交互式演示 这是一个用HTML5编写的交互式演示。要移动控制点,请单击并拖动它们。若要移动切线,请单击并拖动控制点外的区域。默认情况下,曲线保持d1和d2相等,但也可以在下面指定自定义d1值。

到目前为止,我们只讨论了二维情况。让我们编写一些C++代码来解决三维的情况。它非常相似,除了每个弧可以在不同的平面上对齐。这将在查找旋转方向和平面法线时创建一些调整。经过几次交叉积后,一切都成功了。 这些代码示例是在以下许可下发布的。
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    / Here’s our vector type. It’s about as basic as vector types come.//
    struct tVec3
    float m_x;
    float m_y;
    float m_z;
    }; Now, let’s define some math functions to help with common operations (mostly linear algebra).//******************************************************************************
    // Compute the dot product of two vectors.
    float Vec_DotProduct(const tVec3 & lhs, const tVec3 & rhs)
    return lhs.m_xrhs.m_x + lhs.m_yrhs.m_y + lhs.m_z*rhs.m_z;

// Compute the cross product of two vectors.
void Vec_CrossProduct(tVec3 * pResult, const tVec3 & lhs, const tVec3 & rhs)
float x = lhs.m_yrhs.m_z - lhs.m_zrhs.m_y;
float y = lhs.m_zrhs.m_x - lhs.m_xrhs.m_z;
float z = lhs.m_xrhs.m_y - lhs.m_yrhs.m_x;

pResult->m_x = x;
pResult->m_y = y;
pResult->m_z = z;

// Compute the sum of two vectors.
void Vec_Add(tVec3 * pResult, const tVec3 & lhs, const tVec3 & rhs)
pResult->m_x = lhs.m_x + rhs.m_x;
pResult->m_y = lhs.m_y + rhs.m_y;
pResult->m_z = lhs.m_z + rhs.m_z;

// Compute the difference of two vectors.
void Vec_Subtract(tVec3 * pResult, const tVec3 & lhs, const tVec3 & rhs)
pResult->m_x = lhs.m_x - rhs.m_x;
pResult->m_y = lhs.m_y - rhs.m_y;
pResult->m_z = lhs.m_z - rhs.m_z;

// Compute a scaled vector.
void Vec_Scale(tVec3 * pResult, const tVec3 & lhs, float rhs)
pResult->m_x = lhs.m_xrhs;
pResult->m_y = lhs.m_y
pResult->m_z = lhs.m_z*rhs;

// Add a vector to a scaled vector.
void Vec_AddScaled(tVec3 * pResult, const tVec3 & lhs, const tVec3 & rhs, float rhsScale)
pResult->m_x = lhs.m_x + rhs.m_xrhsScale;
pResult->m_y = lhs.m_y + rhs.m_y
pResult->m_z = lhs.m_z + rhs.m_z*rhsScale;

// Compute the magnitude of a vector.
float Vec_Magnitude(const tVec3 & lhs)
return sqrtf(Vec_DotProduct(lhs,lhs));

// Check if the vector length is within epsilon of 1
bool Vec_IsNormalized_Eps(const tVec3 & value, float epsilon)
const float sqrMag = Vec_DotProduct(value,value);
return sqrMag >= (1.0f - epsilon)(1.0f - epsilon)
&& sqrMag <= (1.0f + epsilon)
(1.0f + epsilon);

