• JSON 指的是 JavaScript 对象表示法(JavaScript Object Notation)
  • JSON 是轻量级的文本数据交换格式
  • JSON 独立于语言:JSON 使用 Javascript语法来描述数据对象,但是 JSON 仍然独立于语言和平台。JSON 解析器和 JSON 库支持许多不同的编程语言。 目前非常多的动态(PHP,JSP,.NET)编程语言都支持JSON。
  • JSON 具有自我描述性,更易理解


JSON 数据的书写格式是:

key : value

JSON 值可以是:

  • 数字(整数或浮点数)
  • 字符串(在双引号中)
  • 逻辑值(true 或 false)
  • 数组(在中括号中)
  • 对象(在大括号中)
  • null

JSON 解析器实现原理

JSON 解析器从本质上来说就是根据 JSON 文法规则创建的状态机

输入是一个 JSON 字符串,输出是一个Table。



JsonLoader = {}
i = 1
json = ''function JsonLoader:getChar(str, i)--print(str, i)return string.sub(str, i, i)end-- 跳过空格、换行、制表符、回车
function JsonLoader:skipWhitespace()while (JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) == ' 'or JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) == '\n'or JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) == '\t'or JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) == '\r') doi = i + 1endend-- 处理逗号
function JsonLoader:eatComma()if (JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) ~= ',') thenprint('Expected ,')endi = i + 1end-- 处理冒号
function JsonLoader:eatColon()if (JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) ~= ':') thenprint('Expected :')endi = i + 1
end-- 是否为16进制数
function JsonLoader:isHexadecimal(char)return (char >= '0' and char <= '9') or (string.lower(char) >= 'a' and string.lower(char) <= 'f')
end-- 获取字符串
function JsonLoader:parseString()--print('parse String: ', i , 'times')if (JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) == '"') theni = i + 1local result = ""while (JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) ~= '"') doif (JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) == '\\') thenchar = JsonLoader:getChar(json, i+1)if ( char == '"'or char == '\\'or char == '/'or char == 'b'or char == 'f'or char == 'n'or char == 'r'or char == 't') thenresult = result..chari = i + 1elseif (char == 'u') thenif (isHexadecimal(getChar(json, i+2))and isHexadecimal(JsonLoader:getChar(json, i+3))and isHexadecimal(JsonLoader:getChar(json, i+4))and isHexadecimal(JsonLoader:getChar(json, i+5))) thenresult = result .. string.sub(json,i+2, i+5)i = i + 5endendelseresult = result .. JsonLoader:getChar(json, i)-- 如果字符串为数字,进行转换if tonumber(result) ~= nil thenresult = tonumber(result)endendi = i + 1endi = i + 1--print("parse String res: ", result)return resultendreturn nil
end-- 解析数值
function JsonLoader:parseNumber()--print('parse Number: ', i , 'times')start = iif JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) == '-' theni = i + 1end-- 解析数字,跳过首位0if (JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) == '0') theni = i +1elseif (JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) >= '1' and JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) <= '9') theni = i + 1while(JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) >= '0' and JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) <= '9') doi = i + 1endend-- 检测小数if(JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) == '.') theni = i + 1while(JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) >= '0' and JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) <= '9') doi = i + 1endend-- 检测科学计数法if(JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) == 'e' or JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) == 'E') theni = i + 1if(JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) == '-' or JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) == '+') theni = i + 1endwhile(JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) >= '0' and JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) <= '9') doi = i + 1endendif (i > start) then--print('parse Number res: ', tonumber(string.sub(json, start, i-1)))return tonumber(string.sub(json, start, i-1))endreturn nilend-- 解析关键字
function JsonLoader:parseKeyword(name, value)if (string.sub(json, i, i + #name) == name) theni = i + #namereturn valueendend-- 解析对象
function JsonLoader:parseObject()--print('parse Object: ', i , 'times')if (JsonLoader:getChar(json, i)== '{') theni = i + 1JsonLoader:skipWhitespace()local result = {}initial = truewhile (JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) ~= '}') doif (not initial) thenJsonLoader:eatComma()JsonLoader:skipWhitespace()endlocal key = JsonLoader:parseString()JsonLoader:skipWhitespace()JsonLoader:eatColon()local value = JsonLoader:parseValue()--print(key, value)result[key] = valueinitial = falseJsonLoader:skipWhitespace()end-- move to the next character of '}'i = i + 1--for k,  v in pairs(result) do--    print('202', k , v)----end--print('parse Object res: ', result)return resultend
end-- 解析值 递归调用其他方法
function JsonLoader:parseValue()--print('parse Value: ', i , 'times')JsonLoader:skipWhitespace()local valuelocal string = JsonLoader:parseString()local number = JsonLoader:parseNumber()local object = JsonLoader:parseObject()local array = JsonLoader:parseArray()local tr = JsonLoader:parseKeyword('true', true)local fl = JsonLoader:parseKeyword('false', false)local ni = JsonLoader:parseKeyword('null', nil)if string ~= nil thenreturn stringelseif number ~= nil thenreturn numberelseif object ~= nil thenreturn objectelseif array ~= nil thenreturn arrayelseif tr == true thenreturn trelseif fl == false thenreturn flelseif ni == nil thenreturn niend--local value = JsonLoader:parseString() or JsonLoader:parseNumber()--        or JsonLoader:parseObject() or JsonLoader:parseKeyword('true', true)--        or JsonLoader:parseKeyword('false', false) or JsonLoader:parseKeyword('null', nil)JsonLoader:skipWhitespace()--print('parse Value res:', value)return valueend-- 解析数组
function JsonLoader:parseArray()--print('parse Array: ', i , 'times')if (JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) == '[') theni = i + 1JsonLoader:skipWhitespace()local result = {}initial = truewhile (JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) ~= ']') doif (not initial) thenJsonLoader:eatComma()endlocal value = JsonLoader:parseValue()table.insert(result, value)initial = falseendi = i + 1return resultendreturn nilend-- 解析主函数
function JsonLoader:parse(input_file)print('start json parse')--res = {}--print(input_file)-- 读取文件local file = io.open(input_file, 'r')json = file:read('*a')file:close()print(json)-- json parse--print(JsonLoader:getChar(json, i))-- 判断首字符是否为'{'if (JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) == '{') theni = i + 1JsonLoader:skipWhitespace()-- 保存结果local result = {}initial = truewhile (JsonLoader:getChar(json, i) ~= '}')doif not initial thenJsonLoader:eatComma()JsonLoader:skipWhitespace()endlocal key = JsonLoader:parseString()JsonLoader:skipWhitespace()JsonLoader:eatColon()local value = JsonLoader:parseValue()--print("parse key- value: ",key, value)result[key] = value--print("273 res:", result[key])JsonLoader:skipWhitespace()initial = falseend-- move to the next character '{'i = i + 1return resultendreturn nil
endinput_file = 'a.json'local mytable = JsonLoader.parse(nil, input_file)print(' ---------------JsonLoader  res -------------')


JSON Parser with JavaScript

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