
图表作文提示部分包括图表和文字要点提示两部分。图表的类型主要有:圆形(饼型)图(pie chart)、柱形图(直型图)(graph)、曲线图(chart)和数据统计表(表格)(table)。图表作文的写作内容包括综合理解、客观详述和主观表达。





As can be seen from the table, the past decade has witnessed dramatic changes in①______. While ②_______. It is obvious from the table that③_________.

What contributed to these changes? I think the reasons are as follows. To start with, ④______. Secondly, ⑤______ . What’s more, ⑥ _______. Last but not least, ⑦________.

In conclusion, ⑧_________. Moreover, ⑨ ________.

范文: How People Spent Their Holidays

Year 1990 1995 2000

Traveling 37% 51% 76%

Staying at home 63% 49% 24%

1. 上图所示为1990、1995、2000年某城市人们度假方式的情况,请描述其变化:

2. 请说明发生这些变化的原因。

3. 得出结论。

How People Spent Their Holidays

As can be seen from the table, the past decade have witnessed dramatic changes in the way people spent their holiday between 1990 and 2000.In 1990, 63% of people spent their holidays at home, while the figure dropped considerably to 24% in 2000. It is obvious from the table that people tended to be more and more mobile, and they wanted to get entertainment in the outside world.

What contributed to these changes? I think the reasons are as follows. To start with, with the rapid development of economy, people earn by far more money than they used to. Thus, people are able to afford traveling expenses. Secondly, people think it important to get well-informed about the outside world in this new era when everything is on the move. Traveling, of course, is a sure way to achieve this goal. What's more, in this competitive society, people are usually under great stress. However, it is not difficult to find traveling an effective way to relieve people's stress and get relaxation. Last but not least, by traveling outside, people are close to nature, which is not only beneficial to both their health and peace of mind.

In conclusion, people prefer to go traveling rather than stay at home during holidays for a combination of reasons. Moreover, it seems that this trend will last in the foreseeable future.


①描述图表 ②分三方面解释原因 ③下结论

1) During the period from _______to _______, ________rose from ________to _______, while _______ decreased from _______ to _______.

2) We believe that three reasons can account for this phenomenon. First,____. Second, ____. Third, _____.

3) ___.We are happy to see that things are becoming better and better nowadays. We can imagine that ___.

范文: Health Gains in Developing Countries

1.以下图为依据描述发展中国家的期望寿命(1ife expectancy)和婴儿死亡率(infant mortality)的变化情况


Health Gains in Developing Countries

During the period from 1960 to 1990, the life expectancy of developing countries rose from 40 years to nearly 60 years, while infant mortality decreased from 200 deaths per 1000 births to around 100.

We believe that three reasons can account for this phenomenon. First, economy develops quickly in developing countries during this period, and living quality improves significantly as a result. Second, people's health conditions also become better and better with the development of national health care systems. When they become richer and richer, they care more about personal health conditions. Third, medical sciences also develop at a fantastic speed, and it is much safer for mothers to give birth.

We are happy to see that things are becoming better and better nowadays. We can imagine that people will live longer and the infant mortality will again fall.


①描述图表 ②解释图表 ③补充解释

1) During the period between _______ and ________, ________ declined abruptly from _______ to ________, while ________ increased sharply from ________ to _______.

2) Several reasons can account for this phenomenon. Compared with _________ is much cheaper and more convenient__________ . Apart from that, _________.

3) However, there are still a number of people who _________, generally for two reasons. On one hand,________. On the other hand, ________.

范文: Film Is Giving Way to TV

1. 电影观众越来越少

2. 电视观众越来越多,因为……

3. 然而,还是有人喜欢看电影,因为……

Film Is Giving Way to TV

During the period between 1975 and 1985,film-goers declined abruptly from 85,000 to about 12,000, while TV-watchers increased sharply from 5,000 to more than 100,000.

Several reasons can account for this phenomenon. Compared with a film, TV is much cheaper and more convenient --you don't have to leave your house at all. Apart from that, you have many choices while watching TV, but a film concentrates on a certain topic.

However, there are still a number of people who enjoy going to the cinema, generally for two reasons. On the one hand, the audio-visual effect of a cinema is much better. On the other hand, in a quiet and comfortable place such as a cinema, you can concentrate on what you are watching and get the most of the film.




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