// Return 1 or -1 based on the sign of a real number.
inline float Sign(float val)
return (val < 0.0f) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
} The algorithm is broken up into two parts. First, we provide a function to compute the pair of arcs making up the curve (this basically covers all of the fun math I showed above). Second, we provide a function to interpolate across the biarc curve. This is the helper type representing a computed arc. It is the output of the first part (biarc computation) and the input to the second part (biarc interpolation). The set of data stored in this type has been chosen to reduce the number of operations in the interpolation process. This lets the user compute the biarc once, and then compute a bunch of points along it very fast. In our interpolation function, we will do a proper blend across each circular arc, but you might instead want to convert the biarc into something like an approximate Bézier curve such that it is compatible with other systems. In that case, you might not need all these values.//******************************************************************************
// Information about an arc used in biarc interpolation. Use
// Vec_BiarcInterp_ComputeArcs to compute the values and use Vec_BiarcInterp
// to interpolate along the arc pair.
struct tBiarcInterp_Arc
tVec3 m_center; // center of the circle (or line)
tVec3 m_axis1; // vector from center to the end point
tVec3 m_axis2; // vector from center edge perpendicular to axis1
float m_radius; // radius of the circle (zero for lines)
float m_angle; // angle to rotate from axis1 towards axis2
float m_arcLen; // distance along the arc
}; This is a helper function for computing data about a single arc. This isn’t intended as a user facing function.//******************************************************************************
// Compute a single arc based on an end point and the vector from the endpoint
// to connection point.
void BiarcInterp_ComputeArc
tVec3 * pCenter, // Out: Center of the circle or straight line.
float * pRadius, // Out: Zero for straight lines
float * pAngle, // Out: Angle of the arc
const tVec3 & point,
const tVec3 & tangent,
const tVec3 & pointToMid
// assume that the tangent is normalized
assert( Vec_IsNormalized_Eps(tangent,0.01f) );

const float c_Epsilon = 0.0001f;

// compute the normal to the arc plane
tVec3 normal;
Vec_CrossProduct(&normal, pointToMid, tangent);

// Compute an axis within the arc plane that is perpendicular to the tangent.
// This will be coliniear with the vector from the center to the end point.
tVec3 perpAxis;
Vec_CrossProduct(&perpAxis, tangent, normal);

const float denominator = 2.0f * Vec_DotProduct(perpAxis, pointToMid);

if (fabs(denominator) < c_Epsilon)
// The radius is infinite, so use a straight line. Place the center point in the
// middle of the line.
Vec_AddScaled(pCenter, point, pointToMid, 0.5f);
*pRadius = 0.0f;
*pAngle = 0.0f;
// Compute the distance to the center along perpAxis
const float centerDist = Vec_DotProduct(pointToMid,pointToMid) / denominator;
Vec_AddScaled(pCenter, point, perpAxis, centerDist);

// Compute the radius in absolute units
const float perpAxisMag = Vec_Magnitude(perpAxis);
const float radius = fabs(centerDist*perpAxisMag);

// Compute the arc angle
float angle;
if (radius < c_Epsilon)
angle = 0.0f;
const float invRadius = 1.0f / radius;

// Compute normalized directions from the center to the connection point
// and from the center to the end point.
tVec3 centerToMidDir;
tVec3 centerToEndDir;

Vec_Subtract(&centerToMidDir, point, *pCenter);
Vec_Scale(&centerToEndDir, centerToMidDir, invRadius);

Vec_Add(&centerToMidDir, centerToMidDir, pointToMid);
Vec_Scale(&centerToMidDir, centerToMidDir, invRadius);

// Compute the rotation direction
const float twist = Vec_DotProduct(perpAxis, pointToMid);

// Compute angle.
angle = acosf( Vec_DotProduct(centerToEndDir,centerToMidDir) ) * Sign(twist);

// output the radius and angle
pRadius = radius;
pAngle = angle;
}Here is the user facing function to generate a biarc from a pair of control points. It only supports the case where d1d1 and d2d2 are solved to be equal.//
// Compute a pair of arcs to pass into Vec_BiarcInterp
// http://www.ryanjuckett.com/programming/biarc-interpolation/
void BiarcInterp_ComputeArcs
tBiarcInterp_Arc * pArc1,
tBiarcInterp_Arc * pArc2,
const tVec3 & p1, // start position
const tVec3 & t1, // start tangent
const tVec3 & p2, // end position
const tVec3 & t2 // end tangent
assert( Vec_IsNormalized_Eps(t1,0.01f) );
assert( Vec_IsNormalized_Eps(t2,0.01f) );

const float c_Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795f;
const float c_2Pi = 6.2831853071795864769252867665590f;
const float c_Epsilon = 0.0001f;

tVec3 v;
Vec_Subtract(&v, p2, p1);

const float vDotV = Vec_DotProduct(v,v);

