Formats the date value according to the format string.

The following specifiers may be used in the format string. The “%” character is required before format specifier characters.




Abbreviated weekday name (Sun..Sat)


Abbreviated month name (Jan..Dec)


Month, numeric (0..12)


Day of the month with English suffix (0th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, …)


Day of the month, numeric (00..31)


Day of the month, numeric (0..31)


Microseconds (000000..999999)


Hour (00..23)


Hour (01..12)


Hour (01..12)


Minutes, numeric (00..59)


Day of year (001..366)


Hour (0..23)


Hour (1..12)


Month name (January..December)


Month, numeric (00..12)


AM or PM


Time, 12-hour (hh:mm:ss followed by AM or PM)


Seconds (00..59)


Seconds (00..59)


Time, 24-hour (hh:mm:ss)


Week (00..53), where Sunday is the first day of the week; WEEK() mode 0


Week (00..53), where Monday is the first day of the week; WEEK() mode 1


Week (01..53), where Sunday is the first day of the week; WEEK() mode 2; used with %X


Week (01..53), where Monday is the first day of the week; WEEK() mode 3; used with %x


Weekday name (Sunday..Saturday)


Day of the week (0=Sunday..6=Saturday)


Year for the week where Sunday is the first day of the week, numeric, four digits; used with %V


Year for the week, where Monday is the first day of the week, numeric, four digits; used with %v


Year, numeric, four digits


Year, numeric (two digits)


A literal “%” character


x, for any “x” not listed above



Ranges for the month and day specifiers begin with zero due to the fact that MySQL permits the storing of incomplete dates such as '2014-00-00'.

The language used for day and month names and abbreviations is controlled by the value of the lc_time_names system variable (Section 10.7, “MySQL Server Locale Support”).

For the %U, %u, %V, and %v specifiers, see the description of the WEEK() function for information about the mode values. The mode affects how week numbering occurs.

DATE_FORMAT() returns a string with a character set and collation given by character_set_connection and collation_connection so that it can return month and weekday names containing non-ASCII characters.

mysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT('2009-10-04 22:23:00', '%W %M %Y');

-> 'Sunday October 2009'

mysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT('2007-10-04 22:23:00', '%H:%i:%s');

-> '22:23:00'

mysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT('1900-10-04 22:23:00',

-> '%D %y %a %d %m %b %j');

-> '4th 00 Thu 04 10 Oct 277'

mysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT('1997-10-04 22:23:00',

-> '%H %k %I %r %T %S %w');

-> '22 22 10 10:23:00 PM 22:23:00 00 6'

mysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT('1999-01-01', '%X %V');

-> '1998 52'

mysql> SELECT DATE_FORMAT('2006-06-00', '%d');

-> '00'

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