
#!usr/bin/pythonimport comware
from time import strftime,gmtime,sleep
import signal
import os
import string
import commands
import hashlib#U can use 2 modes to obtain the config file
#- 'python_static'
#- 'python_serial_number'
python_config_file_mode = "python_serial_number"#Required space to copy config kickstart and system image in KB
required_space = 150000#Enable IRF function
#- True
#- False
irf = True#transfer information,TFTP传输的用户名密码,可以默认匿名登陆,只下载不上传
hostname = ""
protocol = "http" #可以使用FTP协议
vrf = ""
config_timeout = 120
irf_timeout = 120 #没有irf可以不用写??
image_timeout = 2100#Server File Path,服务器目录信息
server_path = ""  ##Loacl File path,本地目录信息
local_path = "flash:/"#cfg file path
cfg_dir = ""#Local config name,配置文件本地存放名称
config_local_name = "config.cfg"#Server config name,配置文件服务器存放名称
config_server_name = "config.cfg"#Local boot name,版本启动文件本地存放名称
boot_local_name = ""#Server boot name,版本文件服务器存放名称
boot_server_name = ""#Local patch name,补丁启动文件本地存放名称
patch_local_name = ""#Server patch name,补丁文件服务器存放名称
patch_server_name = ""#Local irf name,SN文件信息本地存放名称,用于配置IRF member ID
irf_local_name = "sn.txt"#Server irf name,SN文件信息服务器存放名称,用于IRF member ID
irf_server_name = "sn.txt"
python_log_name = ""#device type
device = ""#Local devcie version
local_version = ""#Server target version
server_version = ""#device infomation
device_list = {"S6800-54QF":{"version":"Release 2432P01","version_file":"S6800-CMW710-R2432P01.ipe","patch_list":["S6800-CMW710-SYSTEM-R2432P01H11.bin","S6800-CMW710-SYSTEM-WEAK-R2432P01H16.bin"],"cfg_dir":"","irf_server_name":"","irf":False},"S6820-56HF":{  "version":"Feature 6207","version_file":"S6820-CMW710-F6207.ipe","patch_list":[],"cfg_dir":"cfg/","irf_server_name":"","irf":False},"S5820V2-54QS-GE":{ "version":"Feature 6207","version_file":"","patch_list":[],"cfg_dir":"","irf_server_name":"sn.txt","irf":False}
}#Write Log File
def write2Log(info):global python_log_name, local_pathif python_log_name == "":try:python_log_name = "%spython_%s" %(local_path, "ztp.log")except Exception as inst:print instfd = open(python_log_name, "a")fd.write(info)fd.flush()fd.close()#get device infomationdef get_version():cmd_output = comware.CLI("display version",False).get_output()for line in cmd_output:if "Comware Software" in line:version = line.split(",")[-1].strip()return versionwrite2Log("\nGet version failure.")print "\n###Get version failure.###"return Falsedef check_patch(patch):cmd_output = comware.CLI("display install active",False).get_output()for cmd_line in cmd_output:if (patch.upper() in cmd_line) or (patch.lower() in cmd_line):return Truereturn Falsedef get_device():cmd_output = comware.CLI("display version",False).get_output()for line in cmd_output:if "uptime" in line:device = line.split(" ")[1].strip()print devicereturn devicewrite2Log("\nGet device type failure.") print "\n###Get device type failure###"return Falsedef get_device_info():global device,local_version,server_version,boot_local_name,boot_server_nameglobal patch_server_name,irf,cfg_dir,irf_server_namelocal_version = get_version()if local_version == False:return Falsedevice = get_device()if device == False :write2Log("\nThe %s is not in the list!" %device) print "\n###The %s is not in the list!###" %devicereturn Falseif device_list.get(device) != None:device_dic = device_list.get(device)server_version = device_dic.get("version")boot_local_name = device_dic.get("version_file")boot_server_name = device_dic.get("version_file")patch_server_name = device_dic.get("patch_list")cfg_dir = device_dic.get("cfg_dir")irf_server_name = device_dic.get("irf_server_name")irf = device_dic.get("irf")else:write2Log("\nThe %s is not in the list!" %device) print "\n###The %s is not in the list!###" %devicereturn Falsereturn Truedef check_version():if boot_server_name == "":print "\n###boot_server_name is None,No nedd Check Version###"boot_local_namereturn Trueif local_version == server_version:write2Log("\nThe version is consistent.")print "\n###The version is consistent.###"return Truewrite2Log("\nThe version is different,Please download later.Target version %s" %server_version)print "\n###The version is different,Please download later.Target version %s###" %server_versionreturn False