// if the control points are equal, we don’t need to interpolate
if (vDotV < c_Epsilon)
pArc1->m_center = p1;
pArc2->m_radius = 0.0f;
pArc1->m_axis1 = v;
pArc1->m_axis2 = v;
pArc1->m_angle = 0.0f;
pArc1->m_arcLen = 0.0f;

pArc2->m_center = p1;
pArc2->m_radius = 0.0f;
pArc2->m_axis1 = v;
pArc2->m_axis2 = v;
pArc2->m_angle = 0.0f;
pArc2->m_arcLen = 0.0f;

// computw the denominator for the quadratic formula
tVec3 t;
Vec_Add(&t, t1, t2);

const float vDotT = Vec_DotProduct(v,t);
const float t1DotT2 = Vec_DotProduct(t1,t2);
const float denominator = 2.0f*(1.0f - t1DotT2);

// if the quadratic formula denominator is zero, the tangents are equal and we need a special case
float d;
if (denominator < c_Epsilon)
const float vDotT2 = Vec_DotProduct(v,t2);

// if the special case d is infinity, the only solution is to interpolate across two semicircles
if ( fabs(vDotT2) < c_Epsilon )
const float vMag = sqrtf(vDotV);
const float invVMagSqr = 1.0f / vDotV;

// compute the normal to the plane containing the arcs
// (this has length vMag)
tVec3 planeNormal;
Vec_CrossProduct(&planeNormal, v, t2);

// compute the axis perpendicular to the tangent direction and aligned with the circles
// (this has length vMag*vMag)
tVec3 perpAxis;
Vec_CrossProduct(&perpAxis, planeNormal, v);

float radius= vMag * 0.25f;

tVec3 centerToP1;
Vec_Scale(&centerToP1, v, -0.25f);

// interpolate across two semicircles
Vec_Subtract(&pArc1->m_center, p1, centerToP1);
pArc1->m_radius= radius;
pArc1->m_axis1= centerToP1;
Vec_Scale(&pArc1->m_axis2, perpAxis, radius*invVMagSqr);
pArc1->m_angle= c_Pi;
pArc1->m_arcLen= c_Pi * radius;

Vec_Add(&pArc2->m_center, p2, centerToP1);
pArc2->m_radius= radius;
Vec_Scale(&pArc2->m_axis1, centerToP1, -1.0f);
Vec_Scale(&pArc2->m_axis2, perpAxis, -radius*invVMagSqr);
pArc2->m_angle= c_Pi;
pArc2->m_arcLen= c_Pi * radius;

// compute distance value for equal tangents
d = vDotV / (4.0f * vDotT2);
// use the positive result of the quadratic formula
const float discriminant = vDotTvDotT + denominatorvDotV;
d = (-vDotT + sqrtf(discriminant)) / denominator;

// compute the connection point (i.e. the mid point)
tVec3 pm;
Vec_Subtract(&pm, t1, t2);
Vec_AddScaled(&pm, p2, pm, d);
Vec_Add(&pm, pm, p1);
Vec_Scale(&pm, pm, 0.5f);

// compute vectors from the end points to the mid point
tVec3 p1ToPm, p2ToPm;
Vec_Subtract(&p1ToPm, pm, p1);
Vec_Subtract(&p2ToPm, pm, p2);

// compute the arcs
tVec3 center1, center2;
float radius1, radius2;
float angle1, angle2;
BiarcInterp_ComputeArc( &center1, &radius1, &angle1, p1, t1, p1ToPm );
BiarcInterp_ComputeArc( &center2, &radius2, &angle2, p2, t2, p2ToPm );

