If you’re not particularly impressed with the screensaver system on your Kobo Ebook reader you can customize it to your heart’s content. Read on as we show you how to make a small modification to your Kobo that opens upon the possibility of really big changes to the screensaver.

如果您对Kobo电子书阅读器的屏幕保护程序系统没有特别的印象,可以根据自己的喜好自定义它。 请继续阅读,我们会向您展示如何对Kobo进行小幅修改,以使屏幕保护程序真正发生重大变化成为可能。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

If you’re familiar with ebook reader modifications you’re probably well familiar with the numerous hacks over the years intended to change the Kindle screensaver. That’s understandable as the default Kindle screensavers are a bit dry and not to everyone’s taste.

如果您熟悉电子书阅读器的修改,那么您可能已经熟悉了多年来旨在更改Kindle屏幕保护程序的众多黑客。 这是可以理解的,因为默认的Kindle屏保有点干,而且不符合所有人的口味。

In defense of the Kobo ebook readers, we happen to think they’ve done a really lovely job implementing a default screensaver system that can (if you set the settings to do so) pull the cover of the book you’re currently reading and display it fullscreen when the reader is not in use.


If you like the idea of putting book covers on your ebook reader it’s a really great system that works without any hacking at all. The image above is of a Kobo Aura unit with the full-screen book cover screen saver turned on.

如果您喜欢将书套放在电子书阅读器上的想法,那么这是一个非常不错的系统,可以完全不被黑客入侵。 上图是Kobo Aura装置的全屏书籍封面屏幕保护程序已打开的情况。

If you’re reading a book with a pretty cover it’s a nice solution; if you’d like to get creative and populate your ebook reader with images of your own selection, however, you’ll need to do a little bit of tweaking. Just like the Kindle you can hack the Kobo ebook readers to accept appropriately sized image as a custom screensaver.

如果您正在看一本封面精美的书,这是一个不错的解决方案。 但是,如果您想发挥创意并用自己选择的图像填充电子书阅读器,则需要做一些调整。 就像Kindle一样,您可以破解Kobo电子书阅读器,以接受大小合适的图像作为自定义屏幕保护程序。

我需要什么? (What Do I Need?)

First, a word of warning: none of the following modifications are approved by Kobo and all of them are created by the very dedicated hobbyists that make Mobileread such a great place for clever ebook reader tips, tricks, and hacks.


While we have never had a problem modifying Kindles, Nooks, and Kobos over the years using homegrown hacks, it would be remiss of us not to point out that there is always a potential hazard, however small, that you can end up with a big headache instead of a cool and functioning hack.


In order to apply the most current, as of this publication, screensaver modification you need to update your Kobo device to the most currently 3.15.0 Kobo OS release. The screensaver hack can be applied to the following Kobo models and requires you download the appropriate file from the Kobo developer sub-forum at Mobileread.com.

为了应用最新的屏幕保护程序修改,您需要将Kobo设备更新到最新的3.15.0 Kobo OS版本。 屏幕保护程序黑客可以应用于以下Kobo型号,并且需要您从Mobileread.com的Kobo开发人员子论坛下载适当的文件。

Each hardware version has a direct link to the file and then a direct link to the Mobileread discussion thread where it appears if you wish to do you own further reading. (Note: there is an overlap with some of the file links because several of the screensaver hacks apply to more than one version of the Kobo.)

每个硬件版本都有一个直接链接到文件,然后有一个直接链接到Mobileread讨论线程,如果您想自己做进一步的阅读,它会在其中出现。 (注意:某些文件链接存在重叠,因为一些屏幕保护程序黑客适用于多个版本的Kobo。)

Kobo Touch: Direct Link / Discussion Thread

Kobo Touch: 直接链接 / 讨论主题

Kobo Glo: Direct Link / Discussion Thread

Kobo Glo: 直接链接 / 讨论主题

Kobo Aura: Direct Link / Discussion Thread

Kobo Aura: 直接链接 / 讨论主题

Kobo Aura HD: Direct Link / Discussion Thread

Kobo Aura HD: 直接链接 / 讨论主题

Kobo Aura H2O: Direct Link / Discussion Thread

Kobo Aura H2O: 直接链接 / 讨论线程

Once you’ve downloaded the appropriate zip file for your device it’s time to apply the hack.