# get path according to the Chassis and Slot,貌似在获取交换机上的目录
def getPath(chassisID, slotID):global local_pathpath = ""obj = comware.get_self_slot()if (obj[0] == chassisID) and (obj[1] == slotID):return local_pathif chassisID != -1:path = "chassis%d#" % chassisIDif slotID != -1:path = "%sslot%d#%s" %(path, slotID, local_path)return path#Remove File,移动文件夹
def removeFile(filename):try:os.remove(filename)except os.error:pass#Cleanup one device temp files,清除设备配置文件、版本文件、补丁、MD5文件
def cleanDeviceFiles(str, oDevNode):global config_local_name, boot_local_name, irf_local_namesFilePath = getPath(oDevNode[0], oDevNode[1])if str == "error":if config_local_name != "":removeFile("%s%s" %(sFilePath, config_local_name))for patch in  patch_server_name:removeFile("%s%s" %(sFilePath, patch))if boot_local_name != "":removeFile("%s%s" %(sFilePath, boot_local_name))if irf_local_name != "":removeFile("%s%s" %(sFilePath, irf_local_name))removeFile("%s%s.md5" %(sFilePath, config_local_name))removeFile("%s%s.md5" %(sFilePath, boot_local_name))removeFile("%s%s.md5" %(sFilePath, irf_local_name))for patch in  patch_server_name:removeFile("%s%s.md5" %(sFilePath, patch))write2Log("\ndelete %s all files\n" %sFilePath) print "\n###INFO:\ndelete %s all files###" %sFilePath#Cleanup files,清除文件信息,主/备slot的文件信息清楚
def cleanupFiles(str):aSlotRange = []if ("get_standby_slot" in dir(comware)):aSlotRange = aSlotRange + comware.get_standby_slot()aSlotRange.append(comware.get_self_slot())i = 0while i < len(aSlotRange):if(aSlotRange[i] != None):cleanDeviceFiles(str, aSlotRange[i])i = i + 1#Verify if free space is available to download config, boot-loader image,检查剩余空间是否足够
def verifyfreespace(path):global required_spacetry:s = os.statvfs(path)freespace = (s.f_bavail * s.f_frsize) /1024write2Log("\nthe %s free space is %s" %(path, freespace))print "\n###the %s free space is %s KB###" %(path, freespace)if required_space > freespace:write2Log("\nthe %s space is not enough" % path)print "\n####the %s space is not enough####" % pathreturn Falseexcept Exception as inst:write2Log("\nverify %s free space exception: %s" % (path, inst))print "\n###verify %s free space exception: %s###" % (path, inst)return Falsereturn True#verify device freespace,确认设备剩余空间
def verifyDeviceFree(obj):path = getPath(obj[0], obj[1])if True != verifyfreespace(path):return Falsereturn True#check all mpu free space,检查所有的slot空间
def verifyAllFreeSpace():aSlotRange = []if ("get_standby_slot" in dir(comware)):aSlotRange = aSlotRange + comware.get_standby_slot()aSlotRange.append(comware.get_self_slot())bAllEnough = Truei = 0while i < len(aSlotRange):if(aSlotRange[i] != None) and (True != verifyDeviceFree(aSlotRange[i])):bAllEnough = Falsei = i + 1return bAllEnough
def doExit(str):if str == "success":write2Log("\nThe script is running success!")print "\n#### The script is running success! ####"  cleanupFiles("success")comd = "reboot force"comware.CLI(comd, False)  exit(0)if str == "error":write2Log("\nThe script is running failed!")print "\n#### The script is running failed! ####"cleanupFiles("error")exit(1)else:exit(0)#get Chassis and Slot,获取主控板的槽位号
def getChassisSlot(style):if style == "master":obj = comware.get_self_slot()if len(obj) <= 0:write2Log("\nget %s chassis and slot failed" % style)print "\n####get %s chassis and slot failed####" % stylereturn Nonereturn obj#获取启动软件包发生错误返回的信息
#signal terminal handler function
def sig_handler_no_exit(signum, function):write2Log("\nSIGTERM Handler while configuring boot-loader variables")print "\n####SIGTERM Handler while configuring boot-loader variables####"#软件升级过程发生错误时返回的信息
#signal terminal handler
def sigterm_handler(signum, function):write2Log("\nSIGTERM Handler")print "\n####SIGTERM Handler####"cleanupFiles("error")doExit("error")#从HTTP服务器上下载文件(后续用TFTP服务器)
#transfer file
def doCopyFile(src = "", des = "", login_timeout = 10):global username, password, hostname, protocol, vrfprint "\n###INFO: Starting Copy of %s###" % srctry:removeFile(des)obj = comware.Transfer(protocol, hostname, src, des, vrf, login_timeout, username, password)if obj.get_error() != None:write2Log("\ncopy %s failed: %s" % (src, obj.get_error()))print "\n####copy %s failed: %s####" % (src, obj.get_error())return Falseexcept Exception as inst:write2Log("\ncopy %s exception: %s" % (src, inst))print "\n####copy %s exception: %s####" % (src, inst)return Falsewrite2Log("\ncopy file %s to %s success" % (src, des))print "\n###INFO: Completed Copy of %s###" % srcreturn True#Get MD5SUM from md5ConfigFile,获取MDESUM
