











现在,来到我的选择3,(这里是代码):#a=(raw_input("Enter the staff's name: ")).capitalize()

a=(raw_input("Enter the staff's name: ")).capitalize()

with open('store.txt', 'r') as store:

reader = csv.reader(store)

for row in reader:

if row[0]==a:

print row



print "No staff with name %s is found in the database,please try again."%a



1) 如果我把名字写为“Leroy”,我会得到:Database

1)Register people

2)View People registered

3)Staff Details

Enter your choice over here: 3

Enter the staff's name: leroy

['Leroy', '55349234', 'ok@gmail.com']

No staff with name Leroy is found in the database,please try again


2) 现在当我在“Krut”中tpye时,它会说“在数据库中找不到名为Krut的员工,请再试一次。”存储.txt'

. 在

以下是我的源代码:import csv

print "Database"

print "1)Register people"

print "2)View People registered"

print "3)Staff Details"

choice=input("Enter your choice over here: ")

#This part takes the input from the user and then stores it in 'store.txt'

if choice==1:

a=input("Enter how many people to register: ")

for i in range(0,a) :

a=(raw_input("Enter the name: ")).capitalize()

b=input("Enter contact number: ")

c=raw_input("Enter the email ID: ")

d=raw_input("Enter your address: ")

with open ('store.txt','a') as store:




#This prints all the data in the file 'store.txt

if choice==2:

with open('store.txt', 'r') as store:

reader = csv.reader(store)

print"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "

for row in reader:

print 'Name:- '+row[0]

print 'Phone Number:- '+row[1]

print 'Email ID:- '+row[2]

print"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "

if choice==3:

#a=(raw_input("Enter the staff's name: ")).capitalize()

a=(raw_input("Enter the staff's name: ")).capitalize()

with open('store.txt', 'r') as store:

reader = csv.reader(store)

for row in reader:

if row[0]==a:

print row



print "No staff with name %s is found in the database,please try again."%a


if choice==4:

print "List"


What this program does basically is that it checks the entered name(a).But then if i type the name 'Leroy' it not only prints the

first line but also prints "No staff with name Leroy is found in the database,please try again." which is not required.And now if i

eneter a as Krut, it prints "No staff with name %s is found in the database,please try again." even though there is a name Krut in the

field.How do i get this done (i.e Enter Krut and then it should print row of 'Krut' that is "Krut,5537590,froost1999@outlook.com"

Also next i want is that (in choice 4) if they eneter the name , it converts the file's(store.txt) data into a listSo basically what

i can do with that would be like print elemenet [0] for name, element[1] for contact number,element[2] for email ID etc.Like it should

make the first line of code that is "Leroy,55349234,ok@gmail.com" into a list form ['Leroy','55349234','ok@gmail.com']

so that when the user asks for the contact detail of the specific person i can just print list.(1) to get

their phone number.



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