
The team leader is a key figure in a team of developers. It is a difficult role, involving both technical and social skills. This is the reason why not everyone is tailored for it.

团队负责人是开发人员团队中的关键人物。 这是一项艰巨的任务,涉及技术和社交技能。 这就是为什么不是每个人都为之量身定制的原因。

The technical competence usually is not the problem (emphasis on usually). The social skills — let’s call that leadership — are a different story. Technical skills are fundamental, but leadership is not made of code. It is what keeps teams together and motivated.

技术能力通常不是问题( 通常强调)。 社交技能-我们称之为领导力 -是另外一回事了。 技术技能是基础,但领导力不是由代码构成的 。 这是使团队保持团结和动力的原因。

Bad leadership can compromise not only the success of the product but the team itself. It is not uncommon to see good developers leave because of a bad team leader (a.k.a. the boss). This is not to be taken lightly, and it is a topic worth exploring a bit. So, what is leadership made of?

领导不当不仅会损害产品的成功,还会损害团队本身。 优秀的开发人员由于糟糕的团队领导(也就是老板 )而离开的情况并不少见。 这不能掉以轻心,这是一个值得探讨的话题。 那么,领导力是由什么组成的呢?

领导是尊重 (Leadership is made of respect)

Respect is a key point in leadership. A good team leader needs to be respected by developers, first of all like a professional. It is hard to give respect to someone that you consider unqualified. But as stated before, leadership is not only about technical competence. This means that a team leader should also be respected as a person. How to achieve this? The answer is easy: if you want respect, you must give respect.

尊重是领导力的关键。 一个好的团队领导者需要得到开发人员的尊重,首先要像专业人员一样。 很难尊重您认为不合格的人。 但是如前所述,领导力不仅与技术能力有关。 这意味着团队领导者也应作为一个人受到尊重。 如何实现呢? 答案很简单:如果要尊重,就必须尊重。

尊重是一条两条路 (Respect is a two-way road)

Have you ever felt like your boss doesn’t like you? That you are not really part of the team? That everything you do is not enough or correct? That’s the kind of feeling that leads a developer to perform below their capabilities. It is also what brings a developer not to respect the boss. If I feel you don’t like me, probably in the end, I won’t like you either.

您是否曾经觉得您的老板不喜欢您? 您不是团队的真正成员吗? 您所做的一切还不够或正确? 这种感觉使开发人员无法按自己的能力执行任务。 这也是使开发人员不尊重老板的原因。 如果我觉得你不喜欢我,也许最后, 我也不会喜欢你

没有偏见 (Have no bias)

Developers are human beings. They have their virtues and vices, they have a life or family outside the office. A team leader should understand and respect developers, both as professionals and as people, all the same way and without bias. Personal feelings should be kept outside the office. It is hard, but a good team leader manages to do it.

开发人员是人类。 他们有自己的优点和缺点,在办公室外面有自己的生活或家庭。 团队负责人应该以相同的方式并且无偏见地理解和尊重开发人员,无论是作为专业人员还是作为人员。 个人感觉应该保留在办公室外面。 很难,但是要有一个好的团队领导者才能做到。

领导是信任 (Leadership is made of trust)

Trust is the foundation of every relationship, and professional ones are no exception. Leadership means trusting your developers.

信任是每一个关系的基础,专业关系也不例外。 领导力意味着信任您的开发人员

你不是我 (Your way isn’t my way)

Personally, I hate when the boss tells me not only what task to do, but also how to do it in every detail. It’s even worse when they are always shoulder-surfing me, checking what I’m doing — and how I’m doing it. Eventually, I will think that the boss does not trust me. The end result is that I’m more worried about completing the task in the way my boss would like instead of doing it the best possible way (yes, the two things sometimes do not overlap).

就个人而言,我讨厌老板不仅告诉我要做什么任务,而且还告诉我如何进行每个细节。 当他们总是肩并肩冲浪我,检查我在做什么—以及我如何做时,情况甚至更糟。 最终,我会认为老板不信任我。 最终结果是,我更担心以老板希望的方式完成任务,而不是尽可能以最佳方式完成任务(是的,有时两件事并不重叠)。

委托是双赢的 (To delegate is a win-win)

This is why it is important for a team leader to give trust to developers. There is a new feature of the product to implement? Choose a couple of developers and let them handle the feature, from design to implementation to production. Check with them on the status of the work, give suggestions if it is necessary, but let them be free to handle the task.

这就是为什么团队领导者必须信任开发人员的原因。 产品有新功能要实施吗? 选择几个开发人员,让他们处理从设计到实现再到生产的功能。 与他们核对工作状态,并在必要时提供建议,但让他们自由处理任务。

Delegating the task shows that you trust your developers to do a good job. This lets you focus on the big picture instead of implementation details. They will appreciate it and will try to deliver the best possible work. I call this a win-win.

委派任务表明您相信开发人员会做得很好。 这使您可以专注于全局而不是实现细节。 他们将不胜感激,并将尽力提供最佳的工作。 我称之为双赢。

领导是规则 (Leadership is made of rules)

Rules are what makes society work. The same is for a team of developers. Anyone can create a set of rules and impose them on the team. Leadership is what makes the team follow the rules because they want to follow them, not because they are obliged to. This is possible only if they trust the leader to create a set of rules based on shared values (trust and respect).