def getMD5SumGiven(keyword, filename):try:file = open(filename, "r")line = file.readline()while "" != line:if not string.find(line, keyword, 0, len(keyword)):line = line.split("=")line = line[1]line = line.strip()file.close()return lineline = file.readline() file.close()except Exception as inst:write2Log("\nget %s md5 exception: %s" % (filename, inst))print "\n####get %s mz'sd5 exception: %s####" % (filename, inst)return ""   #verify MD5SUM of the file,MD5校验,计算出文件的md5值和给的md5进行对比
def verifyMD5sumofFile(md5sumgiven, filename):if md5sumgiven == "":write2Log("\nverify %s md5 error: the %s md5 file is error" %(filename, filename))print "\n####verify %s md5 error: the %s md5 file is error####" %(filename, filename)return Falsetry:m = hashlib.md5()f = open(filename, 'rb')buffer = 8192while 1:chunk = f.read(buffer)if not chunk:breakm.update(chunk)f.close()md5calculated = m.hexdigest()except Exception as inst:write2Log("\nverify %s md5 exception: %s" % (filename, inst))print "\n####verify %s md5 exception: %s####" % (filename, inst)return Falseif md5sumgiven == md5calculated:return Truewrite2Log("\nverify %s md5 error: md5sumgiven is %s filemd5 is %s" %(filename, md5sumgiven, md5calculated))print "\n####verify %s md5 error: md5sumgiven is %s filemd5 is %s####" %(filename, md5sumgiven, md5calculated)return False#Check MD5 file,检查MD5文件,这是要下载md5文件了吧?
def checkFile(src, dest):src = "%s.md5" % srcdestmd5 = "%s.md5" % destbFlag = doCopyFile(src, destmd5, 120)if (True == bFlag) and (True == verifyMD5sumofFile(getMD5SumGiven("md5sum", destmd5), dest)):write2Log("\ncheckFile success: %s" % destmd5)print "\n####checkFile success: %s####" % destmd5return Trueelif (True != bFlag):write2Log("\n%s is not exist! Don't verify the MD5 file!" % destmd5)print "\n###INFO: %s is not exist! Don't verify the MD5 file!###" % destmd5     return Truereturn False #Get config file according to the mode,取到设备配置文件名称
def getCfgFileName():global config_server_nameif (python_config_file_mode == "python_serial_number") and (os.environ.has_key('DEV_SERIAL')):    config_server_name = "%sconf_%s.cfg" % (cfg_dir,os.environ['DEV_SERIAL'])return config_server_nameelse:return config_server_name#copy file to all standby slot,将文件copy到备的板卡上
def syncFileToStandby(sSrcFile, sFileName):try:aSlotRange = []if ("get_standby_slot" in dir(comware)):aSlotRange = aSlotRange + comware.get_standby_slot()i = 0while i < len(aSlotRange):if(aSlotRange[i] != None):sDestFile = "%s%s" %(getPath(aSlotRange[i][0], aSlotRange[i][1]), sFileName)removeFile(sDestFile)open(sDestFile,"wb").write(open(sSrcFile,"rb").read())write2Log("\nsync file to standby %s" % (sDestFile))print "\n####sync file to standby %s####" % (sDestFile)i = i + 1except Exception as inst:write2Log("\nsync file to standby %s exception: %s" % (sSrcFile, inst))print "\n####sync file to standby %s exception: %s####" % (sSrcFile, inst)#Procedure to copy config file using global information
def copyAndCheckFile(src, dest, timeout):global server_path, local_pathsrcTmp = "%s%s" % (server_path, src)sDestFile = "%s%s" % (local_path, dest)if (True == doCopyFile(srcTmp, sDestFile, timeout)) and (True == checkFile(srcTmp, sDestFile)):syncFileToStandby(sDestFile, dest)return Trueelse:srcTmp = "%sdefault_%s" %(server_path, src)if (True == doCopyFile(srcTmp, sDestFile, timeout)) and (True == checkFile(srcTmp, sDestFile)):syncFileToStandby(dest)return Truereturn False# split the Chassis and Slot,整合chassis_slot
def splitChassisSlot(chassisID, slotID):chassis_slot = ""if chassisID != -1:chassis_slot = " chassis %d"  % chassisIDif slotID != -1:chassis_slot = "%s slot %d" %(chassis_slot, slotID)return chassis_slot
def splitChassis(chassisID):chassis = " "if chassisID != -1:chassis = " chassis %d"  % chassisIDreturn chassis
def copyBootImage():global image_timeout, local_path, boot_server_name, boot_local_nameif boot_server_name == "":return Truesrc = "%s" % boot_server_namereturn copyAndCheckFile(src, boot_local_name, image_timeout)
