


protected String computeNext() {/** The returned string will be from the end of the last match to the beginning of the next* one. nextStart is the start position of the returned substring, while offset is the place* to start looking for a separator.*/int nextStart = offset;while (offset != -1) {int start = nextStart;int end;int separatorPosition = separatorStart(offset);if (separatorPosition == -1) {end = toSplit.length();offset = -1;} else {end = separatorPosition;offset = separatorEnd(separatorPosition);}if (offset == nextStart) {/** This occurs when some pattern has an empty match, even if it doesn't match the empty* string -- for example, if it requires lookahead or the like. The offset must be* increased to look for separators beyond this point, without changing the start position* of the next returned substring -- so nextStart stays the same.*/offset++;if (offset > toSplit.length()) {offset = -1;}continue;}while (start < end && trimmer.matches(toSplit.charAt(start))) {start++;}while (end > start && trimmer.matches(toSplit.charAt(end - 1))) {end--;}if (omitEmptyStrings && start == end) {// Don't include the (unused) separator in next split string.nextStart = offset;continue;}if (limit == 1) {// The limit has been reached, return the rest of the string as the// final item. This is tested after empty string removal so that// empty strings do not count towards the limit.end = toSplit.length();offset = -1;// Since we may have changed the end, we need to trim it again.while (end > start && trimmer.matches(toSplit.charAt(end - 1))) {end--;}} else {limit--;}return toSplit.subSequence(start, end).toString();}return endOfData();}


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