
def test_defargs(one, two = 2):

print 'Required argument: ', one

print 'Optional argument: ', two


# result:

# Required argument: 1

# Optional argument: 2

test_defargs(1, 3)

# result:

# Required argument: 1

# Optional argument: 3

当然,本文章的主题并不是讲默认参数,而是另外一种达到可变参数 (Variable Argument) 的方法:使用*args和**kwargs语法。其中,*args是可变的positional arguments列表,**kwargs是可变的keyword arguments列表。并且,*args必须位于**kwargs之前,因为positional arguments必须位于keyword arguments之前。



def test_args(first, *args):

print 'Required argument: ', first

for v in args:

print 'Optional argument: ', v

test_args(1, 2, 3, 4)

# result:

# Required argument: 1

# Optional argument: 2

# Optional argument: 3

# Optional argument: 4

下面一个例子使用*kwargs, 同时包含一个必须的参数和*args列表:

def test_kwargs(first, *args, **kwargs):

print 'Required argument: ', first

for v in args:

print 'Optional argument (*args): ', v

for k, v in kwargs.items():

print 'Optional argument %s (*kwargs): %s' % (k, v)

test_kwargs(1, 2, 3, 4, k1=5, k2=6)

# results:

# Required argument: 1

# Optional argument (*args): 2

# Optional argument (*args): 3

# Optional argument (*args): 4

# Optional argument k2 (*kwargs): 6

# Optional argument k1 (*kwargs): 5


def test_args(first, second, third, fourth, fifth):

print 'First argument: ', first

print 'Second argument: ', second

print 'Third argument: ', third

print 'Fourth argument: ', fourth

print 'Fifth argument: ', fifth

# Use *args

args = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


# results:

# First argument: 1

# Second argument: 2

# Third argument: 3

# Fourth argument: 4

# Fifth argument: 5

# Use **kwargs

kwargs = {

'first': 1,

'second': 2,

'third': 3,

'fourth': 4,

'fifth': 5



# results:

# First argument: 1

# Second argument: 2

# Third argument: 3

# Fourth argument: 4

# Fifth argument: 5


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