
Docker is a powerful DevOps tool for putting your apps into "containers."


You can run these same containers anywhere - on your laptop, on a server - even on a smart refrigerator if you want to.


And everywhere you run a container, the environment - and all its dependencies - will be identical.


This makes Docker ideal for running distributed applications.


This course will teach you Docker using a series of lectures with fun conceptual animations and illustrations.


And importantly, you'll be able to code along at home, right in your browser. The course includes an environment where you can tinker with Docker containers. You don't need to spin up your own servers or even install Linux yourself.

而且重要的是,您将可以在家中直接在浏览器中进行编码。 该课程包括一个可以修改Docker容器的环境。 您无需启动自己的服务器,甚至无需自己安装Linux。

您可以通过此免费的2小时课程学习以下概念和工具: (Here are some of the concepts and tools you'll learn through this free 2-hour course:)

  • What is Docker?什么是Docker?
  • How to install Docker如何安装Docker
  • Basic Docker Commands基本Docker命令
  • Docker LabsDocker实验室
  • The Run command运行命令
  • Docker Environment VariablesDocker环境变量
  • How Docker Images workDocker映像如何工作
  • Networking with Docker与Docker联网
  • Docker StorageDocker存储
  • How to use Docker Compose如何使用Docker Compose
  • The Docker RegistryDocker注册表
  • How you can also use Docker on Windows and Mac (most people use it on Linux by default)您还可以在Windows和Mac上使用Docker的方式(大多数人默认在Linux上使用它)
  • How to use Docker on Mac如何在Mac上使用Docker
  • How to use Docker Swarm如何使用Docker Swarm
  • And a little bit about Kubernetes and container orchestration, too还有一点关于Kubernetes和容器编排的知识

You can watch the full video course on the YouTube channel (2 hour watch).

您可以在 YouTube频道上观看完整的视频课程(观看2小时)。

如果您不熟悉Docker,请从freeCodeCamp指南中进一步了解Docker。 无论哪种方式,您仍然应该参加本课程 (Here's a bit more about Docker from the freeCodeCamp Guide, in case you're unfamiliar with it. Either way,  you should still do the course)

Docker is an open-source tool that gives you the ability to build containers for your apps.


It includes an operating system, libraries, and everything you need to run your application. Then you will be able to deploy that same exact application - and its entire environment and dependencies - onto any machine.

它包括操作系统,库以及运行应用程序所需的一切。 然后,您将能够将相同的应用程序及其整个环境和依赖项部署到任何计算机上。

Docker's lightweight structure lets you to run several containers on the same machine. A container image is a light-weight, stand-alone, executable package of a piece of software that includes everything needed to run it.

Docker的轻量级结构使您可以在同一台机器上运行多个容器。 容器映像是软件的轻量,独立,可执行软件包,其中包含运行该映像所需的一切。

Docker的核心功能 (Docker's Core Features)

Docker containers running on a single machine share that machine’s operating system kernel. They start instantly and use less computational power and RAM.

在单台机器上运行的Docker容器共享该机器的操作系统内核。 它们可以立即启动,并使用较少的计算能力和RAM。

Docker images are built out of filesystem layers, and are able to share common files. This minimizes the space these images take up on disk, and make these images a lot faster to download.

Docker映像是在文件系统层之外构建的,并且能够共享公共文件。 这样可以最大程度地减少这些图像在磁盘上的占用空间,并使这些图像的下载速度更快。

Docker containers are based on open standards, and run on all major *nix distributions (Unix, Linux, etc. - including MacOS), Microsoft Windows, and on any infrastructure including VMs, bare-metal, and in the cloud.

Docker容器基于开放标准,并且可以在所有主要的* nix发行版(Unix,Linux等-包括MacOS),Microsoft Windows以及任何基础架构(包括VM,裸机和云)上运行。

Docker containers isolate applications from one another and from the underlying infrastructure. Docker provides a strong default isolation, so you can limit any problems with your app to a single container instead of an entire machine.

Docker容器将应用程序与基础架构隔离。 Docker提供了强大的默认隔离功能,因此您可以将应用程序出现的任何问题限制在单个容器中,而不是整个机器上。

Container images are a lightweight, stand-alone, executable packages software that include everything you need to run it: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries, and settings.


Containerized software will always run the same, regardless of the environment.


Containers isolate software from its surroundings. That is, the differences between development and staging environments.

容器将软件与其周围环境隔离。 也就是说,开发和暂存环境之间的差异。

Ultimately, Docker helps reduce conflicts between teams running different software on the same infrastructure.


关于容器的注释。 虚拟机 (A note on Containers Vs. Virtual Machines)

  • Containers virtualize the Operating System and make them more portable容器可以虚拟化操作系统,并使它们更具可移植性
  • Virtual Machines, by contrast, virtualize the hardware.相比之下,虚拟机虚拟化硬件。
  • Containers are an abstraction at the application layer that packages code and dependencies together. VMs are an abstraction of physical hardware turning one server into many.容器是应用程序层的抽象,它将代码和依赖项打包在一起。 VM是物理硬件的抽象,它将一台服务器变成许多台服务器。
  • Again, containers are not VMs.

    同样, 容器不是VM 。

Once again, I encourage you to take the full course. You can watch the full video course on the YouTube channel (2 hour watch).

再一次,我鼓励您参加整个课程。 您可以在 YouTube频道上观看完整的视频课程(观看2小时)。




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