


Why Use Free Antivirus Software?

Computer viruses; We all dread them. Most of us even have a horror story or two about the damage they've done. Dozens of antivirus programs exist, with varying prices and different levels of effectiveness. Only this Antivirus download however, offers total PC protection for free. It's not some stripped down version of a paid product: it's the real deal. Scan any drive or file. Get in-depth reports on viral activity. Detect suspicious files that behave like computer viruses do. Even scan compressed .zip files, where viruses often hide. All in one attractive user-friendly interface.

Antivirus also includes a mechanism for you, the user, to submit any files you find suspicious to the Safe List. Get immediate feedback on possibly viral files: have any other users submitted it? Or has it already been declared PC-friendly and landed on the Safe List? Instant feedback, from our security experts and other PC-users.

When used in conjunction with our Firewall, your PC is being protected by two powerful tools to repel, track down, or destroy viruses, trojans and spyware. It's a free two-tiered security system that exceeds even the big guys out there. It's real protection...at no cost.

Unique Antivirus Features:
  • Proactive "intelligent" protection intercepts unknown threats
  • Automatic updates for the most current virus protection
  • Easy to use interface lets you install and forget: no annoying pop-ups or false alarms
  • Isolation of all suspicious files eliminates the chance of PC contamination
  • Defense + technology constantly protects you

Antivirus's quarantine system takes all necessary precautions, recognizing that when it comes to protection from viruses, software should go a few steps beyond the usual. This Antivirus has been built with intelligence: it recognizes typical viral behavior. Antivirus, upon detecting a suspicious file that could be a virus, will immediately place that file in "Antivirus Jail": the file is blocked, awaiting trial. If it's a viral invader, delete it.

Antivirus Important Features
Default Deny Protection™
Makes sure that only known PC-safe applications execute
Prevention-based security
Stops viruses and malware before they access your computer…so it isn't too late to stop them.
Auto Sandbox Technology™
The sandbox is a virtual operating environment for untrusted programs – ensuring viruses and other malicious software are completely isolated from the rest of your computer
Full strength, top notch virus detection and elimination
Our download offers free Antivirus protection that exceeds the protection offered by expensive security suites
Quarantine system to isolate suspicious files
Possible viruses are kept executing to ensure that nothing "sneaky" gets through
Personalized protection
Set virus scans to run on a schedule, when it's convenient for you
Spyware Scanning
Spyware Scanner detects and cleans malware infections in PC registry and disks.
Cloud based Antivirus
Cloud based antivirus scanning detects malicious file even if a user does not have up-to-date virus definitions.
Cloud based Behavior Analysis
Cloud based behavior analysis system detects zero-day malware INSTANTLY.
Cloud based Whitelisting
Cloud based whitelisting of trusted publisher easily identifies a safe file and vendor
Game Mode
Suppresses operations that could interfere with a user’s gaming experience such as alerts, virus database updates or scheduled scans.
Application Control
Provides users with the ability to lockdown their PC so only known good applications can run.
One-click scanning
Make sure your PC is clean with one simple button click
Easy and user-friendly interface
Simply install and forget, while Antivirus continues to protect
Real-time access to updated virus definitions
Get the most current protection possible against new viral strains
Unique "slider" to easily change your current security level
Change the behavior of Antivirus to reflect your security preferences at any given time
60 Days of FREE GeekBuddy live remote PC support
After installing your Comodo product, just click the GeekBuddy icon to have your Geek remotely fix virtually any PC issue you face, including Computer Troubleshooting, Printer & Email Setup, Software Installs, ID Protection Settings, and Live Virus & Spyware Removal。
Comodo's award-winning firewall provides users with prevention-based PC protection that slams the door shut on viruses, malware, and hackers.

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