// use the longer path around the circle if d is negative
if (d < 0.0f)
angle1= Sign(angle1)*c_2Pi - angle1;
angle2= Sign(angle2)*c_2Pi - angle2;

// output the arcs
// (the radius will be set to zero when the arc is a straight line)
pArc1->m_center = center1;
pArc1->m_radius = radius1;
Vec_Subtract(&pArc1->m_axis1, p1, center1); // redundant from Vec_BiarcInterp_ComputeArc
Vec_Scale(&pArc1->m_axis2, t1, radius1);
pArc1->m_angle = angle1;
pArc1->m_arcLen = (radius1 == 0.0f) ? Vec_Magnitude(p1ToPm) : fabs(radius1 * angle1);

pArc2->m_center = center2;
pArc2->m_radius = radius2;
Vec_Subtract(&pArc2->m_axis1, p2, center2); // redundant from Vec_BiarcInterp_ComputeArc
Vec_Scale(&pArc2->m_axis2, t2, -radius2);
pArc2->m_angle = angle2;
pArc2->m_arcLen = (radius2 == 0.0f) ? Vec_Magnitude(p2ToPm) : fabs(radius2 * angle2);
} Finally, we have the function to compute the fractional position along the biarc curve. Arc length is used to create a smooth distribution. Before interpolating, it is sometimes useful to inspect the computed arcs. For example, you might decide that a biarc with too much curvature will look bad and switch to linear interpolation. This could be checked by seeing if the arc lengths sum up to be greater than a semicircle placed at the control points (i.e. arcLen1+arcLen2>π2∣p2−p1∣arcLen1+arcLen2>π2∣p2−p1∣).//******************************************************************************
// Use a biarc to interpolate between two points such that the interpolation
// direction aligns with associated tangents.
// http://www.ryanjuckett.com/programming/biarc-interpolation/
void BiarcInterp
tVec3 * pResult, // interpolated point
const tBiarcInterp_Arc & arc1,
const tBiarcInterp_Arc & arc2,
float frac // [0,1] fraction along the biarc
assert( frac >= 0.0f && frac <= 1.0f );

const float epsilon = 0.0001f;

// compute distance along biarc
const float totalDist = arc1.m_arcLen + arc2.m_arcLen;
const float fracDist = frac * totalDist;

// choose the arc to evaluate
if (fracDist < arc1.m_arcLen)
if (arc1.m_arcLen < epsilon)
// just output the end point
Vec_Add(pResult, arc1.m_center, arc1.m_axis1);
const float arcFrac = fracDist / arc1.m_arcLen;
if (arc1.m_radius == 0.0f)
// interpolate along the line
Vec_AddScaled(pResult, arc1.m_center, arc1.m_axis1, -arcFrac2.0f + 1.0f);
// interpolate along the arc
float angle = arc1.m_angle
float sinRot = sinf(angle);
float cosRot = cosf(angle);

Vec_AddScaled(pResult, arc1.m_center, arc1.m_axis1, cosRot);
Vec_AddScaled(pResult, pResult, arc1.m_axis2, sinRot);
if (arc2.m_arcLen < epsilon)
// just output the end point
Vec_Add(pResult, arc1.m_center, arc1.m_axis2);
const float arcFrac = (fracDist-arc1.m_arcLen) / arc2.m_arcLen;
if (arc2.m_radius == 0.0f)
// interpolate along the line
Vec_AddScaled(pResult, arc2.m_center, arc2.m_axis1, arcFrac
2.0f - 1.0f);
// interpolate along the arc
float angle = arc2.m_angle*(1.0f-arcFrac);
float sinRot = sinf(angle);
float cosRot = cosf(angle);

Vec_AddScaled(pResult, arc2.m_center, arc2.m_axis1, cosRot);
Vec_AddScaled(pResult, *pResult, arc2.m_axis2, sinRot);


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