


#pip install baidu-aip

from aip import AipOcr

#pip install xlrd

import xlrd

import os

#pip install csv23

import csv23

#pip install docx2txt

import docx2txt

#pip install pypiwin32

from win32com import client as wc

#pip install python-pptx

from pptx import Presentation

#pip install wand

from wand.image import Image

# 使用 wand 异常,缺少 ImageMagick 支持

# http://docs.wand-py.org/en/latest/guide/install.html#install-imagemagick-on-windows

# https://imagemagick.org/script/download.php#windows

# 使用 wand 异常,FailedToExecuteCommand `"gswin32c.exe"

# http://ghostscript.com/download/gsdnld.html



# 读取 txt 文件,返回文件内容

def readTxt(fileUrl):

content = ""

if os.path.exists(fileUrl):

with open(fileUrl, 'r') as f:

for l in f:

temp = l.rstrip(' ').rstrip().split(' ')[0]

content += temp.replace(' ','')

return content

.xls .xlsx

# 读取 excel 文件,返回文件内容

def readExcel(fileUrl):

content = ""

if os.path.exists(fileUrl):

excelfile = xlrd.open_workbook(fileUrl)

for name in excelfile.sheet_names():

sheet = excelfile.sheet_by_name(name)

sheet_rows = sheet.nrows

sheet_cols = sheet.ncols

for rowi in range(sheet_rows):

temp = sheet.row_values(rowi)

content += (''.join(map(str,temp))).replace(' ','')

return content


# 读取 docx 文件

def readDocx(fileUrl):

content = ""

if os.path.exists(fileUrl):

content = docx2txt.process(fileUrl)

content = "".join(content.split())

return content


# 读取 doc 文件,安装 pypiwin32,操作本地word程序,将doc 转为docx,再调用读取 docx 文件方法

def readDoc(fileUrl):

AbsolutePath = os.path.abspath(fileUrl)

word = wc.Dispatch('Word.Application')

doc = word.Documents.Open(AbsolutePath)

# 保存临时文件

doc.SaveAs(AbsolutePath + ".docx", 12, False, "", True, "", False, False, False, False) # 转化后路径下的文件



content = readDocx(fileUrl + ".docx")

# 移除临时文件

os.remove(fileUrl + ".docx")

return content



# 读取 csv 文件,返回文件内容,默认utf-8,如果解析不了,使用gbk解析

def readCsv(fileUrl):

content = ""

if os.path.exists(fileUrl):


with csv23.open_csv(fileUrl) as reader:

for row in reader:

content += (''.join(row)).replace(' ','')

except Exception as e:

with csv23.open_csv(fileUrl, encoding='gbk') as reader:

for row in reader:

content += (''.join(row)).replace(' ','')

return content


# 读取 图片 文件,返回文件内容

def readImage(fileUrl):

content = ""

if os.path.exists(fileUrl):

APP_ID = 'xxxxx'

API_KEY = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

SECRET_KEY = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

client = AipOcr(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY)

with open(fileUrl,'rb') as f:

img = f.read()

msg = client.basicGeneral(img)

for i in msg.get('words_result'):

temp = i.get('words')

content += temp.replace(' ','')

return content


# 读取 pptx 文件 ,默认读取正文,默认不读取表格,默认不读取图片

def readPptx(fileUrl,extend_table = False,extend_image = False):

content = ""

ppt = Presentation(fileUrl)

for slide in ppt.slides:

for shape in slide.shapes:

if not shape.has_text_frame:

# 提取图片文字

if extend_image and hasattr(shape,'image'):

# 图片存储本地

with open(shape.image.filename, 'wb') as f:



# 调用图片文字识别

content += readImage(shape.image.filename)

# 移除临时图片


# 提取表格内容

if extend_table and shape.has_table:

for row in shape.table.rows:

for cell in row.cells:

content += cell.text


content += shape.text

content = "".join(content.split())

return content


# 读取 ppt 文件,安装 pypiwin32,操作本地ppt程序,将ppt 转为pptx,再调用读取 pptx 文件方法

def readPpt(fileUrl,extend_table = False,extend_image = False):

AbsolutePath = os.path.abspath(fileUrl)

powerpoint = wc.Dispatch('PowerPoint.Application')

ppt = powerpoint.Presentations.Open(AbsolutePath)

# 保存临时文件

ppt.SaveAs(AbsolutePath + ".pptx")


content = readPptx(fileUrl + ".pptx",extend_table,extend_image)

# 移除临时文件

os.remove(fileUrl + ".pptx")

return content


# 读取 pdf 文件

def readPdf(fileUrl):

content = ""

# 将pdf文件转为jpg图片文件

# ./PDF_FILE_NAME 为pdf文件路径和名称

image_pdf = Image(filename=fileUrl,resolution=300)

image_jpeg = image_pdf.convert('jpg')

# wand已经将PDF中所有的独立页面都转成了独立的二进制图像对象。我们可以遍历这个大对象,并把它们加入到req_image序列中去。

req_image = []

for img in image_jpeg.sequence:

img_page = Image(image=img)


# 遍历req_image,保存为图片文件

for img in req_image:

ff = open(fileUrl+'.jpg','wb')



# 调用图片文字识别

content += readImage(fileUrl+'.jpg')

# 移除临时图片


return content

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