Tools and Strategies for Long-Read Sequencing and De Novo Assembly of Plant Genomes


Highlights 要点




The commercial release of third-generation sequencing technologies (TGSTs),giving long and ultra-long sequencing reads, has stimulated the development of new tools for assembling highly contiguous genome sequences with unprecedented  accuracy across complex repeat regions.

We survey here a wide range of emerging sequencing platforms and analytical tools for de novo assembly,
provide background information for each of their steps, and discuss the spectrum of available options.

Our decision tree recommends workflows for the generation of a high-quality genome assembly when used in combination with
the specific needs and resources of a project.

第三代测序技术(TGSTs)的商业发布,提供了长和超长的测序解读,刺激了新的工具的发展,以前所未有的准确性装配高度连续的基因组序列,跨越复杂的重复区域。我们在这里调查了一系列新兴的测序平台和分析工具,为de novo装配提供背景信息,并讨论了可用选项的范围。我们的决策树建议在结合项目的特定需求和资源使用时,生成高质量基因组组装的工作流程。

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