def copyCfgFile():global config_timeout, local_path, config_local_namesrc = "%s" % getCfgFileName()return copyAndCheckFile(src, config_local_name, config_timeout)
def copyIrfStack():global irf_timeout, local_path, irf_local_name, irf_server_nameif irf_server_name == "" or irf == False:print "\n###irf_server_name is None,No need copy irf###"if True != renumber_id():return Falsereturn Truesrc = "%s" % irf_server_namereturn copyAndCheckFile(src, irf_local_name, config_timeout)
# Procedure to Install Boot Image
def installBoot(chassis_slot, sFile, style):result = Nonewrite2Log("\ninstall%s%s begin" %(chassis_slot, style))print "\nINFO: Install%s%s Start, Please Wait..." %(chassis_slot, style)comd = "boot-loader file %s%s%s" % (sFile, chassis_slot, style)try:result = comware.CLI(comd, False) if result == None:write2Log("\nboot-loader file %s%s%s failed" % (sFile, chassis_slot, style))print "\n####boot-loader file %s%s%s failed####" % (sFile, chassis_slot, style)return Falseexcept Exception as inst:write2Log("\nboot-loader %s exception: %s" % (sFile, inst))print "\n####boot-loader %s exception: %s####" % (sFile, inst)return False  return True
#Procedure to install boot image,升级交换机版本
def installBootImage():global boot_local_nameif boot_server_name == "":print "\n###boot_server_name is None,No need Install image###"return TrueaSlotRange = [comware.get_self_slot()]if ("get_standby_slot" in dir(comware)):aSlotRange = aSlotRange + comware.get_standby_slot()bInstallOk = Truei = 0while i < len(aSlotRange):sFile = "%s%s" %(getPath(aSlotRange[0][0], aSlotRange[0][1]), boot_local_name)if False == installBoot(splitChassisSlot(aSlotRange[i][0], aSlotRange[i][1]), sFile, " main"):bInstallOk = Falsei = i + 1return bInstallOk#Copy patch,下载补丁
def copy_patch():global image_timeout, local_path, patch_server_nameif len(patch_server_name) == 0:print "\n###INFO: Patch list is None,No need to copy patch###"return Trueprint "\n###INFO: Download patch Start###"for patch_name in  patch_server_name:src = "%s" % patch_namecopyAndCheckFile(src, src, image_timeout)return True#Install patch,安装补丁,并install commit使补丁下次设备启动还生效def installPacth(chassis, sFile , patch):result = ""if True == check_patch(patch):print "\n####INFO:The patch %s has been installed####" % patchelse:try:print "\n###INFO: Install patch %s###" % patchcommands = "install activate patch %s %s all" % (chassis,sFile)print commandscomware.CLI(commands, False)print "\n###INFO: Install patch %s success###" % patchexcept Exception as inst:write2Log("\nInstall patch %s filed.reason %s" % (patch, inst))print "\n####INFO:Install patch %s filed. reason %s####" % (patch, inst)return Falsecommands = " install commit"comware.CLI(commands, False)return Truedef installPatchImage():安装补丁,循环调用安装程序global patch_server_nameif len(patch_server_name) == 0:print "\n####INFO:Install patch list is None,No need to install patch####"return Trueslot = comware.get_self_slot()for patch in patch_server_name:sFile = "%s%s" %(getPath(slot[0], slot[1]), patch)if False == installPacth(splitChassis(slot[0]), sFile , patch):return Falsereturn True指定设备启动文件
def startupCfg():global local_path, config_local_nameresult = Nonedest = "%s%s" %(local_path, config_local_name)write2Log("\nstartup saved-configuration %s begin" %dest)print "\n###INFO: Startup Saved-configuration Start###"comd = "startup saved-configuration %s main" % desttry:result = comware.CLI(comd, False)if result == None:write2Log("\nstartup saved-configuration %s failed" % dest)print "\n####startup saved-configuration %s failed####" % destreturn Falseexcept Exception as inst:write2Log("\nstartup %s exception: %s" % (dest, inst))print "\n####startup %s exception: %s####" % (dest, inst)return Falsewrite2Log("\nstartup saved-configuration %s success" % dest)print "\n###INFO: Completed Startup Saved-configuration###"return True#从sn.txt中返回对应的sn号或者irf编号
def getIrfCfg(line, num):line = line.split()number = Noneif 3 == len(line):number = line[num]else :number = Nonereturn number  #获取设备当前的irf编号
def getMemberID():aMemId = comware.get_self_slot()memId = Noneif aMemId[0] == -1 :memId = aMemId[1]else :memId = aMemId[0]return memId#从sn.txt文件中获取renumber后的编号
