
Apple’s AirPods are one of the company’s most popular accessories, and they’re pretty great. Like all modern wireless headphones, they have firmware that sometimes needs to be updated for optimal performance. Here’s how to update the firmware on your AirPods.

苹果的AirPods是该公司最受欢迎的配件之一,它们非常棒。 像所有现代无线耳机一样,它们的固件有时需要进行更新才能获得最佳性能。 这是更新AirPods上固件的方法。

With no screen to speak of it can be easy to forget that wireless headphones often need firmware updates to make sure that hey work as well as they possibly can. Sometimes the updates even fix bugs that have been reported. If your AirPods are misbehaving, it’s always a good idea to check whether there are software updates available.

没有屏幕可言,很容易忘记无线耳机经常需要固件更新,以确保它们尽其所能。 有时,这些更新甚至可以修复已报告的错误。 如果您的AirPods行为异常,最好检查一下是否有可用的软件更新。

AirPods自动更新时 (When AirPods Automatically Update)

Thankfully, AirPods will normally update their firmware—a type of software that runs on the AirPods themselves—on their own. So long as a few prerequisites are met, you should never need to force your AirPods to update manually. Those prerequisites are:

值得庆幸的是,AirPods通常会自行更新其固件(一种可在AirPods上运行的软件)。 只要满足一些先决条件,您就无需强迫AirPods手动更新。 这些先决条件是:

  • Your AirPods are in their Charging Case.您的AirPods处于充电盒中。
  • The Charging Case is plugged in or placed on a Qi charger if using a Wireless Charging Case.如果使用无线充电盒,则可将充电盒插入或放置在Qi充电器上。
  • The AirPods are within range of a device to which they have previously been connected. That device also needs to have an internet connection.AirPods在先前已连接的设备范围内。 该设备还需要连接互联网。

That should be all that’s needed to make sure that your AirPods take care of any firmware updates automatically. It’s likely that this will happen without you realizing—when you charge your AirPods, for example.

这就是确保您的AirPods自动处理所有固件更新所需的全部操作。 例如,当您为AirPods充电时,很可能会在没有意识到的情况下发生这种情况。

There are some times you may wish to kick an update off manually, however. First, let’s check which version of software the AirPods are running currently.

但是,有时您可能希望手动启动更新。 首先,让我们检查一下AirPods当前正在运行的软件版本。

如何检查您的AirPods正在运行的固件 (How to Check Which Firmware Your AirPods are Running)

With your AirPods in their Charging Case, open the lid near your iPhone. Dismiss the on-screen battery indicator that appears and then open the Settings app.

将AirPods放入充电盒中时,打开iPhone附近的盖子。 消除出现的屏幕上的电池指示器,然后打开“设置”应用程序。

Inside the Settings app, tap the “General” button.


Next, tap “About” to progress.


Scroll to the bottom of the screen, and you will notice your AIrPods listed. Tap their entry.

滚动到屏幕底部,您会注意到列出了AIrPods。 点按他们的条目。

This screen will show you the current version of the firmware installed on your AirPods.


如何强制进行AirPods固件更新 (How to Force an AirPods Firmware Update)

If you find that a new version of the AirPods firmware is available, but not yet installed, you can try forcing your AirPods to update.


To do so, put your AirPods into their Charging Case, start charging the case, and place it near your iPhone. Next, open the cover and then dismiss the on-screen battery display.

为此,请将AirPods放入其充电盒中,开始充电,然后将其放在iPhone附近。 接下来,打开盖子,然后关闭屏幕上的电池显示屏。

That should be all that’s needed. You may not have to plug your AirPod case in to charge (or charge wirelessly, if you have a new case that charges wirelessly) if you have enough battery power. However, charging will ensure that your AirPods try updating and don’t delay the update to save battery.

那应该是所有需要的。 如果您有足够的电池电量,则可能不必插入AirPod外壳即可充电(或者,如果有新的外壳可以无线充电,则可以无线充电)。 但是,充电将确保您的AirPods尝试更新,并且不会延迟更新以节省电池。

You won’t see anything on-screen to suggest an update is underway, which isn’t ideal. However, leave your AirPods for a few minutes and then follow the process above to check the current firmware version. It should have changed to the new version.

您不会在屏幕上看到任何暗示正在进行更新的消息,这并不理想。 但是,将AirPods放置几分钟,然后按照上述过程检查当前固件版本。 它应该已经更改为新版本。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/409105/how-to-update-your-airpods-firmware/



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