





from contextlib import ContextDecorator, contextmanagerclass WithClass(ContextDecorator):def __enter__(self):print('__enter__')return selfdef __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):print('__exit__')def test_print(self):print("test_print")with WithClass() as w:w.test_print()


  2           0 LOAD_CONST               0 (0)3 LOAD_CONST               1 (('ContextDecorator', 'contextmanager'))6 IMPORT_NAME              0 (contextlib)9 IMPORT_FROM              1 (ContextDecorator)12 STORE_NAME               1 (ContextDecorator)15 IMPORT_FROM              2 (contextmanager)18 STORE_NAME               2 (contextmanager)21 POP_TOP4          22 LOAD_BUILD_CLASS23 LOAD_CONST               2 (<code object WithClass at 0x10805ff60, file "<dis>", line 4>)26 LOAD_CONST               3 ('WithClass')29 MAKE_FUNCTION            032 LOAD_CONST               3 ('WithClass')35 LOAD_NAME                1 (ContextDecorator)38 CALL_FUNCTION            3 (3 positional, 0 keyword pair)41 STORE_NAME               3 (WithClass)16          44 LOAD_NAME                3 (WithClass)47 CALL_FUNCTION            0 (0 positional, 0 keyword pair)50 SETUP_WITH              17 (to 70)53 STORE_NAME               4 (w)17          56 LOAD_NAME                4 (w)59 LOAD_ATTR                5 (test_print)62 CALL_FUNCTION            0 (0 positional, 0 keyword pair)65 POP_TOP66 POP_BLOCK67 LOAD_CONST               4 (None)>>   70 WITH_CLEANUP_START71 WITH_CLEANUP_FINISH72 END_FINALLY73 LOAD_CONST               4 (None)76 RETURN_VALUE



    TARGET(SETUP_WITH) {_Py_IDENTIFIER(__exit__);                                                # 获取__exit__的名称_Py_IDENTIFIER(__enter__);                                               # 获取__enter__的名称PyObject *mgr = TOP();                                                     # 获取对应实例化的类PyObject *exit = special_lookup(mgr, &PyId___exit__), *enter;           # 先通过实例类去查找__exit__方法PyObject *res;if (exit == NULL)                                                      # 如果exit为空则报错goto error;SET_TOP(exit);                                                          # 把获取的exit方法放置在栈顶enter = special_lookup(mgr, &PyId___enter__);                             # 通过类查找__enter__方法Py_DECREF(mgr); if (enter == NULL)                                                      # 如果为空则报错goto error;res = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(enter, NULL);                       # 调用查找到的enter函数并传入null参数执行Py_DECREF(enter);if (res == NULL)                                                       # 如果执行的enter函数的返回值为空则报错goto error;/* Setup the finally block before pushing the resultof __enter__ on the stack. */PyFrame_BlockSetup(f, SETUP_FINALLY, INSTR_OFFSET() + oparg,STACK_LEVEL());PUSH(res);                                                               # 压入返回值DISPATCH();}


    TARGET(WITH_CLEANUP_START) {/* At the top of the stack are 1-6 values indicatinghow/why we entered the finally clause:- TOP = None- (TOP, SECOND) = (WHY_{RETURN,CONTINUE}), retval- TOP = WHY_*; no retval below it- (TOP, SECOND, THIRD) = exc_info()(FOURTH, FITH, SIXTH) = previous exception for EXCEPT_HANDLERBelow them is EXIT, the context.__exit__ bound method.In the last case, we must callEXIT(TOP, SECOND, THIRD)otherwise we must callEXIT(None, None, None)In the first three cases, we remove EXIT from thestack, leaving the rest in the same order.  In thefourth case, we shift the bottom 3 values of thestack down, and replace the empty spot with NULL.In addition, if the stack represents an exception,*and* the function call returns a 'true' value, wepush WHY_SILENCED onto the stack.  END_FINALLY willthen not re-raise the exception.  (But non-localgotos should still be resumed.)*/PyObject *exit_func;PyObject *exc = TOP(), *val = Py_None, *tb = Py_None, *res;            # 检查执行完成信息if (exc == Py_None) {                                                   # 如果没有执行报错(void)POP();                                                  exit_func = TOP();                                                     # 获取exit函数      SET_TOP(exc);                                                       # 把执行信息置顶}else if (PyLong_Check(exc)) {                                             # 检查执行结果STACKADJ(-1);switch (PyLong_AsLong(exc)) {case WHY_RETURN:case WHY_CONTINUE:/* Retval in TOP. */exit_func = SECOND();SET_SECOND(TOP());SET_TOP(exc);break;default:exit_func = TOP();SET_TOP(exc);break;}exc = Py_None;}else {PyObject *tp2, *exc2, *tb2;PyTryBlock *block;val = SECOND();tb = THIRD();tp2 = FOURTH();exc2 = PEEK(5);tb2 = PEEK(6);exit_func = PEEK(7);SET_VALUE(7, tb2);SET_VALUE(6, exc2);SET_VALUE(5, tp2);/* UNWIND_EXCEPT_HANDLER will pop this off. */SET_FOURTH(NULL);/* We just shifted the stack down, so we haveto tell the except handler block that thevalues are lower than it expects. */block = &f->f_blockstack[f->f_iblock - 1];assert(block->b_type == EXCEPT_HANDLER);block->b_level--;}/* XXX Not the fastest way to call it... */res = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(exit_func, exc, val, tb, NULL);                # 调用exit函数并将执行的结果传入执行Py_DECREF(exit_func);if (res == NULL)                                                                # 如果res为空则报错goto error;Py_INCREF(exc); /* Duplicating the exception on the stack */PUSH(exc);PUSH(res);PREDICT(WITH_CLEANUP_FINISH);DISPATCH();}




