mac beta回滚

Are you switching back to Outlook 2007 after trying out Office 2010 beta?  Here’s how you can restore your Outlook data and keep everything working fine after the switch.

试用Office 2010 Beta后,您是否要切换回Outlook 2007? 这是您可以还原Outlook数据并使切换后一切正常的方法。

Whenever you install a newer version of Outlook, it will convert your profile and data files to the latest format.  This makes them work the best in the newer version of Outlook, but may cause problems if you decide to revert to an older version.  If you installed Outlook 2010 beta, it automatically imported and converted your profile from Outlook 2007.  When the beta expires, you will either have to reinstall Office 2007 or purchase a copy of Office 2010.

每当您安装较新版本的Outlook时,它将把您的配置文件和数据文件转换为最新格式。 这使它们在新版本的Outlook中可以发挥最佳性能,但是如果您决定恢复到旧版本,则可能会导致问题。 如果安装了Outlook 2010 beta,它将自动从Outlook 2007导入并转换您的配置文件。当Beta到期时,您将不得不重新安装Office 2007或购买Office 2010的副本。

If you choose to reinstall Office 2007, you may notice an error message each time you open Outlook.

如果选择重新安装Office 2007,则每次打开Outlook时可能会看到一条错误消息。

Outlook will still work fine and all of your data will be saved, but this error message can get annoying.  Here’s how you can create a new profile, import all of your old data, and get rid of this error message.

Outlook仍然可以正常工作,并且所有数据都将保存,但是此错误消息可能会令人讨厌。 这是创建新配置文件,导入所有旧数据并摆脱此错误消息的方法。

Banish the Error Message with a New Profile


To get rid of this error message, we need to create a new Outlook profile.  First, make sure your Outlook data files are backed up.  Your messages, contacts, calendar, and more are stored in a .pst file in your appdata folder.  Enter the following in the address bar of an Explorer window to open your Outlook data folder, and replace username with your user name:

要摆脱此错误消息,我们需要创建一个新的Outlook配置文件。 首先,请确保备份您的Outlook数据文件。 您的消息,联系人,日历和更多内容存储在appdata文件夹中的.pst文件中。 进入资源管理器窗口中打开Outlook数据文件夹的地址栏下面,并与您的用户名替换用户名


C:\ Users \ 用户名 \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Outlook

Copy the Outlook Personal Folders (.pst) files that contain your data. Its name is usually your email address, though it may have a different name.  If in doubt, select all of the Outlook Personal Folders files, copy them, and save them in another safe place (such as your Documents folder).

复制包含您的数据的Outlook个人文件夹(.pst)文件。 它的名称通常是您的电子邮件地址,尽管名称可能不同。 如有疑问,请选择所有Outlook个人文件夹文件,将其复制,然后将其保存在另一个安全的位置(例如“文档”文件夹)。

Now, let’s remove your old profile.  Open Control Panel, and select Mail.  In Windows Vista or 7, simply enter “Mail” in the search box and select the first entry.

现在,让我们删除您的旧个人资料。 打开控制面板,然后选择邮件。 在Windows Vista或7中,只需在搜索框中输入“邮件”,然后选择第一个条目。

Click the “Show Profiles…” button.


Now, select your Outlook profile, and click Remove.  This will not delete your data files, but will remove them from Outlook.

现在,选择您的Outlook配置文件,然后单击“删除”。 这不会删除您的数据文件,但是会将其从Outlook中删除。

Press Yes to confirm that you wish to remove this profile.


Open Outlook, and you will be asked to create a new profile.  Enter a name for your new profile, and press Ok.

打开Outlook,将要求您创建一个新的配置文件。 输入新配置文件的名称,然后按确定。

Now enter your email account information to setup Outlook as normal.


Outlook will attempt to automatically configure your account settings.  This usually works for accounts with popular email systems, but if it fails to find your information you can enter it manually.  Press finish when everything’s done.

Outlook将尝试自动配置您的帐户设置。 这通常适用于使用流行电子邮件系统的帐户,但是如果找不到您的信息,则可以手动输入。 一切完成后,按完成。

Outlook will now go ahead and download messages from your email account.  In our test, we used a Gmail account that still had all of our old messages online.  Those files are backed up in our old Outlook data files, so we can save time and not download them.  Click the Send/Receive button on the bottom of the window, and select “Cancel Send/Receive”.

Outlook现在将继续运行,并从您的电子邮件帐户下载邮件。 在测试中,我们使用的Gmail帐户仍然在线上保留了所有旧邮件。 这些文件将备份到我们的旧Outlook数据文件中,因此我们可以节省时间,而无需下载它们。 单击窗口底部的发送/接收按钮,然后选择“取消发送/接收”。

Restore Your Old Outlook Data


Let’s add our old Outlook file back to Outlook 2007.  Exit Outlook, and then go back to Control Panel, and select Mail as above.  This time, click the Data Files button.

让我们将旧的Outlook文件添加回Outlook2007。退出Outlook,然后返回“控制面板”,然后选择“邮件如上所述”。 这次,单击数据文件按钮。

Click the Add button on the top left.


Select “Office Outlook Personal Folders File (.pst)”, and click Ok.

选择“ Office Outlook个人文件夹文件(.pst)”,然后单击“确定”。

Now, select your old Outlook data file.  It should be in the folder that opens by default; if not, browse to the backup copy we saved earlier, and select it.

现在,选择您的旧Outlook数据文件。 它应该在默认打开的文件夹中; 如果不是,请浏览到我们之前保存的备份副本,然后选择它。

Press Ok at the next dialog to accept the default settings.


Now, select the data file we just imported, and click “Set as Default”.


Now, all of your old messages, appointments, contacts, and everything else will be right in Outlook ready for you.  Click Ok, and then open Outlook to see the change.

现在,您所有的旧邮件,约会,联系人和其他所有内容都将在Outlook中为您准备就绪。 单击确定,然后打开Outlook以查看更改。

All of the data that was in Outlook 2010 is now ready to use in Outlook 2007.  You won’t have to wait to re-download all of your emails from the server since everything’s still here ready to be used.  And when you open Outlook, you won’t see any error messages, either!

Outlook 2010中的所有数据现在都可以在Outlook 2007中使用。您无需等待从服务器重新下载所有电子邮件,因为所有内容都可以在这里使用。 而且,当您打开Outlook时,也不会看到任何错误消息!



Migrating your Outlook profile back to Outlook 2007 is fairly easy, and with these steps, you can avoid seeing an error message every time you open Outlook.  With all your data in tact, you’re ready to get back to work instead of getting frustrated with Outlook.  Many of us use webmail and keep all of our messages in the cloud, but even on broadband connections it can take a long time to download several gigabytes of emails.

将您的Outlook配置文件迁移回Outlook 2007非常容易,通过这些步骤,您可以避免在每次打开Outlook时看到错误消息。 完整处理所有数据后,您就可以恢复工作了,而不用对Outlook感到沮丧。 我们许多人使用Webmail并将所有消息保存在云中,但是即使在宽带连接上,下载几GB的电子邮件也可能需要很长时间。


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