
Software developer interviews are rapidly evolving. Years ago, mastering data structures and common algorithms was enough to ace an interview and get a job. Today though, employers want candidates with real-world experience and skills.

软件开发人员访谈正在Swift发展。 几年前,掌握数据结构和通用算法足以赢得一次采访并找到一份工作。 但是今天,雇主们希望有现实经验和技能的应聘者。

That’s why many interviewers won’t even ask data structure or algorithm questions at all. Instead, they'll focus on proficiencies with full-stack technologies and collaboration skills.

这就是为什么许多面试官甚至根本不问数据结构或算法问题的原因。 相反,他们将专注于具有全栈技术和协作技能的熟练程度。

Job seekers would be wise to practice code challenges and take mock interviews to make sure they’re prepared. There are countless books and resources, such as Cracking The Coding Interview, and popular online code challenge websites.

求职者明智地练习代码挑战并进行模拟面试,以确保他们已做好准备。 有无数书籍和资源,例如《 Cracking The Coding Interview 》和流行的在线代码挑战网站 。

In addition to those resources, here are the best code interview prep platforms for developer candidates.


编码字节 (Coderbyte)

Helpful links: Website | Interview Prep | Blog | Pricing

有用的链接: 网站 | 面试准备 博客 | 价钱

Coderbyte, my website, is the only site to offer full-stack coding challenges, interview prep courses, and mock interviews. With 500+ challenges, articles, and videos across algorithm, front-end, and even database technologies, you can quickly assess and refine your skills for any role. We also showcase user-submitted and official solutions for all challenges.

我的网站Coderbyte是唯一提供全栈编码挑战,面试预备课程和模拟面试的站点。 借助算法,前端甚至数据库技术上的500多个挑战,文章和视频,您可以快速评估和完善您担任任何角色的技能。 我们还将展示针对所有挑战的用户提交的官方解决方案。

面试蛋糕 (Interview Cake)

Helpful links: Website | Interview Prep | Blog | Pricing

有用的链接: 网站 | 面试准备 博客 | 价钱

Frequently considered the best source for interview articles, tips, and content, Interview Cake is a crash course in getting a software development job.


They offer courses that are specific to leading technology companies, and provide guidance beyond solving coding problems, such as advice on how to effectively communicate with interviewers even when you don’t know the answer.


算法专家 (AlgoExpert)

Helpful links: Website | Interview Prep | Blog | Pricing

有用的链接: 网站 | 面试准备 博客 | 价钱

AlgoExpert is one of the original coding challenge websites. The site offers tons of video tutorials, certifications, and interview tips. Their interview prep includes a selection of 100 challenges across all types of technologies and roles.

AlgoExpert是最早的编码挑战网站之一。 该站点提供了大量的视频教程,认证和面试技巧。 他们的面试准备包括对所有类型的技术和角色的100个挑战的选择。

面试 (Interviewing.io)

Helpful links: Website | Interview Prep | Blog | Pricing

有用的链接: 网站 | 面试准备 博客 | 价钱

Interviewing.io takes a very unique approach to coding interview prep. Rather than providing content and practice coding challenges, Interviewing.io has a library of actual video interviews that you can watch, and you can pay to anonymously take a mock interview with an engineering hiring manager.

Interviewing.io采用一种非常独特的方法编写采访准备。 Interviewing.io没有提供内容和练习编码方面的挑战,而是提供了您可以观看的实际视频采访库,您可以付费匿名与工程招聘经理进行模拟采访。

You may still need to practice coding on another site, but this is a great investment to get actionable feedback.


Leetcode (Leetcode)

Helpful links: Website | Interview Prep | Blog | Pricing

有用的链接: 网站 | 面试准备 博客 | 价钱

Like Coderbyte and AlgoExpert, Leetcode is one of the original coding challenge websites. They offer many interview prep courses for tech companies and roles, and display the average scores for different cohorts of developers so you can easily benchmark.

像Coderbyte和AlgoExpert一样,Leetcode是最早的编码挑战网站之一。 他们为科技公司和角色提供了许多面试准备课程,并显示了不同组开发人员的平均分数,因此您可以轻松进行基准测试。

黑客地球 (HackerEarth)

Helpful links: Website | Interview Prep | Blog | Pricing: all content free

有用的链接: 网站 | 面试准备 博客 | 定价:所有内容免费

Famous for their coding competitions and hackathons, HackerEarth recently launched a feature for mock interviews.


They have a massive community of international developers and companies, so this is a great site if you are also looking to connect with a potential employer.


黑客排名 (HackerRank)

Helpful links: Website | Interview Prep | Blog | Pricing: all content free

有用的链接: 网站 | 面试准备 博客 | 定价:所有内容免费

Known for their recruiting tools, HackerRank also offers code challenges and interview prep for developers. There's no premium version, so you can access their strong library of challenges for free. It’s a good place to start for a job seeker that isn’t sure yet if they are ready to invest in premium interview prep.

HackerRank以其招聘工具而闻名,还为开发人员提供代码挑战和面试准备。 没有高级版本,因此您可以免费访问他们强大的挑战库。 对于尚不确定他们是否准备投资高级面试准备的求职者,这是一个很好的起点。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-best-code-interview-prep-platforms-in-2020/



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