规则是使社会运转的要素。 对于开发人员团队也是如此。 任何人都可以创建一组规则并将其强加给团队。 领导才能使团队之所以遵守规则, 是因为他们想要遵守规则,而不是因为他们必须遵守规则。 这只有在他们信任领导者基于共享价值(信任和尊重)创建一套规则的情况下才有可能。

强制规则不是规则 (Forced rules are no rules)

I don’t know you, but I have hard times following rules I don’t believe in. I cannot do it just because someone imposed them on me, without explanation and without a minimum discussion. I can try to do it, but probably I will bend the ones I find wrong. If everyone on the team bends some rules, the result is that there aren’t rules anymore. Say goodbye to productivity.

我不认识你,但是我很难遵守我不相信的规则。我不能做到这一点,只是因为有人强加了他们,没有任何解释,也没有进行最少的讨论。 我可以尝试做,但是我可能会改掉我发现的错误。 如果团队中的每个人都遵循一些规则,那么结果就是不再存在任何规则。 与生产力告别。

创造共同点 (Create common ground)

Even if you as the team leader have the final say, discuss these rules with the whole team. In this way, there will be a common ground to work on. No more rules bending. These rules can go from coding conventions to the choice of the IDE. It may sound trivial, but it is better to point out even simple things. The team leader should set an example, and should be the first one to follow the rules.

即使您作为团队负责人拥有最终决定权,也请与整个团队讨论这些规则。 这样,就可以有一个共同的基础 。 没有更多的规则弯曲。 这些规则可以从编码约定到IDE的选择。 听起来似乎很琐碎,但最好指出一些简单的东西。 团队负责人应该树立榜样,并且应该是第一个遵守规则的人。

领导是时间 (Leadership is made of time)

A team leader should value their time; it’s one of the most important things they can give to the team. Avoid unnecessary meetings and save time for your developers. Leadership is being there for a developer asking for your time.

团队负责人应该珍惜自己的时间; 这是他们可以给团队的最重要的事情之一。 避免不必要的会议,并为开发人员节省时间。 领导者正在那里为开发人员询问您的时间。

我的时间像你一样宝贵 (My time is valuable like yours)

I can understand that everyone is always busy. But if I ask you to talk — because I need to talk, for some valid reason — and you set up a meeting, I expect that you will attend that meeting. My time is valuable exactly like yours. If you don’t respect my time, this is bad for a couple of reasons. First, if you made me wait for nothing, you wasted my time. I could have done something useful instead. Second, I feel like I’m not worth your time.

我可以理解,每个人总是很忙。 但是,如果我要求您讲话(由于某些正当原因,我需要讲话)并且您要召开会议,我希望您能够参加该会议。 我的时间像您一样宝贵。 如果您不尊重我的时间,这有两个原因。 首先,如果您让我什么都不做,那您就浪费了我的时间。 我本可以做些有用的事情。 第二,我觉得我不值得你花时间

花一些时间与开发人员交谈 (Take some time to talk to developers)

Set checkpoint meetings to discuss the status of the work. Find a time slot monthly to do a one-on-one with every member of the team, to check how things are going and understand their needs. Always be on time when you schedule a meeting. By the way, remember a simple rule:

召开检查点会议以讨论工作状态。 每月找到一个时隙与团队中的每个成员进行一对一的对话,以检查事情的进展并了解他们的需求。 安排会议时始终准时。 顺便说一句,请记住一个简单的规则:

  • 5 minutes in advance is on time.准时提前5分钟。
  • On time is late.准时晚了。
  • Late is unacceptable


I said it before, but I can’t repeat it enough: the team leader should always set an example.


领导是力量 (Leadership is made of strength)

Sometimes things go south. When this happens, a team leader stays strong.

有时候事情会往南走。 发生这种情况时,团队负责人会保持坚强。

当碎片开始掉落时... (When pieces start falling down…)

You as the team leader should be a reference in every situation. Otherwise, when something is falling down, you will trigger a chain reaction that will make the team unable to solve the situation. In the worst case, things go wrong and your developers are blamed because you cannot handle what’s happening. If you cannot handle a difficult situation, chances are you are not suited for the role of team leader.

在任何情况下,您作为团队负责人都应作为参考。 否则,当某物跌落时,您将触发连锁React,这将使团队无法解决问题。 在最坏的情况下,事情会出错并且开发人员应受责备,因为您无法处理正在发生的事情。 如果您不能处理困难的情况,则很可能您不适合担任团队负责人。

不要惊慌 (Don’t panic)

Leadership requires the strength to be always a solid reference for the developers, even in an Armageddon-like situation. If your developers see you panicking and losing control of the situation, they will panic too. This is the last thing you want in a difficult situation. Panic doesn’t fix problems. Do yourself and your developers a favour: stay calm. Don’t panic.

领导力要求实力始终是开发人员的坚实参考,即使在类似世界末日的情况下。 如果您的开发人员看到您对情况感到恐慌和失去控制,他们也会感到恐慌。 这是您在困难情况下想要的最后一件事。 恐慌不能解决问题。 对自己和开发人员有所帮助:保持冷静。 不要惊慌

结论 (Conclusion)

The role of the team leader is a complex one, involving both technical and social skills. Technical competence is a must, but it is not enough to be a good team leader. There are aspects that are far more important in the creation of a productive and close-knit team.

团队负责人的角色很复杂,涉及技术和社交技能。 技术能力是必须的,但仅仅成为一个好的团队领导者还不够。 在创建一支生产性和紧密联系的团队中,有些方面要重要得多。

As a final note, remember that the trick is to think about what’s best for your team. In the end, the team leader works for the developers, not the other way around.

最后,请记住,诀窍是考虑对您的团队最有利的方面。 最后, 团队负责人为开发人员工作 ,而不是相反。

See you! ?

再见! ?

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/leadership-is-not-made-of-code-1de22ba168f3/



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