1. Methods Clinical data of 16 eyes of 16 patients with PHPV who had undergone retina surgery were retrospectively analyzed.


2. This series uses PHP V.5.2.6 and Apache V.2.2.11.


3. This article demonstrated how useful closures are as a functional programming construct within PHP V5.3 code.


4. If you have PHP V5.3 or later, the library should be available for use.


5. PHPV是什么意思

5. If you've been relying on magic_quotes_gpc, be forewarned that it is deprecated and will be removed in PHP V6.


6. In 5 cases (6 eyes), the hyaloid arteries blood flow signals are obtained in the centre of PHPV lesion.


7. Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous (PHPV) (Six Case Reports)


8. Register_globals & This functionality used to be the default before PHP V4.2, where the incoming request variables are automatically assigned to normal PHP variables.


9. Otherwise, check the result of preg_last_error ()(if you use PHP V5.2.0 or later).


10. PHPV的反义词

10. With standard PHP V4 and lower, all the work of a PHP application had to be done sequentially.


11. This code works in PHP V5, but it's better to use the interface system provided, as shown below.


12. The Standard PHP Library (SPL) is a collection of interfaces and classes added in PHP V5 designed to solve standard problems.


13. One other change with SPL is that it is always enabled now in PHP V5.3.


14. Now that we have seen some new additions to SPL, let's see how OOP in PHP V5.3 has gained an important performance and memory usage improvement with the addition of circular garbage collection.


15. Another important addition to PHP V5 is support for static members and methods on classes.


16. PHPV

16. JSON is a useful, lightweight protocol, now available in PHP V5.2, which makes the process of getting data out of our PHP applications and into our Ajax applications an easy one.


17. There are many improvements that have taken place in PHP V5.2, and one critical area is that of memory management.


18. The risk factors of onset are as follows: undergoing surgeries at a young age, microcornea, nuclear cataract and persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV).


19. With PHP V5, however, you can build object type checking right into the class or method declaration.


20. The advantage to this approach is that it makes it easy to deploy the application and with no performance penalty, thanks to several of the enhancements made to Phar in PHP V5.3.




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