
package org.loon.framework.util.test;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

/** *//**
* <p>
* Title: LoonFramework
* </p>
* <p>
* Description:
* </p>
* <p>
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007
* </p>
* <p>
* Company: LoonFramework
* </p>
* @author chenpeng
* @email:[email]ceponline@yahoo.com.cn[/email]
* @version 0.1
public class ThreadPool ...{

private static ThreadPool instance = null;

// 优先级低
        public static final int PRIORITY_LOW = 0;

// 普通
        public static final int PRIORITY_NORMAL = 1;

// 高
        public static final int PRIORITY_HIGH = 2;

// 用以保存空闲连接
        private List[] _idxThreads;

// 关闭
        private boolean _shutdown = false;

// 线程数量
        private int _threadCount = 0;

// debug信息是否输出
        private boolean _debug = false;

/** *//**
         * 返回ThreadPool实例
         * @return
        public static ThreadPool getInstance() ...{
                if (instance == null) ...{
                                        instance = new ThreadPool();
                return instance;

// 初始化线程list
        private ThreadPool() ...{
                this._idxThreads = new List[] ...{ new LinkedList(), new LinkedList(),
                                new LinkedList() };

/** *//**
         * 同步方法,完成任务后将资源放回线程池中
         * @param repool
        protected synchronized void repool(Pooled repool) ...{
                if (this._shutdown) ...{
                        if (this._debug) ...{
                        // 优先级别判定
                        switch (repool.getPriority()) ...{
                        case Thread.MIN_PRIORITY:
                        case Thread.NORM_PRIORITY:
                        case Thread.MAX_PRIORITY:
                                throw new IllegalStateException("没有此种级别");
                        // 通知所有线程

} else ...{
                        if (this._debug) ...{
        public void setDebug(boolean debug)...{
        public synchronized    void shutDown()...{
                for(int index=0;index<=PRIORITY_NORMAL;index++)...{
                        List threads=this._idxThreads[index];
                        for(int threadIndex=0;threadIndex<threads.size();threadIndex++)...{
                                Pooled idleThread=(Pooled)threads.get(threadIndex);
        /** *//**
         * 以指定的优先级启动线程
         * @param target
         * @param priority
        public synchronized void start(Runnable target,int priority)...{
                Pooled thread=null;
                List idleList=this._idxThreads[priority];
                int idleSize=idleList.size();

                        int lastIndex=idleSize-1;
                        thread=new Pooled(target,"Pooled->"+this._threadCount,this);
                        case PRIORITY_LOW:
                        case PRIORITY_NORMAL:
                        case PRIORITY_HIGH:

/** *//**
         * 返回线程数量
         * @return
        public int getThreadsCount() ...{
                return this._threadCount;


package org.loon.framework.util.test;

/** *//**
* <p>
* Title: LoonFramework
* </p>
* <p>
* Description:
* </p>
* <p>
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007
* </p>
* <p>
* Company: LoonFramework
* </p>
* @author chenpeng
* @email:[email]ceponline@yahoo.com.cn[/email]
* @version 0.1
public class Pooled extends Thread ...{

private ThreadPool _pool;

private Runnable _target;

private boolean _shutdown = false;

private boolean _idle = false;

public Pooled(Runnable target) ...{

public Pooled(Runnable target, String name) ...{
                super(target, name);

public Pooled(Runnable target, String name, ThreadPool pool) ...{
                this._pool = pool;
                this._target = target;

public Pooled(String name) ...{

public Pooled(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target) ...{
                super(group, target);

public Pooled(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name) ...{
                super(group, target, name);

public Pooled(ThreadGroup group, String name) ...{
                super(group, name);

public Runnable getTarget() ...{
                return this._target;

public boolean isIdle() ...{
                return this._idle;

public void run() ...{
                while (!this._shutdown) ...{
                        this._idle = false;
                        if (this._target != null) ...{
                        this._idle = true;
                        try ...{


synchronized (this) ...{

} catch (InterruptedException ex) ...{
                        this._idle = false;

public synchronized void setTarget(Runnable target) ...{
                this._target = target;

public synchronized void shutDown() ...{
                this._shutdown = true;


package org.loon.framework.util.test;
/** *//**
* <p>Title: LoonFramework</p>
* <p>Description:线程池测试</p>
* <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007</p>
* <p>Company: LoonFramework</p>
* @author chenpeng    
* @email:[email]ceponline@yahoo.com.cn[/email]
* @version 0.1
public class ThreadPoolTest ...{

private static Runnable createRunnable(final int id) ...{
                return new Runnable() ...{
                        public void run() ...{
                                System.out.println("线程" + id + ",运行 ");
                                try ...{
                                catch (InterruptedException ex) ...{ }
                                System.out.println("线程" + id + ",结束");
        public static void main(String[]args)...{
                ThreadPool pool=ThreadPool.getInstance();
                 for (int i=1; i<=10; i++) ...{
                                         pool.start(createRunnable(i), ThreadPool.PRIORITY_HIGH);
                                         pool.start(createRunnable(i), ThreadPool.PRIORITY_LOW);

本文出自 “Java究竟怎么玩” 博客,请务必保留此出处[url]http://cping1982.blog.51cto.com/601635/130180[/url]



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