我如何应用黑客程序? (How Do I Apply The Hack?)

Compared to applying the screensaver hack to the Kindle, applying the screensaver hack to the Kobo ebook readers is much easier. You don’t need to jailbreak your Kobo and then apply the screensaver hack on top of the jailbreak, you can insert the screensaver hack right into the firmware without a jailbreak.

与将屏幕保护程序黑客应用于Kindle相比,将屏幕保护程序黑客应用于Kobo电子书阅读器要容易得多。 您无需先将Kobo越狱,然后在越狱之前应用屏幕保护程序黑客程序,就可以将屏幕保护程序黑客程序直接插入固件中而无需越狱。

加载hack (Loading the Hack)

To do so mount your Kobo device on your computer by plugging it in via the USB cable tether. When prompted “Would you like to connect your eReader to your computer to manage your files?” press “Connect”.

为此,请通过USB电缆线将Kobo设备插入计算机中。 当出现提示“您是否要将电子阅读器连接到计算机以管理文件?” 按“连接”。

Once the device is mounted, navigate to the attached storage and to the subdirectory \.kobo\ as seen in the screenshot below. Extract the .tgz file found inside the .zip file you just downloaded and place it within the /.kobo/ directory.

挂载设备后,导航至附件的存储和子目录\ .kobo \,如以下屏幕截图所示。 解压缩刚刚下载的.zip文件中的.tgz文件,并将其放在/.kobo/目录中。

Rename the extracted .tgz file to “KoboRoot.tgz”.

将提取的.tgz文件重命名为“ KoboRoot.tgz”。

应用技巧 (Applying the Hack)

Safely eject your Kobo ebook reader. The device will automatically restart and will go through the same sequence as it does when you perform a firmware upgrade (although the screensaver hack process takes less than 30 seconds whereas a full firmware upgrade takes much longer).

安全弹出您的Kobo电子书阅读器。 该设备将自动重启,并按照与执行固件升级时相同的顺序进行操作(尽管屏幕保护程序破解过程只需不到30秒,而完整的固件升级则需要更长的时间)。

After the device has restarted plug it back into your computer and remount the mobile storage using the same process outlined above.


Located in the root directory of your Kobo you will now see a /.ScreenSaver/ folder. Inside this folder, depending on which developer packaged your screensaver hack, you’ll find a small assortment of screensaver files. We’ll return to the actual screensavers in a moment, but in the meantime we need to make a small tweak to your Kobo’s settings. Eject the device one more time and leave it disconnected so you can access the on-device settings menu.

现在位于Kobo的根目录中,您将看到一个/.ScreenSaver/文件夹。 在此文件夹中,根据包装屏幕保护程序黑客的开发人员的不同,您会发现一小部分屏幕保护程序文件。 稍后我们将返回到实际的屏幕保护程序,但与此同时,我们需要对Kobo的设置进行一些小的调整。 再弹出一次设备并使其断开连接,以便您可以访问设备上的设置菜单。

关闭默认屏幕保护程序 (Turning Off the Default Screensaver)

As we discussed above the default screensaver is the cover of the last book you read, reduced in size by approximately 80%, with a wide white border, and the text at the top of the screen “Sleeping”. We need to instruct the Kobo to stop attempting to apply that screensaver so that our custom screensavers will load instead.

正如我们上面所讨论的,默认屏幕保护程序是您阅读的最后一本书的封面,该书的尺寸减小了约80%,带有宽白色边框,并且文本位于屏幕顶部“正在Hibernate”。 我们需要指示Kobo停止尝试应用该屏幕保护程序,以便改为加载我们的自定义屏幕保护程序。

To do so tap on the menu button in the upper right corner of the main Kobo interface.


Select “Settings” and then “Sleep and Power”.


In the Sleep and Power menu look for the “Screensaver” entry and uncheck “Show current read”.


What we really like about the Kobo screensaver hack (as opposed to the screensaver hacks for other ebook readers like the Kindle) is that you can very easily toggle between the existing system (displaying cover of the last read book) and the screensaver hack by simply checking and unchecking the screensaver options in the settings menu. If you decide a week from now that you’d really like to return to displaying the current book cover permanently (or temporarily) just hop in and check that box once more.

