,port->user_name,strlen(port->user_name),crypt_pwd2)){pfree(crypt_pwd);pfree(crypt_pwd2);return STATUS_ERROR;}if (!pg_md5_encrypt(crypt_pwd2 + strlen("md5"),port->md5Salt,sizeof(port->md5Salt),crypt_pwd)){pfree(crypt_pwd);pfree(crypt_pwd2);return STATUS_ERROR;}pfree(crypt_pwd2);}break;
... 略.


1. src/backend/libpq/auth.c
2. src/backend/libpq/crypt.c
3. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/protocol-flow.html
4. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/encryption-options.html
5. http://blog.163.com/digoal@126/blog/static/1638770402013423102431541/

PostgreSQL md5 auth method introduce, with random salt protect相关推荐

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