今天搭建hadoop2.0 时hadoop fs  -put 文件时报错,看到网上有这样的解决方法先转载下 呵呵 已解决


Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: Bad connect ack with firstBadLink
        at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient$DFSOutputStream.createBlockOutputStream(DFSClient.java:2903)
        at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient$DFSOutputStream.nextBlockOutputStream(DFSClient.java:2826)
        at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient$DFSOutputStream.access$2000(DFSClient.java:2102)
        at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient$DFSOutputStream$DataStreamer.run(DFSClient.java:2288)

运行hadoop put文件 的时候 回报这个错误

这个在 DFSClient 里

[java] view plaincopyprint?

  1. // connects to the first datanode in the pipeline

  2. // Returns true if success, otherwise return failure.

  3. //

  4. private boolean createBlockOutputStream(DatanodeInfo[] nodes, String client,

  5. boolean recoveryFlag) {

  6. String firstBadLink = "";

  7. if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {

  8. for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {

  9. LOG.debug("pipeline = " + nodes[i].getName());

  10. }

  11. }

  12. // persist blocks on namenode on next flush

  13. persistBlocks = true;

  14. try {

  15. LOG.debug("Connecting to " + nodes[0].getName());

  16. InetSocketAddress target = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(nodes[0].getName());

  17. s = socketFactory.createSocket();

  18. int timeoutValue = 3000 * nodes.length + socketTimeout;

  19. NetUtils.connect(s, target, timeoutValue);

  20. s.setSoTimeout(timeoutValue);

  21. s.setSendBufferSize(DEFAULT_DATA_SOCKET_SIZE);

  22. LOG.debug("Send buf size " + s.getSendBufferSize());

  23. long writeTimeout = HdfsConstants.WRITE_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION * nodes.length +

  24. datanodeWriteTimeout;

  25. //

  26. // Xmit header info to datanode

  27. //

  28. DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(

  29. new BufferedOutputStream(NetUtils.getOutputStream(s, writeTimeout),

  30. DataNode.SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE));

  31. blockReplyStream = new DataInputStream(NetUtils.getInputStream(s));

  32. out.writeShort( DataTransferProtocol.DATA_TRANSFER_VERSION );

  33. out.write( DataTransferProtocol.OP_WRITE_BLOCK );

  34. out.writeLong( block.getBlockId() );

  35. out.writeLong( block.getGenerationStamp() );

  36. out.writeInt( nodes.length );

  37. out.writeBoolean( recoveryFlag );       // recovery flag

  38. Text.writeString( out, client );

  39. out.writeBoolean(false); // Not sending src node information

  40. out.writeInt( nodes.length - 1 );

  41. for (int i = 1; i < nodes.length; i++) {

  42. nodes[i].write(out);

  43. }

  44. checksum.writeHeader( out );

  45. out.flush();

  46. // receive ack for connect

  47. firstBadLink = Text.readString(blockReplyStream);

  48. if (firstBadLink.length() != 0) {

  49. throw new IOException("Bad connect ack with firstBadLink " + firstBadLink);

  50. }

  51. blockStream = out;

  52. return true;     // success

  53. } catch (IOException ie) {

  // connects to the first datanode in the pipeline// Returns true if success, otherwise return failure.//private boolean createBlockOutputStream(DatanodeInfo[] nodes, String client,boolean recoveryFlag) {String firstBadLink = "";if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {LOG.debug("pipeline = " + nodes[i].getName());}}// persist blocks on namenode on next flushpersistBlocks = true;try {LOG.debug("Connecting to " + nodes[0].getName());InetSocketAddress target = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(nodes[0].getName());s = socketFactory.createSocket();int timeoutValue = 3000 * nodes.length + socketTimeout;NetUtils.connect(s, target, timeoutValue);s.setSoTimeout(timeoutValue);s.setSendBufferSize(DEFAULT_DATA_SOCKET_SIZE);LOG.debug("Send buf size " + s.getSendBufferSize());long writeTimeout = HdfsConstants.WRITE_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION * nodes.length +datanodeWriteTimeout;//// Xmit header info to datanode//DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(NetUtils.getOutputStream(s, writeTimeout), DataNode.SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE));blockReplyStream = new DataInputStream(NetUtils.getInputStream(s));out.writeShort( DataTransferProtocol.DATA_TRANSFER_VERSION );out.write( DataTransferProtocol.OP_WRITE_BLOCK );out.writeLong( block.getBlockId() );out.writeLong( block.getGenerationStamp() );out.writeInt( nodes.length );out.writeBoolean( recoveryFlag );       // recovery flagText.writeString( out, client );out.writeBoolean(false); // Not sending src node informationout.writeInt( nodes.length - 1 );for (int i = 1; i < nodes.length; i++) {nodes[i].write(out);}checksum.writeHeader( out );out.flush();// receive ack for connectfirstBadLink = Text.readString(blockReplyStream);if (firstBadLink.length() != 0) {throw new IOException("Bad connect ack with firstBadLink " + firstBadLink);}blockStream = out;return true;     // success} catch (IOException ie) {


1) '/etc/init.d/iptables stop' -->stopped firewall
2) SELINUX=disabled in '/etc/selinux/config' file.-->disabled selinux

一般的这种hadoop 应答类错误 多半是防火墙没有关闭


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