我们真正喜欢Kobo屏幕保护程序黑客(相对于其他电子书阅读器(如Kindle)的屏幕保护程序黑客),您可以轻松地在现有系统(显示上一本书的封面)和屏幕保护程序黑客之间切换,方法很简单在设置菜单中选中和取消选中屏幕保护程序选项。 如果您决定从现在开始的一周内真的要返回永久(或暂时)显示当前的书封面,只需跳进去并再次选中该框即可。

Now that we’ve installed the hack, we’ve learned where the screensavers are located, and we’ve learned how to turn the hack on and off, let’s take a look at what makes a good screensaver image and how to create our own.

现在,我们已经安装了该hack,我们已经了解了屏幕保护程序的位置,并且了解了如何打开和关闭hack,让我们看一下是什么构成了一个好的屏幕保护程序图像,以及如何创建自己的屏幕保护程序。 。

制作自定义屏保 (Making Custom Screensavers)

A good screensaver image translates well to black and white, has crisp lines, and is the exact resolution and pixels-per-inch (PPI) of the Kobo model you’re using. Before we proceed to the process of actually making the images, let’s look at a breakdown of the various resolutions and PPI of the various models so you’ll be ready with the right dimensions for your image editor.

良好的屏幕保护程序图像可以很好地转换为黑白图像,线条清晰,并且与您使用的Kobo模型的分辨率和每英寸像素数(PPI)相同。 在开始实际制作图像的过程之前,让我们看一下各种模型的各种分辨率和PPI的细目分类,以便为图像编辑器准备合适的尺寸。

Model Resolution PPI
Kobo Touch 600×800 167
Kobo Glo 768×1024 213
Kobo Aura 758×1024 212
Kobo Aura HD 1080×1440 265
Kobo Aura H20 1080×1440 265
模型 解析度 生产者价格指数
Kobo Touch 600×800 167
Kobo Glo 768×1024 213
工房光环 758×1024 212
Kobo Aura HD 1080×1440 265
工房光环H20 1080×1440 265

Using those values you can fire up your favorite image editor to create from scratch or crop-down images to the exact specifications for your device. If you wish to make a screensaver image for the Kobo Aura HD or Aura H20 (which have the same resolution and PPI) you’d create an image that was 1080 pixels wide, 1440 pixels high, and with a resolution of 265 pixels per inch. Let’s take a look at what that looks like in Photoshop, but you can adapt the steps to your image editor of choice.

使用这些值,您可以启动自己喜欢的图像编辑器,以从头开始或裁剪后的图像创建精确的设备规格。 如果要为Kobo Aura HD或Aura H20(具有相同的分辨率和PPI)制作屏幕保护程序图像,则可以创建宽1080像素,高1440像素,每英寸265像素的分辨率的图像。 。 让我们看一下Photoshop中的外观,但是您可以根据您选择的图像编辑器调整步骤。

In addition to the width, height, and resolution, you’ll also note we set the color mode to “Grayscale” and “16 bit”. There’s no sense including color data that can’t be displayed, so we might as well have fine-tooth control over what it looks like in grayscale before we ship it over to the device.

除了宽度,高度和分辨率外,您还将注意到我们将颜色模式设置为“灰度”和“ 16位”。 包括无法显示的颜色数据是没有意义的,因此在将其发送到设备之前,我们最好对它的灰度外观进行细齿控制。

Paste your image in, resize and crop it to fit the canvas you have, and then save it as a .png file. Make sure you keep the file name simple with no spacing or special characters (e.g. KoboScreensaver001.png).

粘贴您的图像,调整其大小并裁剪以适合您的画布,然后将其另存为.png文件。 确保使文件名简单,没有空格或特殊字符(例如KoboScreensaver001.png)。

Once you’ve saved the screensaver (or a few) simply copy them over to the /.ScreenSavers/ folder in the root of your Kobo device.


The next time you put your device to sleep you’ll be treated to your custom screensaver image.


Have a question about ebooks or the ebook reader you enjoy them on? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer it.

对电子书或喜欢的电子书阅读器有疑问吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com,我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/219056/how-to-add-custom-screensavers-to-your-kobo-ebook-reader/


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