class ContextDecorator(object):"A base class or mixin that enables context managers to work as decorators."def _recreate_cm(self):"""Return a recreated instance of self.Allows an otherwise one-shot context manager like_GeneratorContextManager to support use asa decorator via implicit recreation.This is a private interface just for _GeneratorContextManager.See issue #11647 for details."""return self                                         # 返回自己def __call__(self, func):                               # 如果使用了装饰器来包装被调用函数@wraps(func)def inner(*args, **kwds):               with self._recreate_cm():                       # 调用self的__enter__和__exit__方法return func(*args, **kwds)                  # 然后调用被包装函数执行return inner


def test_print_func():print("test_print")test_print_func()


def contextmanager(func):"""@contextmanager decorator.Typical usage:@contextmanagerdef some_generator(<arguments>):<setup>try:yield <value>finally:<cleanup>This makes this:with some_generator(<arguments>) as <variable>:<body>equivalent to this:<setup>try:<variable> = <value><body>finally:<cleanup>"""@wraps(func)def helper(*args, **kwds):return _GeneratorContextManager(func, args, kwds)       # 装饰器生成_GeneratorContextManager类实例return helper


class _GeneratorContextManager(ContextDecorator):"""Helper for @contextmanager decorator."""def __init__(self, func, args, kwds):self.gen = func(*args, **kwds)                                          # 生成协程函数self.func, self.args, self.kwds = func, args, kwds                      # 保存函数与传入参数等值# Issue 19330: ensure context manager instances have good docstringsdoc = getattr(func, "__doc__", None)                                    # 获取函数文档说明if doc is None:doc = type(self).__doc__self.__doc__ = doc                                                      # 设置文档说明# Unfortunately, this still doesn't provide good help output when# inspecting the created context manager instances, since pydoc# currently bypasses the instance docstring and shows the docstring# for the class instead.# See for more details.def _recreate_cm(self):# _GCM instances are one-shot context managers, so the# CM must be recreated each time a decorated function is# calledreturn self.__class__(self.func, self.args, self.kwds)                  # 实例化自己def __enter__(self):try:return next(self.gen)                                               # 获取fun中yield返回的值except StopIteration:raise RuntimeError("generator didn't yield") from Nonedef __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):if type is None:try:next(self.gen)                                                  # 如果执行没有错误则继续nextexcept StopIteration:return                                                          # 如果是StopIteration则立即返回else:raise RuntimeError("generator didn't stop")                     # 否则返回生成器错误else:if value is None:# Need to force instantiation so we can reliably# tell if we get the same exception backvalue = type()try:self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback)raise RuntimeError("generator didn't stop after throw()")except StopIteration as exc:# Suppress StopIteration *unless* it's the same exception that# was passed to throw().  This prevents a StopIteration# raised inside the "with" statement from being suppressed.return exc is not valueexcept RuntimeError as exc:# Likewise, avoid suppressing if a StopIteration exception# was passed to throw() and later wrapped into a RuntimeError# (see PEP 479).if exc.__cause__ is value:return Falseraiseexcept:# only re-raise if it's *not* the exception that was# passed to throw(), because __exit__() must not raise# an exception unless __exit__() itself failed.  But throw()# has to raise the exception to signal propagation, so this# fixes the impedance mismatch between the throw() protocol# and the __exit__() protocol.#if sys.exc_info()[1] is not value:raise


def test_func():w = WithClass()try:yield wfinally:print("test_func finally")with test_func() as f:f.test_print()




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