def getNewMemberID():global irf_local_name, local_path, envfilename = "%s%s" %(local_path, irf_local_name)serNum = os.environ['DEV_SERIAL']reNum = Nonetry:file = open(filename, "r")line = file.readline()while "" != line:if (serNum == getIrfCfg(line, 0)):file.close()reNum = getIrfCfg(line, 2)return reNumline = file.readline()file.close()except Exception as inst:write2Log("\nget renumberID exception: %s" % inst)print "\n####get renumberID exception: %s####" % instwrite2Log("\nget %s renumberID failed" % filename)print "\n#### get %s renumberID failed ####" % filenamereturn reNum#确认设备已开启irf堆叠模式
def isIrfDevice():try: result = comware.CLI("display irf", False) if result == None: return Falseexcept Exception as inst: return Falsereturn True
def getIrfComd():comd = Noneif irf_server_name != "" and irf == True:newMemberID = getNewMemberID()else:newMemberID = 1aMemId = comware.get_self_slot()if None == newMemberID:return Noneif False == isIrfDevice():comd = "system-view ; irf member %s ; chassis convert mode irf" % newMemberIDelse:comd = "system-view ; irf member %s renumber %s" % (getMemberID(), newMemberID)return comd#确认设备sn号可以获取,又是需要堆叠的情况,开始进行堆叠,下发renumber的配置
def stackIrfCfg():global envif irf_server_name == "" or irf == False:print "\n###irf_server_name is None,No need irf###"return Trueif (not os.environ.has_key('DEV_SERIAL')):write2Log("\nenviron variable 'DEV_SERIAL' is not found!")print "\n####environ variable 'DEV_SERIAL' is not found!####"  return Falsecomd = getIrfComd()if None == comd:return Falseresult = Nonewrite2Log("\nstartup stack irf begin")print "\n###INFO: Startup stack irf Start###"try:result = comware.CLI(comd, False)if result == None:write2Log("\nstartup stack irf failed: %s" % comd)print "\n####startup stack irf failed: %s####" %comdreturn Falseexcept Exception as inst: write2Log("\nstartup stack irf exception: %s command: %s" % (inst, comd))print "\n####startup stack irf exception: %s command: %s####" % (inst, comd)return Falsewrite2Log("\nstartup stack irf success")print "\n###INFO: Completed Startup Stack Irf###"return True
#这里感觉配置有点多余,当获取到设备上的member id不是1的时候转为1,当配置中有chassis时需要undo chassis convert mode没太理解
def renumber_id():MemberID = getMemberID()comd = getIrfComd()if "chassis" in comd:comd = "system-view ; undo chassis convert mode"elif "renumber" in comd:if MemberID == 1:return Trueelse:comd = "system-view ; irf member %s renumber 1" % MemberIDelse:return Falsetry:result = comware.CLI(comd, False)if result == None:write2Log("\nrenumeber id failed: %s" % comd)print "\n####renumeber id failed: %s####" %comdreturn Falseexcept Exception as inst: write2Log("\nrenumeber id failed exception: %s command: %s" % (inst, comd))print "\n####renumeber id failed: %s command: %s####" % (inst, comd)return Falsewrite2Log("\nrenumeber id success")print "\n###INFO: Completed renumeber id###"return True#检查所有的备用slot状态是否正常
#check if all standby slots are ready
def ifAllStandbyReady():if (("get_slot_range" in dir(comware)) == False):return TrueaSlotRange = comware.get_slot_range()bAllReady = Truefor i in range(aSlotRange["MinSlot"], aSlotRange["MaxSlot"]):oSlotInfo =  comware.get_slot_info(i)if (oSlotInfo != None) and (oSlotInfo["Role"] == "Standby") and (oSlotInfo["Status"] == "Fail"):bAllReady = Falsewrite2Log("\nSlot %s is not ready!" %i)print "\n####Slot %s is not ready!####" %ireturn bAllReady#如果备用板卡没有ready,则每次等待10秒直到都变成normal状态
#if have any standby slot was not ready sleep for waiting
def waitStandbyReady():while ifAllStandbyReady() == False:sleep(10)#python main
#when download file user can stop script
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler)if (get_device_info() != True):doExit("error")
if (check_version() == True):if (True == copy_patch()) and  (True == copyIrfStack()) and (True == copyCfgFile()):signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sig_handler_no_exit)if (True == installPatchImage()) and (True == stackIrfCfg()) and (True == startupCfg()):doExit("success")
elif (True == verifyAllFreeSpace()) and (True == copyBootImage()):    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sig_handler_no_exit)if True == installBootImage():doExit("success")




