by Joanna Gaudyn

乔安娜·高登(Joanna Gaudyn)

Destructuring was a new addition to ES6. It took inspiration from languages like Python and allows you to extract data from arrays and objects into distinct variables. It might sound like something you’ve done in the earlier versions of JavaScript already, right? Have a look at two examples.

销毁是ES6的新增功能。 它从Python之类的语言中汲取了灵感,并允许您从数组和对象中提取数据到不同的变量中。 听起来您已经在早期版本JavaScript中完成过操作,对吧? 看两个例子。

The first one extracts data from an object:


const meal = {  name: 'pizza',  type: 'marinara',  price: 6.25};
const name =;const type = meal.type;const price = meal.price;
console.log(name, type, price);



pizza marinara 6.25


And the second one from an array:


const iceCreamFlavors = ['hazelnut', 'pistachio', 'tiramisu'];const flavor1 = iceCreamFlavors[0];const flavor2 = iceCreamFlavors[1];const flavor3 = iceCreamFlavors[2];console.log(flavor1, flavor2, flavor3);



hazelnut pistachio tiramisu


The thing is, though, that neither of these examples actually uses destructuring.


什么是解构? (What is destructuring?)

Destructuring lets you specify the elements you want to extract from an array or object on the left side of an assignment. This means much less code and exactly the same result as above, without losing readability. Even if it sounds odd at first.

通过解构,您可以指定要从分配左侧的数组或对象中提取的元素。 这意味着更少的代码和与上面完全相同的结果,而不会丢失可读性。 即使一开始听起来很奇怪。

Let’s redo our examples.


销毁对象 (Destructuring objects)

Here’s how we destructure values from an object:


const meal = {  name: 'pizza',  type: 'marinara',  price: 6.25};
const {name, type, price} = meal;
console.log(name, type, price);



pizza marinara 6.25


The curly braces { } stand for the object which is being destructured and name, type, and price represent the variables to which you want to assign the values. We can skip the property from where to extract the values, as long as the names of our variables correspond with the names of the object’s properties.

大括号{ }代表正在被分解的对象, nametypeprice表示要为其分配值的变量。 只要变量的名称与对象的属性的名称相对应,就可以跳过从中提取值的属性。

Another great feature of object destructuring is that you can choose which values you want to save in variables:


const {type} = meal; will only select the type property from the meal object.

const {type} = meal; 只会从meal对象中选择type属性。

解构数组 (Destructuring arrays)

Here’s how our original example would be handled:


const iceCreamFlavors = ['hazelnut', 'pistachio', 'tiramisu'];
const [flavor1, flavor2, flavor3] = iceCreamFlavors;
console.log(flavor1, flavor2, flavor3);



hazelnut pistachio tiramisu


The brackets [ ] stand for the array which is being destructured and flavor1, flavor2 and flavor3 represent the variables to which you want to assign the values. Using destructuring we can skip the indexes at which the values live in our array. Convenient, isn’t it?

方括号[ ]表示要进行解构的数组, flavor1flavor2flavor3表示要为其分配值的变量。 使用解构,我们可以跳过值存在于数组中的索引。 方便,不是吗?

Similarly as with an object, you can skip some values when destructuring an array:


const [flavor1, , flavor3] = iceCreamFlavors; will simply ignore flavor2.

const [flavor1, , flavor3] = iceCreamFlavors; 只会忽略flavor2

Long live laziness as a potent motivator for the invention of new shortcuts!


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