
什么是Web 3D? (What Is Web 3D?)

Web 3D is a term used to describe interactive 3D content included in an HTML page, viewable by a common Web browser via a special 3D viewer. It uses the concept of Web 3D also indicate a possible evolution of the Web where the idea was abandoned page and you are immersed in an interactive three-dimensional space.

Web 3D是一个术语,用于描述HTML页面中包含的交互式3D内容,可以由普通的Web浏览器通过特殊的3D查看器查看。 它使用Web 3D的概念,也表明了Web可能的发展,其中该想法被放弃了,而您却沉浸在交互式三维空间中。

Web 3D的历史 (History of Web 3D)

In the beginning was VRML, a textual language can describe a 3D environment, to appear on the scene of 3D technologies designed exclusively for Web applications. That was in 1994 when Tim Berners-Lee and Dave Raggett, during the first annual conference on the World Wide Web in Geneva (town), began seriously to think of a common language for describing scenarios and 3D Hyperlink with the Web was born the first version of VRML, a programming language that promised to give Internet users browsing in 3D.

最初是VRML,一种文字语言可以描述3D环境,出现在专门为Web应用程序设计的3D技术的场景中。 那是在1994年,当时蒂姆·伯纳斯·李(Tim Berners-Lee)和戴夫·拉格特(Dave Raggett)在日内瓦(镇)召开的第一届年度万维网会议上,开始认真考虑一种用于描述场景的通用语言,并且3D超链接网络诞生于第一时间。 VRML的一种版本,一种编程语言,有望为Internet用户提供3D浏览功能。

After a brilliant start and full of expectations, which were born many companies ready to move in this new field of research and develop new standards for a large economic return, the promises were not kept and navigation in three dimensions was only a utopia. Many companies 3D walked off the job and changed activities, leaving in fact this promising project in a state of deadlock. The causes of this failure may be primarily sought in purely technological factors and a lack of participation in the project from major software houses. But we see better what it is: the 3D environments require the use of hardware with certain characteristics that the market then was not able to offer.

在经历了辉煌的开端和充满期望的诞生之后,许多公司已准备好进入这一新的研究领域,并为获得巨大的经济回报制定新的标准,但诺言并没有兑现,在三个维度上的航行只是乌托邦。 许多公司3D退出工作并改变了活动,实际上,这个有前途的项目陷入了僵局。 可能导致这种失败的原因主要是纯粹出于技术因素,而主要软件公司缺乏对该项目的参与。 但是我们可以更好地了解它是什么:3D环境要求使用具有市场无法提供的某些特征的硬件。

Moreover, the lack of support by browsers made it awkward integration scenario in the 3D browser you use. Other causes can be traced to the sophisticated technical skills specific to the new technology required, lacking in web design, and little willingness on the part of companies to software companies to establish a standard that would be “open.”

而且,由于浏览器缺乏支持,因此在您使用的3D浏览器中出现了尴尬的集成方案。 其他原因可以追溯到特定于所需新技术的复杂技术技能,缺乏网页设计以及公司不愿软件公司建立“开放”标准的意愿。

Furthermore, because of this condition, many leading companies like Macromedia have developed their own standards on which to base their applications, thereby introducing a real competition between proprietary and standard open source VRML instead.


At this point it was thought that VRML was a total failure will disappear very soon in the world of 3D technologies for the Web, but did not. With the creation of a new group in 1996, the VRML Consortium, later called Web 3D Consortium is promoting the use of VRML with a strong market orientation. The current version of the language is but the successor to VRML97 and X3D is the future evolution, standards founded with support from Microsoft, Sun Microsystems and the W3C, which is based on XML language and carries with it significant improvements.

在这一点上,人们认为VRML完全失败了,它将很快在Web的3D技术领域消失,但是并没有消失。 随着1996年成立了一个新的小组,VRML联盟(后来称为Web 3D联盟)正在以强大的市场定位促进VRML的使用。 该语言的当前版本是VRML97和X3D的继承者,但它是未来的发展,它是在Microsoft,Sun Microsystems和W3C的支持下建立的标准,该标准基于XML语言并进行了重大改进。

As already mentioned, this situation of duality between the desire to develop a standard open source and the willingness of companies to create closed source applications, trying to assert its technology on others, not led to any conclusion and did not has reached the standard definition of a winning sharply on others. The current situation is therefore to have a wide variety of solutions for 3D applications on the Web, where there is a considerable number of companies that perform services for 3D pure commercial purposes, each of which develops its own player.

如前所述,在开发标准开放源代码的愿望与公司创建封闭源代码应用程序的意愿,试图将其技术断言为他人的意愿之间存在双重性的情况,没有得出任何结论,也没有达到标准的定义。在别人身上大获全胜。 因此,当前的情况是要为Web上的3D应用程序提供各种各样的解决方案,其中有很多公司为3D纯商业目的提供服务,每个公司都开发自己的播放器。

Therefore you today is to install a substantial amount of plug-in for 3D player to view all the 3D content currently available on the web.


用于创建3D场景的工具 (Tools for creating 3D scenes)

Currently there are several tools used for creating 3D scenes. However, from the beginning these tool/s were used: markup language for creating 3D scenes adapted to an HTML page.

当前,有几种用于创建3D场景的工具。 但是,从一开始就使用了以下工具:用于创建适合HTML页面的3D场景的标记语言。

Some markup languages are best known are:


  • VRML虚拟现实
  • X3DX3D

These formats can be viewed from an HTML page through the plugin.


In addition to these standard models used to describe 3D scenes, the other sector technologies used with other characteristics: we are talking about libraries and in some cases of genuine software to create 3D environments that rely on OpenGL graphics library base, without making use of standard markup languages.


In order to exploit the features of multi-language and multi-platform OpenGL, were developed many bindings for this library in many languages. Among the most important are the OpenSceneGraph library, and the innovative 3D Java library that relies on OpenGL for hardware acceleration. Sun Microsystems has also released an open source library that provides bindings to OpenGL commands in Java. This library is called JOGL.

为了利用多语言和多平台OpenGL的功能,为此库开发了许多语言的许多绑定。 其中最重要的是OpenSceneGraph库,以及依靠OpenGL进行硬件加速的创新3D Java库。 Sun Microsystems还发布了一个开源库,该库提供Java中与OpenGL命令的绑定。 该库称为JOGL。

Google has also created a library to build 3D scenes on the Web This O3D, made with the intention of rapidly becoming a major standard on 3D Web

Google还创建了一个库,用于在Web上构建3D场景。此O3D旨在Swift成为3D Web的主要标准

Web 3D应用程序 (Web 3D Applications)

Often, 3D technology is used on the World Wide Web in order to view land and three-dimensional maps. The use of scenarios makes it very realistic 3D map of the consultation and thus facilitates its understanding of users. This application is called Geo-Viewers (but Viewers or Map-Terrain-Viewers).

通常,万维网上使用3D技术来查看陆地和三维地图。 场景的使用使其成为非常现实的咨询3D地图,从而有助于其对用户的理解。 此应用程序称为地理查看器(但查看器或地图地形查看器)。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到 。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-is-web-3d/


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