我一直试图使用Ajax将页面的数据(或其他任何东西)输出到div中。数据基于页面上的列表。尽管调用Ajax请求的jQuery函数似乎可以正常工作, 但是从Ajax调用在控制台上却收到了400个错误的请求。如何调试它, 因为我无法从Ajax回调函数中获取任何console.log消息

我有一个wordpress文件, 该文件输出产品类别的列表以及单击列出的类别之一时触发的一些jQuery。该jQuery具有Ajax发布函数来调用我的入队和本地化函数。该函数似乎没有任何作用, 即使是简单的console.log, ajax调用的:error也表明该错误是一个400错误的请求。使用WPEngine密码保护的登台站点, 可能会有所作为。

in functions.php



in funcitons.php


// for displaying products in div on category page

function enqueue_show_products_scripts () {

// get the javascript file and enqueue it, then ad it to the wp_print_scripts action

$script_location = get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . "/includes/js/show_products.js";

wp_enqueue_script( 'ajax-script', $script_location, array ('jquery') );

wp_localize_script( 'ajax-script', 'ajax', array('url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' )) );


add_action ('wp_print_scripts', 'enqueue_show_products_scripts');

// this is the function that the Ajax request is running

function show_products_callback() {

// Get the request dataglobal $wpdb;


console.log ("in show_products_callback");

// get_the_data







// and this adds the actions on init to register the function with the Ajax and

add_action ( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_show_products', 'show_products_callback' );

add_action ( 'wp_ajax_show_products', 'show_products_callback' );

in show_product.js


jQuery(document).ready( function() {

jQuery('#categoryListBox a').click ( function () {

var term_id_clicked = jQuery(this).attr('id');

alert ("Clicked " + term_id_clicked );

jQuery.post ( {

url: ajax.url, action: 'show_products', term_id: term_id_clicked, success: function ( data ) {

console.log (data), jQuery('#productBox').html(data)

}, error: function (errorThrown) {

console.log ("errorThrown"), console.log (errorThrown)



); // end jQuery.ajax

}); // end jQuery click


jQuery( document ).ajaxError(function( event, data, settings, exception ) {

alert( "Triggered ajaxError handler." +event+" "+data+" "+settings+" "+exception);


in show_all_products_by_category.php


All products by Category


$child_product_cats = get_terms( $child_args );

foreach ($child_product_cats as $child_product_cat)


$name = $child_product_cat->name;

$slug = $child_product_cat->slug;

$term_id = $child_product_cat->term_id;


= $child_product_cat->name?>

// the id is the slug of the subcategory, and the action is performed in the jQuery event




I keep getting error 400 bad request in the console, but am stumped on how to further debug, as no output from the callback function appears when I echo, alert or console.log.


in show_product.js


jQuery(document).ready( function() {

jQuery('#categoryListBox a').click ( function () {

var term_id_clicked = jQuery(this).attr('id');

alert ("Clicked " + term_id_clicked );

jQuery.post ( {

url: ajax.url, action: 'show_products', term_id: term_id_clicked, success: function ( data ) {

console.log (data), jQuery('#productBox').html(data)

}, error: function (errorThrown) {

console.log ("errorThrown"), console.log (errorThrown)



); // end jQuery.ajax

}); // end jQuery click


jQuery( document ).ajaxError(function( event, data, settings, exception ) {

alert( "Triggered ajaxError handler." +event+" "+data+" "+settings+" "+exception);


in show_all_products_by_category.php


All products by Category


$child_product_cats = get_terms( $child_args );

foreach ($child_product_cats as $child_product_cat)


$name = $child_product_cat->name;

$slug = $child_product_cat->slug;

$term_id = $child_product_cat->term_id;


= $child_product_cat->name?>

// the id is the slug of the subcategory, and the action is performed in the jQuery event




我一直在控制台中收到错误400错误的错误请求, 但在如何进一步调试方面感到困惑, 因为当我回声, 警报或console.log时, 没有出现回调函数的输出。




jQuery.post({url:ajax.url, action:’show_products’, term_id:term_id_clicked, success:function(data){

转换为这种格式, 现在返回200代码:

jQuery.post ( {

url: ajax.url, data : {

action : 'show_products', term_id : term_id_clicked

}, success: function ( data ) {

顺便说一句, 联系了WPEngine, 即使该站点处于”可转让”模式(需要用户名和密码), 这也不是问题。

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