
by Jaime J. Rios

由Jaime J. Rios

“Stop that imposter! Seize them!”

“停止冒名顶替者! 抓住他们!”

I first spotted my imposter two years ago. It happened when I began learning how to code.

两年前,我第一次发现了冒名顶替者。 发生在我开始学习编码的时候。

Whenever I made a mistake, my imposter would emerge from my mental abyss and say, “Hi, I’m Jaime. And I suck at coding.”

每当我犯错时,冒名顶替者就会从我的心理深渊中冒出来,并说:“嗨,我是Jaime。 而且我很喜欢编码。”

After spotting this imposter, my mind turned into a search helicopter. I was constantly on the lookout.

发现了这个冒名顶替者之后,我的想法变成了搜索直升机。 我一直在监视。

When I did locate my imposter, I would megaphone to him from behind my mental searchlight:


“There’s the guy who thinks he can code! Surround the perimeter! Don’t let him move anywhere but backward! I’m afraid this person does not have a future in software engineering!”

“有人认为他可以编码! 环绕周边! 不要让他向后移动! 恐怕这个人在软件工程方面没有前途!”

This imposter disguised my competency with incompetency. It drowned my knowledge with ineptitude.

这冒名顶替者冒充了我的能力。 它无知地淹没了我的知识。

My imposter search led me at times to believe that I was the imposter — someone not talented enough to become a software engineer.


With my imposter search recurring regularly, learning how to code became a schlep. I simply was not progressing at a steady pace.

随着我冒名顶替者的搜索定期出现,学习如何编写代码变得无聊了。 我只是进展缓慢而已。

This led me to take a hiatus from coding. I needed to a long, objective look at my pessimism.

这使我不喜欢编码。 我需要长期,客观地看待我的悲观情绪。

During this coding chasm, I realized that my imposter-self was not the core of the problem. The problem lay with my frequent bouts of searching for the imposter.

在这个编码鸿沟中,我意识到我的冒名顶替者本身并不是问题的核心。 问题出在我经常寻找冒名顶替者的麻烦上。

My mental searchlight was actively searching for faults — looking for pitfalls to stumble into.


I recognized that my internal search needed an overhaul. So I challenged my mind to hunt for successes and positive qualities, as opposed to illuminating my negative attributes.

我意识到我的内部搜索需要大修。 因此,我挑战自己的思维去寻求成功和积极的品质,而不是去阐明我的消极属性。

This adjustment was vital towards moving my coding journey forward.


Since that pivotal revelation, my ability to retain coding knowledge has improved tenfold. Addressing the realities of my mental searchlight enabled me to embrace conquests and accomplishments.

自从这一重要启示以来,我保留编码知识的能力提高了十倍。 解决我的心理探照灯的现实使我能够接受征服和成就。

I soon became confident in my coding skills.


My newfound self-assurance spurred me to complete the first four Free Code Camp projects. I even won a scholarship to a coding bootcamp — all thanks to refocusing my searchlight.

我新发现的自我保证促使我完成了前四个Free Code Camp项目。 我什至获得了编码训练营的奖学金-所有归功于我重新聚焦了探照灯。

Experiencing this success prompted me to ponder over my previous, archaic mindset. Before, I was quick to indulge in and reflect on my coding mishaps. I was reluctant to accept positive progress.

经历这种成功促使我思考以前的过时心态。 以前,我很快就沉迷于代码的不幸经历。 我不愿意接受积极的进展。

Now I was consumed by victory, and no longer distressed when I encountered common errors that are easy to push past with the right attitude.


When you make mistakes coding — which is inevitable — your mental helicopter instinctively takes off. And your searchlight never fails to bring attention to your imposter.

当您出错时(这是不可避免的),您的直升飞机会本能地起飞。 而且您的探照灯永远不会引起您的冒名顶替者的注意。

Unlike real-life imposters who want to avoid detection, your imposter is all too eager to be discovered.


Our imposters want to be seen. They want to be known. They want to be you. This imposter wants yourself to believe that you are inadequate and incapable of learning how to code.

我们的冒名顶替者希望被人们看到。 他们想被人知道。 他们想成为你。 这个冒名顶替者要让自己相信自己是不够的,并且无法学习如何编码。

You can overcome this inherent bias by shining your mental searchlight on past experiences that have yielded improvement. In doing so, you can transcend your inadequacies and succeed.

您可以通过将精神探照灯照在过去的经验上取得进步,从而克服这种固有的偏见。 这样,您可以超越自己的不足之处并取得成功。

Perhaps you managed to complete your first front end development project. If you did, get your mental helicopter ready for take-off! Shine your mental searchlight on that outstanding achievement! Give yourself a high five. Reward yourself. Take pride in that triumph. Seriously! You deserve it.

也许您设法完成了第一个前端开发项目。 如果这样做了,请准备好准备起飞的直升飞机! 将您的精神探照灯照耀在这一杰出成就上! 给自己高五。 奖励你自己。 以那场胜利而自豪。 认真! 你应得的。

Or maybe you finally built up the courage to create a Free Code Camp account. That’s an enormous feat in itself! Many people do not take that bold first step towards learning code. And you did!

或者,也许您最终鼓起勇气创建了一个免费代码营帐户。 本身就是一个巨大的壮举! 许多人没有朝着学习代码迈出大胆的第一步。 而你做到了!

Through shining your searchlight on personal achievements — big or small — you can tell yourself, “I finished that task. What’s next?” This positive momentum is vital towards advancing your skills.

通过将探照灯照亮个人成就(无论大小),您可以告诉自己,“我完成了这项任务。 下一步是什么?” 这种积极的动力对提高您的技能至关重要。

So practice shining your internal searchlight on your strengths, and not on the false self, the imposter. Your searchlight will instill within you the power you need so you can succeed in learning how to code.

因此,练习将内部探照灯照亮自己的优势,而不是假冒的冒名顶替者。 探照灯将为您注入所需的力量,因此您可以成功学习编码。

Your newfound skills will push your imposter farther out into the shadows, and away from your searchlight. Instead, your searchlight will illuminate positive outcomes and steer you toward success.

您新发现的技能将使冒名顶替者走得更远,远离探照灯。 相反,您的探照灯将照亮正面结果,并引导您走向成功。

Thanks to Nelson Esparza, William Parker, and Terry Poyser for reading drafts of this.

感谢 Nelson Esparza,William Parker和Terry Poyser阅读了此草稿。

If you liked this story and some of the points that I’ve made here, please share this article on Facebook and Twitter.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/clobbering-imposter-syndrome-with-your-mental-searchlight-b9df0b2e88eb/



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