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  5. python 装机配置_Python实现自动装机功能案例分析

    前言 提示:在管理服务器的过程中,发现有很多服务器在启动的过程中默认以PXE方式启动,这就导致我们无法将PXE装机程序放开到所有的交换机端口中,本文是以Python对dell服务器进行了一些控制,更多 ...

  6. 思科网络基础课件_网络自动化认证,你选对了吗?

    网络越来越依赖于软件,以及依靠工具来自动执行过往需要手动处理的功能.面对这种转型,网络工程师和管理人员应考虑获得自动化技能,而获取网络自动化认证可能是学习和发展这些技能的最佳方法. 现在网络自动化市场 ...

  7. paramiko模块_玩转网络自动化之Netmiko模块

    我们知道,服务器的硬件和操作系统软件已经完全解耦,硬件和软件可以分开购买,并进行按需安装. 但是网络设备专用性强,硬件和操作系统软件高度耦合,即使相同厂商的设备,不同类型网络设备间也是拥有不同的CLI ...

  8. [4G5G专题-62]:架构 - 开放的网络自动化平台ONAP(Open Network Automation Platform)

    目录 第1章 什么是开放的网络自动化平台ONAP 1.1 什么是ONAP? 1.2 什么是的网络自动化平台? 1.3 ONAP的动机与背景 1.4 ONAP的底层支撑技术 1.5 ONAP的前世 1. ...

  9. PXE和Cobble实现自动装机

    t    :PXE: 预启动执行环境,是由Intel开发的最新技术,工作于Client/Server的网络模式,支持终端通过网络从远端服务器下载映像,并由此支持通过网络启动操作系统,在启动过程中,终端 ...


  1. Android 中自定义控件和属性(attr.xml,declare-styleable,TypedArray)的方法和使用
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  15. LeetCode 319 灯泡开关[数学] HERODING的LeetCode之路
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  18. C语言数据结构 (清华大学出版社【严蔚敏版】参考)
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