Unable to find a specification for `xxxxx (~> x.x.x)` depended upon by Podfile. Unable to find a specification for `xxxx`


pod repo remove masterpod setup


pod install 或
pod update


遇到pod install或者pod update长时间卡在Updating local specs repositories


pod install  --verbose --no-repo-updatepod update --verbose --no-repo-update

解决代理产生的Failed to connect to port 54517: Connection refused问题

Failed to open TCP connection to (Connection refused - connect(2) for "" port 54517)


$ env|grep -I proxy$ http_proxy=
$ https_proxy=


$ unset http_proxy
$ unset https_proxy
$ env|grep -I proxy未输出任何结果


pod install 


pod install时出现 Unable to find a specification for `xxxx`相关推荐

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