1. Database Server Configuration

1). Create the database

2). Determine and set sizing parameters for database structures

3). Create and manage temporary, permanent, and undo tablespaces

4). Stripe data files across multiple physical devices and locations

5). Configure the database environment to support optimal data access performance

6). Create and manage database configuration files

7). Create and manage bigfile tablespaces

8). Create and manage multiple network configuration files

9). Create and configure a listener

10).Configure the database instance to support shared server connections

11).Set up network tracing

12).Manage Oracle network processes (the Listener Control utility)

13).Configure the network environment to allow connections to multiple databases

14).Use configurationless connections

2. Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control

1).Install the Enterprise Manager Grid Control software

2).Configure the Enterprise Manager repository

3).Create Enterprise Manager Grid Control users

4).Use Enterprise Manager to modify a database configuration

5).Configure Enterprise Manager to modify a database availability

6).Create and manage jobs

7).Create and monitor alerts

8).Create notifications

9).Implement Grid Control and Database Control

10).Choose the appropriate tablespace type for the intended use

11).Create Scheduler jobs

12).Create schedules

13).Assign jobs to windows

14).Create programs

15).Create job classes

16).Install the Enterprise Manager Grid Control infrastructure

17).Deploy Enterprise Manager Grid Control agents

18).Configure Grid Control for business requirements

3.Managing Database Availability

1).Create a recovery catalog database

2).Configure Recovery Manager

3).Use Recovery Manager to perform database backups

4).Use Recover Manager to perform complete database restore and recovery operations

5).Set Flashback Database parameters

6).Monitor Flashback Database logs and statistics

7).Perform a Flashback Database operation

8).Configure a flash recovery area

4.Data Management

1).Implement fine-grained auditing

2).Create a secure application role

3).Grant specific privileges for a Flashback Query

4).Set parameters for retaining undo

5).Implement fine-grained access control

6).Create and manage contexts

7).Use SQL*Loader

8).Implement transportable tablespaces between homogeneous and heterogeneous systems (using different methods of moving files)

9).Choose the appropriate partition method (range, hash, list, and composite)

10).Choose the appropriate partition key

11).Choose appropriate indexing methods (local, global, prefixed, and nonprefixed)

12).Perform partition maintenance operations

13).Maintain indexes on a partitioned table

14).Create and manage LOB segments

15).Apply parallelism ap

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